Li Xiaobai put forward a strategic plan to divide the current Dahan region into four major war zones.

To compete with Cao Wei, one had to develop economic and military power, which undoubtedly involved the rational use of talent.

Liu Bei was full of expectation, and asked: "In Xiaobai's opinion, who should be used as the governor of these four major war zones?" Li Xiaobai

waved his feather fan: "Xiangyang and Fancheng are the first line of the Northern Expedition, and Wei Yan can serve as the governor of Xiangyang, Ma Liangfuzhi, Liu Yin and Wang Ping guard Fancheng."

After hearing this suggestion, not only Liu Bei, but even Zhuge Liang was stunned.

"Wei Yan is appointed as the governor of Xiangyang, who will guard the Hanzhong?" Liu

Bei was not worried about Wei Yan's ability and loyalty.

At that time, he specially promoted Wei Yan to serve as the imperial guard of Hanzhong, which shocked all the generals.

Especially Zhang Fei, he thought that the position of Taishou was none other than him, but it turned out to be Wei Yan.

It can be seen that Liu Bei has the wisdom to read people, and Wei Yan is indeed of great use.

Now that the pattern has changed, after Guan Yu's death, Li Xiaobai naturally has to reconsider the candidate.

Wei Yan was capable and a staunch supporter of the Northern Expedition, and it was fitting that he should serve as the vanguard general of the Northern Expedition.

Wang Ping and Liu Yin were both good generals, guarding Fancheng, the forefront of Jingxiang, thinking that they were the power of horns.

As for the governor of Hanzhong, he had a candidate in his heart.

"Your Majesty, the governor of Hanzhong will be served by Ma Chao, assisted by Huang Quan and Fei Yi, and then transferred to Guan Xing, Goufu, plus Ma Dai and others will jointly guard. Speaking

of this, Li Xiaobai stopped.

Although Liu Bei obeyed him, the reuse of Ma Chao was very important.

Li Xiaobai did not dare to make a claim, so he had to see what the two leaders meant.

To his surprise, Liu Bei was only silent for a moment before he readily agreed.

"Xiaobai, I and the prime minister can rest assured that you will do things, so we will do what you want.

Li Xiaobai bowed his hand: "Your Majesty Xie and Prime Minister Cheng's trust."

In Li Xiaobai's view, Ma Chao has become more calm and trustworthy after the baptism of years.

Now that the establishment of the Three Kingdoms is a foregone conclusion, Ma Chao has no space and conditions for rebellion.

Excluding this possibility, it is most appropriate for him to guard the Han.

Ma Chao is mighty and cool, has rich battlefield experience, and has excellent command ability.

Together with the assistance of Huang Quan and Fei Yi, it will be of great help to win Yongliang in the future.

If you take the Yongliang, you can get excellent war horses, open up the Silk Road, and the wealth will roll in.

"In addition, Prime Minister Cheng sits in Yizhou, and can develop bamboo rice and corn outward in Chengdu and Hanzhong, reducing losses in the process of transporting grain in Shu Road, and facilitating our army to send troops to destroy Wei at any time."

After Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang heard this, they both nodded in agreement.

Speaking of bamboo rice and corn, Zhuge Liang looked excited.

"Xiaobai, since your crusade, I have planted two acres of rice fields and three acres of corn at home, and I just harvested a few days ago, harvesting more than fifty stone of rice and forty stone of corn.

Hearing this result, Liu Bei was overjoyed: "In a few years, my great Han will definitely be prosperous, and the people will be able to live a good life."

Li Yizhi listened earnestly from the sidelines.

"If so, it is really immeasurable merit!" Li

Yizhi sighed with emotion: "Lao Dao has traveled all over China in his life, in the chaotic times, starvation is everywhere, the people are displaced, end the chaotic times as soon as possible, and return the people to a peaceful and prosperous era."

Hearing this, Liu Bei felt the same way, and said squarely: "The wish of the national master is also the wish of Xuan." If

he hadn't crossed to the Three Kingdoms, how could Li Xiaobai understand this, and he also wanted to end the chaos as soon as possible.

But the revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to work hard.


Xiaobai planned to raise troops in Tuntian, Jingzhou, and now that the first season of the experiment was successful, he had to expand the scale to prepare for military supplies.

"How can you not bring it? Twenty stones each.

