Ten Trillion Beasts, My Pet Has Smashed The Heavens

Chapter 572: Going To Longyang College To Meet The Dean

"You guy, you're finally willing to come back." Hu Ran said rudely to Lin Bei as soon as he came in.

After Lin Bei entered the army, Hu Ran was asked to help recruit troops and arrange for training. The most annoying thing was that she paid for these things.

Half of the profits made will go to Lin Bei.

The expansion of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has greatly limited the speed. If not for these restrictions, Hu Ran believes that the scale of the current Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce will be even larger.

Now in the Qingyan Kingdom, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce is the most powerful competitor of Wanbao Trading Company.

However, the good things Lin Bei provided made the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce a lot of money.

"Isn't the war over, of course we are back, why, we are back, are you not happy?" Lin Bei smiled.

Of course Lin Bei knew that Hu Ran said it casually.

"Of course I'm happy. I was busy with something just now, so I came to see you now. However, I have already booked a private room at Longyang Restaurant. When you come back, I have to take care of you." Hu Ran smiled.

This smile is so charming.

Not only Lin Bei felt absent-minded, but even Lin Long and the other three were absent.

This Hu Ran is so charming.

"Cough, then let's go to the restaurant to have a meal first, call Tang Yue and the others, and Lei Yan and the others." Lin Bei said.

Lin Linger was still on the side, so she couldn't go too far.

"Don't worry, I have already informed them, I believe, they are all waiting for us there." Hu Ran gave Lin Bei a blank look.

She does things, can you still worry?

"So good." Lin Bei said.

Everyone came to Longyang Restaurant.

"Boss." After Lei Yan saw Lin Bei, he got up and said respectfully.

After working for Lin Bei, Lei Yan's income has soared, and his cultivation resources are also sufficient. More than two years ago, he was still at the fifth level of the Wuzong Realm.

Now he is already at the ninth level of Wuzongjing, and his strength has increased by a lot.

These are the benefits of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, and the strength has improved so quickly.

The previous Lei Yan's income was low, and he didn't have much resources to spend on himself, so his strength increased very slowly.

When he is old, he is only at the fifth level of Wu Zongjing.

After working in the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, he was qualified to take many precious elixir, which was assigned to them by Lin Bei.

Lei Yan's talent has also been improved to a certain extent, and with the support of a lot of resources, he has entered the ninth level of Wuzongjing.

This life is very likely to enter the realm of King Wu.

If you have entered the Martial Emperor Realm, if you still have a lot of resources to support, it is not impossible to enter the Martial Emperor Realm.

Of course, these are all things in the future.

"Hmm." Lin Bei nodded.

Lei Yan is now very fortunate that Lin Bei was recruited into Longyang Academy, which brought him such great benefits.

Xiaochun and the others did not come because none of them were in Longyang City.

Now the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce is very large, with branches in dozens of counties and towns in the Qingyan Kingdom, and business is booming.

In particular, the business of medicinal pills and spirit soldiers is doing very well.

Because, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce had a huge alchemy team and a huge weapon refining team.

These are the foundations of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

Master Wang is also here. Now Master Wang has become a fifth-order alchemist. Moreover, Master Wang's cultivation has also improved, and he has entered the seventh level of Wuzong Realm.

It seems that in the past two years, Master Wang has not been lazy.

It can be said that everyone has made progress.

In fact, Hu Ran has made great progress, and now Hu Ran has actually entered the second level of the King of Martial Arts.

When he saw Hu Ran just now, Lin Bei was also shocked. This Hu Ran's talent is also extremely high.

Hu Ran is only twenty-eight now, right?

Two years ago, when Lin Bei met Hu Ran when he was in the county seat of Yanyang County, Hu Ran was twenty-six years old at the time, and Hu Ran was at the fifth level of Wu Zongjing.

Now that she has become the president of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, aren't many resources at her disposal?

The other subordinates can get a lot of resource support, is her resource too few?

Therefore, her cultivation level is also advancing by leaps and bounds, and Lin Bei also sent someone to give her a Wu Zunjing Inheritance Inner Pill to her, which made her even more powerful. Not surprisingly, her talent is already very good.

When she was working in Wanbao before, although she earned about one million taels a month, this amount of money was not enough to buy cultivation resources.

If you want to quickly improve your strength, you still need better quality, and similarly, more expensive cultivation resources.

Master Wang now has great respect for Lin Bei. Now that the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce is strong, Master Wang sees it in his eyes.

And with the help of Lin Bei, he became a fifth-order alchemist, and now he is only grateful to Lin Bei.

After everyone had a meal, they went back.

Lin Bei also returned to the small yard he bought in Longyang City.

Before Lin Bei bought a small yard, Lin Bei and Lin Linger together.

However, the two slept in separate rooms, each in a room.

The next day, Lin Bei went to meet Dean Lu of Longyang College, Long Feitian, and the Vice Dean, Long Zaitian.

"I have met the dean and the vice dean." After Lin Bei saw the two, he gave a junior salute.

These two deans, Lin Bei still has a good impression of them, so Lin Bei is willing to salute them as juniors.

Even though Lin Bei's cultivation is now at the fourth level of the Martial King Realm.

In two years, Vice-President Long Zaitian has also entered the first level of King Wujing from the tenth level of Wu Zongjing.

As for Long Feitian, he was at the fifth level of the King Wujing realm two years ago, but now he is at the sixth stage of the King Wujing realm. Lin Bei was greatly surprised by this progress.

"Haha, okay, just come back." Long Feitian looked at the crowd in front of him with a look of joy.

"Lin Bei, I didn't expect you to be so evil. I've heard about your war on the border. Many people outside have reported your achievements. You killed twenty-five martial emperors by yourself. It is an incredible feat to kill hundreds of warriors in the Martial King Realm with a sound-based martial skill." Long Feitian sighed.

Of course Long Feitian knew that Ye Lin's real identity was Lin Bei, and he wrote the letter of recommendation back then.

Moreover, Lin Bei defeated the black barbarian army, because it was found that Lin Bei was from Longyang College, so the king sent someone to send a heavy gift to Longyang College, so that the warehouse of Longyang College was filled with silver. up.

With the Longyang Academy after the cultivation tower, the number of students has increased.

After Long Feitian and Long Zaitian knew about Lin Bei's strength, they felt that their Longyang Academy was promising for this time's youth competition.

The chance of winning the first place in the competition is extremely high. After all, Lin Bei can kill even the strongest in the Martial Emperor Realm. Could it be that among his peers, is there a more enchanting genius than Lin Bei?

That chance is too low.

Both deans can predict that their Longyang Academy will usher in the opportunity to rise again.

"That's just a fluke." Lin Bei smiled.

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