Beichen was quite relieved that Seyfried could open the Perfect Fit and obtain the Glory of Love.

In fact, with Seyfried's strength, he already had the qualifications to open the Perfect Fit, but he couldn't get over the obstacles in his heart, so he was stuck at the door of this mystery.

On the court.

Seeing Seyfried suddenly full of energy, Shiraishi was quite surprised.

The referee reminded Shiraishi to serve, otherwise he would be judged as losing after the serve time.

Shiraishi could feel that Seyfried had entered an unknown realm, but he was not scared.

Perfect Bible tennis, it is not impossible to touch the opponent!


As soon as he grabbed the tennis ball, he felt... his strength... was weakened!

"My tennis ball……"

Bai Shi felt his body with a little surprise.

It was not an illusion. He had practiced the serve hundreds of times and it was already engraved in his mind and heart. But at this moment, he actually felt weak!

"Is it because of that light?……"

Bai Shi discovered that as long as he was under the light radiating from Seyfried, he would become weak and powerless!

He would lose his original strength!


Seeing that he was about to miss the serve, Shiraishi gritted his teeth and hit the tennis ball out.

The moment the tennis ball landed, Seyfried had already appeared before the landing point, and then


The racket was swung out, and the tennis ball flew over the net and in front of Shiraishi with a sound of hitting the ball, and rushed to the backcourt.

"15-0! Fudomine scores!"

Shiraishi was completely stunned.

"This speed……"

Outside the court,

Watanabe Osamu sighed slightly and said:

"This game is over. That was... a perfect radiance.……"

Oshitari Ken became curious and asked:

"What's so amazing about this perfect light?"

Watanabe Osamu explained.

"Perfect Match is the highest secret of tennis. The light it emits will engulf the opponent, making it impossible for the opponent to exert his original strength, while also greatly increasing one's own strength!"

"Look at Shiraishi. His movements are generally slower than Seyfried's because of the influence of this light."

"As far as I know, this secret was only revealed by Echizen Nanjiro in a tennis legend 20 years ago. This should be the first time in 20 years that someone has reopened it.……"

On the court.

With his flawless limit, Seyfried won the five games in a row!

The overall score was 5-3!

As long as he won one more game, he could defeat Shiraishi, and Fudomine would successfully advance to the semi-finals!

Shiraishi was still unwilling to give up. Seeing the desperate situation, he decided to fight to the death.

He threw down his racket, and with his free hand, he began to untie the bandage on his arm!

The audience was very curious.

Shiraishi had always had bandages wrapped around his arm, which was a habit he had since he started playing games.

Everyone also thought that this was a bandage tied to prevent muscle strain.

But... when the bandage was untied, a hint of golden metallic luster was revealed inside!

As the bandages were untied, in the end, on Shiraishi's arm, there was a... pure gold arm guard!

This wrist guard was made for him by coach Watanabe Osamu with all his money, so that he could keep training himself, unload the burden at the critical moment, and improve his strength.

Shiraishi felt that this was the critical moment that coach Watanabe Osamu mentioned.

"Oh my god! He actually...has been wearing this thing during the game? This is too outrageous!"

"Is it pure gold? Is it so rich? I admit that I envy it!"

"It is said that wearing this thing during a competition will affect your speed. After taking it off, your strength will definitely be greatly improved!"


Leitru and others were also a little surprised

"This boy has been wearing weights during competitions?……"

Beichen said:

"The trump card prepared for desperate situations has only been revealed now... It was hidden very deeply, but unfortunately, it's too late."

Just as Beichen said.

After untying the golden wristband, Bai Shi's speed and strength were supplemented to varying degrees.

However, he still couldn't resist the perfect brilliance.

After barely recovering a small game, he still lost to Seyfried 6-4 in the end!

"Game-over! The overall score is 6-4, the overall score is 3-0! Fudomine wins!"

The referee announced the end.

The audience burst into warm applause!

"Fudo Peak! Fudo Peak!"

"Fudo Peak! Fudo Peak!"


Many viewers had heated discussions:

"Fudomine is so strong. First, they eliminated Okinawa's number one Higa Junior High School 5-0, and then defeated Kansai's overlord Shitenhoji 3-0... Is this really going to start a new era?"

"Of course! Although Fudomine and Shitenhoji are the champions of Kanto and Kansai respectively, the gap between the two is still huge! Because Beichen didn't even have to play, Shitenhoji was taken away 3-0!"

"I give up. It seems that only Rikkai University can suppress Fudomine, right?"

"What the hell? ? Say it again, Rikkai University suppressed Fudomine? Are you sure Rikkai University can suppress it? Have you forgotten how Rikkai University was beaten by Fudomine in the Kanto Tournament?"