Zhuge Liang smiled heartily, "I'll order someone to send it over in a while, and the land of Jingzhou will depend on you."

Li Xiaobai patted his chest and said with a smile: "Don't worry, with grain and grass, Jingzhou will soon be able to develop." "

Xiaobai, how should we deal with the Jiaozhou side?"

Liu Bei remembered the topic just now, Li Huixu's surrender to the capital remained unchanged, and only the last Jiaozhou remained.

Li Xiaobai nodded: "We can take Jiaozhou Shixie at any time, but now is not the time to tear your face with Sun Quan." "

You can order Li Yan to supervise the three counties of Jingnan, with Jiang Wan as a supplement, look at Jiangdong and Jiaozhou, and when the time is ripe, cooperate with Shixieli and take Jiaozhou in one fell swoop."

"Very good. Liu Bei agreed directly.

Let Li Yan supervise the three counties, Li Xiaobai is well thought out.

Li Yan has a narrow personality, is too selfish, and is easy to offend people, just like Wei Yan, both of them have good abilities, but they don't know how to get along with people.

Li Yan had a bad relationship with Gongcao Yanghong, the Yamen general Wang Chong, and the protector Fu Kuang during the Qianwei Taishu post.

As a result, Yang Hong resigned, and Wang Chong even defected to Wei.

Later, in order to fight for power and profit, he joked about the future of the country, causing Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition to fail, was degraded, and ended up depressed.

Wei Yan was even worse, and historically evaluated, Yan was both good at raising soldiers, brave and fierce, and temperamental, and avoided at that time.

His relationship with Yang Yi and Liu Yan is not good.

Especially between him and Yang Yi, one is Prime Minister Sima, and the other is Prime Minister Changshi, which can be regarded as Zhuge Liang's right arm.

However, the two were incompatible, and Wei Yan even pulled out a knife at each other, which scared Yang Yi with a handful of snot and tears.

Wei Yan died at the hands of Yang Yi, causing heavy losses to the Han.

Guan Yu needless to say, almost pit himself to death, and Fu Shiren, who has been with Liu Bei for decades, Mi Fang will surrender, there must be a reason for this.

Now doing things under him, of course, you have to knock and knock to get these two guys into office, otherwise it will affect the development of the overall situation.

Guan Yu was like this at the beginning, and as a result, he indirectly killed himself.

In chaotic times, as a team leader, you can't even unite your colleagues, and sooner or later something will happen.

In Li Xiaobai's case, it is absolutely impossible to let these play out again.

Unconsciously, it was lunch time, and Li Xiaobai invited several people to stay for dinner.

Zhuge Liang ordered people to send bamboo rice and corn, Li Xiaobai planned to let everyone taste it, and ordered Tian Zhenxiang and Xiong Chumo to hurry up to prepare.

At the table, everyone eats with relish, this kind of high-end goods, you can't eat it if you have money.

"This bamboo rice grain is slender, the rice aroma is rich, the bamboo aroma is overflowing, the chewing is sweet and sweet and springy, and this corn has a soft and comfortable taste, glutinous but not greasy, both of which are the best in rice!" Liu

Bei was full of praise, this was the best meal he had ever eaten in his life.

When everyone was in full swing, Jingxiang came to report that Cao Pi sent Sima Yi to live in Xinye to assist Cao Zhen in guarding the pass.

It turned out that after Cao Zhen's defeat, although Cao Pi was angry, he only punished him for one year, and still sent him to the front to prevent the Han army from attacking.

Sima Yi took this opportunity to take the initiative to ask for help, and Cao Pi knew his ability and agreed on the spot.

Hearing this news, Zhuge Liang was quite surprised like a great enemy.

Sima Yi's strength and subtlety, Zhuge Liang had heard about it for a long time, but he didn't expect Cao Pi to send him.

"Others are good to say, but this Sima Yi is probably my biggest opponent of the Great Han, this person is wise and calculating, and he is very good at using troops, Xiaobai, you need to be careful." For

Comrade Ma Yi, Li Xiaobai knows better than Ge Liang.

"Prime Minister, when we have time, we will drive a four-wheeled vehicle and go to meet Ma Yi.

""Ma Yi?"

"Okay, Ben Xiang will accompany Xiaobai to meet Ma Yi."

The crowd was startled at first, then laughed.

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