"That's because Kunimitsu Tezuka and Seiichi Yukimura are absent!"


After finishing the game, Seyfried returned to the preparation seat with a happy smile on his face.

He stood in front of Beichen like a child waiting for praise from an adult.

Beichen nodded and said:

"Not bad, you finally made it."

At Shitenhoji,

Shiraishi returned to the reserve seat after his defeat, and everyone patted him on the shoulder to express their consolation.

"Although we lost the game, we are still one of the top eight in the country. Let's continue eating hot pot tonight."

"That's great, haha, Uncle Watanabe, I want to eat a lot of octopus balls���!"

"no problem!"


At the same time, not far away in Court No. 2, the match between Rikkai University and Hyotei was also coming to an end.

Singles 2.

Yukimura Seiichi VS Atobe Keigo!

On the court,

Atobe Keigo was panting.

The sweat on his forehead had soaked his hair, and strands of hair stuck to his skin, making him, an emperor who liked to maintain elegance, look a little embarrassed at this moment!

On the other hand, Yukimura Seiichi seemed to be playing an insignificant game, with no sweat stains visible, and his expression revealed a bit of confidence that only a king could have.


Atobe , is this the level of the so-called Hyotei emperor?


A serve was hit!


Keigo Atobe stood there like a puppet, without any reaction, not even when the tennis ball hit the ground!



Seeing this scene, Oshitari and others in Hyotei's reserve seat shouted.

Echizen Ryoma didn't understand what was going on with Atobe. Did he give up the game?

However, with Atobe's personality, how could he give up the game on his own initiative?

But if he didn't give up the game, why would he be indifferent to Yukimura Seiichi's serve!

Fuji Shusuke gave the answer.

"That is... destroying the five senses!"

"Destroy the five senses?"

Echizen Ryoma didn't quite understand this term. Fuji

Shusuke's eyes trembled as he continued to explain:

"That is the skill of Yukimura Seiichi... With his powerful strength, Yukimura Seiichi will make his opponents feel fearful during the game, and will have the impression that no matter where the tennis ball hits, it will be hit back. Gradually, they will become afraid to make eye contact with him and become unable to move their bodies!"

"After that, deprive the opponent of their sense of touch, vision, and hearing, and give them an unparalleled sense of oppression, causing them to suffer a mental breakdown and become unable to compete!"

"And now! Atobe must have been deprived of his five senses!"

After hearing this series of explanations,

Echizen Ryoma opened his mouth wide.

He followed his father and was well-informed, but he had never heard of such a magical skill!

"So how can we avoid this from happening?……"

Ryoma asked quietly.

Fuji Shusuke shook his head and said with difficulty:

"In the past two national competitions, Yukimura Seiichi's opponents all showed this symptom, but no one was able to escape from the state of having their five senses destroyed!"


On the field

"15-0! Rikkai University scores!"


"Game-over 5-0!" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


"Hyotei Academy's serve timeout deduction! 15-0!"


"Hyotei Academy's serve timeout deduction! 30-0!"


In Atobe's serve game, he stood there blankly without any movement, and kept serving overtime and getting deducted points.

He felt like he was in darkness, a darkness that was endless, as if his soul was imprisoned in this place forever!

Is this... the strength of Yukimura Seiichi!

Before the game, he thought he could compete with Yukimura, but when he really played against Yukimura (bgff), he found that this man was terribly strong!

He couldn't find any flaws. He could also hit back all the tennis balls he hit!

At first, he lost his sense of touch, then his vision, and finally even his hearing!

I don't know how long it took.

"Minister, how are you?"

"Minister, are you awake?"


The darkness gradually dissipated.

Reality reappeared in his vision.

Atobe opened his eyes wide and saw that the scoreboard already showed 6-0!


He was shut out by Yukimura Seiichi!

Moreover, his 0-0 also meant a repeat of the story of the Kanto tournament, Hyotei was eliminated in the quarterfinals!

How could Atobe, who was proud by nature, accept this result?……

"My Lord actually……"

Atobe's eyes trembled.

On the court, wearing the Rikkai University uniform, Yukimura Seiichi, who had an extraordinary temperament and a graceful demeanor, smiled gently and said:

"It seems that you need to practice more on ice tennis, Atobe."

The audience also cheered instantly.

"Rikkai University! Son of God!"

"Rikkai University! Son of God!"

"Rikkai University! Son of God!"


The name of the Son of God resounds throughout the stadium!

"He is worthy of being the Son of God. He defeated the Ice Emperor with a score of 3-3 without feeling any pressure at all!"

"I have to say that compared to the other junior high school students, Yukimura Seiichi's strength is simply a crushing blow!"

"During the Kanto tournament, Sanada only won a small victory over Atobe, but Yukimura Seiichi directly shut out Atobe! You can imagine how strong Yukimura Seiichi is!"

"Otherwise he wouldn’t be called the Son of God!"


The audience not only admired Yukimura Seiichi's skills, but also his tenacious perseverance.

He overcame injuries, returned to the court, and still maintained a super high competitive level!

Fudomine and Rikkai University defeated their opponents one after another and entered the semi-finals.

According to the matchup list provided by the organizer, they will not meet in advance in the semi-finals, which means that these two schools are likely to meet in the finals!

No, not very likely, but almost 100%.

Because the other two teams that entered the semi-finals, whether in terms of dominance or other aspects, are far inferior to Fudomine and Rikkai University!

"Well done, Yukimura."

Yaki Renji handed a bottle of drink to Yukimura Seiichi.

Originally, according to Yanagi Renji's idea, Yukimura Seiichi didn't need to play in the second singles.

It was enough to let Sanada Genichiro or Tezuka Kunimitsu deal with Atobe.

However, Yukimura insisted on playing a formal game before the final with Fudomine.

It was not only to test whether his strength had recovered, but also to boost the morale of Rikkai University through a crushing victory!

After all, the Kanto tournament was lost, and the 15th consecutive championship was ended. The overall atmosphere of Rikkai University was obviously not as good as the same period last year.

And Yukimura's goal was fully achieved.

6-0, a big score to shut out Atobe Keigo, a national master, has proved that his strength has not declined at all due to surgery���

The 3-0 crushing of Hyotei also restored the confidence of everyone in Hyotei!

"The champion will definitely belong to Rikkai University!"

Kirihara Akaya couldn't help but yelled out loud.


Audience seats.

A young man wearing glasses, after watching all the games today, wrote down the names of Yukimura Seiichi and Atobe Keigo in his notebook.

In addition to these two names, the names of many people, such as the two Kyushu heroes who had played previously and performed well, Shiraishi Kuranosuke, Ishida Gin, etc., were also recorded.

He was no one else.

It was Mitsuya Akutsu!

Recently, under the instruction of Mifune Nyudo, he has been researching good seedlings of Japanese junior high school students.

After the national competition, he will send invitations to these junior high school students for the U17 training camp to prepare for the World Cup!


"Hmm? Those people are……"

Mitsuya Akuto suddenly noticed those familiar figures in the audience seats of Fudomine...

When he looked closely, he was shocked.

"They are from the German team. What are they doing here?"

Yajiudou was very confused, but with his superior IQ, he quickly thought of several possibilities, and the most likely answer was nothing more than... poaching talents!

The grudge between Beichen and Long Qijin had been resolved long ago. Logically, there was no need for the German team to come to Japan.

While watching the game, Retulu, P and others were whispering.

It seemed that they were discussing the strength of the players on the field!

All these signs confirmed Yajiudou's guess.

To be on the safe side, Yajiu chose to call Mifune Nyudo.


On the other side.

Japan U17 training camp, back mountain.

Mifune Nyudo sat on a strange rock on the cliff of heart, and as far as his eyes could see, there was a vast world.

He counted the time until the World Cup in his mind.

Three months.

Only three months, the World Cup in Australia will begin!

The first team of the training camp has achieved remarkable results in the overseas expedition.

And the junior high school students in Japan have also shown a spurt of talent development.

This is a golden age for Japan!

The changes in the rules of the World Cup have given Japan the hope of shaking the position of the BIG4 giants and reaching unprecedented heights!

"This year's World Cup, I will lead Japan to create an unprecedented achievement!"

But he thought of Beichen.

"It's a pity that the guy went to the German team...……"

He often felt depressed because of Beichen's joining the German team.

He consoled himself by saying that there were many other talented people in the country.

The World Cup had a hard rule that junior high school students could only play once, so at least ten junior high school students were needed to play from the group stage to the final.

After investigation, it was found that there were relatively few junior high school students in European countries. In this regard, Japan still had a great advantage!

Just as he was thinking this, his satellite phone suddenly rang.

It was Ajito calling.


"Coach Mifune, something big is happening……"

Mifunerudo frowned and said:

"What else could be the big deal?"

After listening to what Yajiudou said,

Mifunerudo was stunned for a moment, and then he started to curse:

"What?! The damn German guy, not only did he rob Beichen Xiu, but he also wanted to continue poaching people right under my nose? ? What a bastard!"

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