On the field.

Ju Jiping looked at Beichen with a complicated expression and said:

"I lost."

He still couldn't understand how this young man could suppress him so easily.

However, the result was here, and he had to admit his defeat!

Beichen just said calmly:

"Just remember the bet before the game, and train in the tennis club obediently from now on. I can make you one of the top five players in the country."


Ju Jiping was a little surprised.

Beichen actually said that he wanted to make him one of the top five players in the country?

Beichen instructed Seyfried:

"Seyfried, take him to the study room, give him a copy of"Elements of Tennis Geometry", and let him study for two days."

Seyfried nodded, and then said to Ju Jiping:

"Come with me."

Since he had lost the game and promised that if he lost the game, he would completely obey Beichen, Jiping Tachibana followed without any dissatisfaction.

Xing Tachibana also looked at Beichen deeply, and then followed Jiping Tachibana.

At this time,

Shiba Saori and Inoue Mamoru came over, and Beichen was not surprised to see this.

After all, these two guys are old tools of the Prince of Tennis, and it is normal for them to appear here.

Inoue Mamoru introduced himself:

""Mr. Beichen, we are reporters from Tennis Monthly. My name is Inoue Mamoru, and this is Shiba Saori. We would like to arrange an interview with you. Is that okay?"

Beichen did not reject it. After all, this interview would help improve Fudo Peak's reputation. He said:

"No problem."

Just like that, the three of them moved to a quieter place and conducted an interview.

The content of the interview was about the rumors in Tokyo these days, about Beichen punching the senior and beating the coach when he entered school.

After a detailed interview, Inoue Mamoru and Shiba Saori found out... it was not the case at all!

Beichen beat the senior because the gangster senior bullied the junior!

He beat the coach because the bastard coach wanted to embezzle money and wanted to hurt people first.

It can be said that Beichen played a completely positive role in this..

How did he get rumored to be a bully!

These words of Beichen were corroborated by all the members of the tennis club.

Moreover, the Fudomine tennis club was completely renewed inside and out, which also indirectly reflected that Beichen’s joining had brought tangible benefits to Fudomine!

It can be said that the real Beichen Xiu and the rumored Beichen Xiu are completely opposite.

Ten minutes later.

The interview ended.

Inoue Mamoru and Shiba Saori also walked out of Fudomine Junior High School.

Shiba Saori looked through the interview records and the match video between Beichen and Tachibana Yoshihei, and said happily:

"Senior Inoue, I feel like the reversal of Beichen Xiu's rumors and Beichen's shutout of Tachibana Yoshihei alone could be made into two issues of the magazine!"

Moriya Inoue agreed with Shiba Saori's idea and said:

"That's right, if we put these two things in the same issue, the information would be too dense, so we'll report them in two issues, and first release the Beichen reversal."

Shiba Saori suddenly thought:

"Senior, why didn't you ask Beichen about the German commander?"

Inoue Mamoru shook his head and said:

"Just think about it, Beichen was rumored to be a bad bully, but he did not take the initiative to stand up and refute it. This shows that he doesn't care about the opinions of others at all. He is also a person who is very low-key and indifferent to fame and fortune!"

"Since he doesn't want to say, there's no need for us to ask."

"Besides, the fact that Beichen is the main player of Germany can be said to be a big earth-shattering explosion. We must think carefully about how to make this matter more shocking, so there is no need to rush for the time being."

Shibaori nodded, not quite understanding.

The two returned to the editorial department.

As professional editors, they quickly edited the content of the magazine and published it on paper and electronic media.

Once the manuscript was published, it became popular!

You know,"Tennis Monthly" is an old sports magazine.

Although many new magazines have emerged in recent years, causing"Tennis Monthly" to have a downward trend, it has always been guaranteed to be well-founded, so its authenticity is well-known.

In addition.

The magazine is accompanied by photos of Fudo Peak players training seriously, as well as transcripts of many members.

People have to believe that the so-called"bad" Beichen is actually... a leader who has launched drastic reforms in Fudo Peak and is extremely courageous!

"We all misunderstood Beichen.……"

"I'm convinced. What kind of unscrupulous media outlets made such a fuss about the news?"

"According to this, Beichen is quite courageous. He can actually overturn the previous structure of the tennis club and create a completely new look for Fudo Peak."

"By the way, haven’t you noticed that Beichen is very handsome?"

"I mean, what kind of weird focus are these?"


Hyotei Academy.

A handsome boy with silver hair is enjoying afternoon tea.

He picks up the goblet in his hand, savors the delicious food, and flips through today's magazine.

Yes, this person is the king of Hyotei, and also the young master of the Atobe family...

Atobe Keigo!

This interview made Atobe frown as soon as he opened the first page!

"What? There is such a handsome guy in Fudo Peak. This guy's appearance already makes me feel a little threatened.……"

A young man in his thirties looked serious as he looked at the magazine and said:

"Shouldn't we pay more attention to the leadership ability of this boy?"

Sakaki Taro.

The coach of Hyotei Academy.

As a coach, he naturally knows how bad the tennis club of Fudomine is. However, such a mess of a tennis club was reformed by Beichen.

Moreover, the reformer is only a 15-year-old boy!

Atobe gathered his hair, obviously not paying attention to what Sakaki Taro said, and said to himself:

"Humph! I don’t care whether he has leadership or not. I only know that his tennis skills and looks are definitely inferior to mine!"

Sakaki Taro shook his head helplessly.


Tezuka and others also received the new issue of the magazine and were delighted after seeing the exclusive interview with Fudomine Hokusatsu in Tennis Monthly. Fuji Shusuke smiled:

"I knew that Beichen would not beat up the senior for no reason. It turned out that it was all rumors before."

After reading it, Tezuka Kunimitsu put the magazine away.

After all, if Ryuzaki Sumire saw this, she would definitely be furious again.

However, the more you worry about something, the more it will happen. Just as everyone was about to put the new magazine away, Ryuzaki Sumire suddenly appeared.

Seeing everyone's sneaky look, he said suspiciously:

"What are you doing!"

"Uh... I didn't do anything, Coach Ryuuzaki……"

Kikumaru Eiji's explanation obviously could not dispel Ryuzaki Sumire's suspicion.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that he was hiding a magazine in his hand.

"What's so good about hiding a tattered magazine?"

Ryuzaki Sumire walked over and grabbed the magazine.

Seeing that the cover introduction was Fudomine and Beichen, she smiled and said:

"Is this another report criticizing Beichen Xiu? Humph, no wonder you didn't let me read it, are you ashamed?"

Tezuka and the others looked at each other... they really didn't know how to explain it.

Sure enough.

Ryuzaki Sumire slowly opened the magazine, but found that the content was not quite what she imagined.

In fact... it was completely the opposite!

It was not criticism, not criticism, but... praise!

"Beichen Xiu joined Fudofeng forcefully, launched reforms, overthrew seniors, drove away unscrupulous coaches... He showed the style of young people in the new era, and demonstrated his unparalleled courage and strong leadership.……"

Every word, every sentence, fell into Ryuzaki Sumire's eyes!

Like a stone thrown into a lake, it instantly broke the tranquility.

"How is this possible? How is this possible? Isn’t that brat Beichen very fond of making trouble and very annoying? Why… why would this happen?"

"Who wrote this report and how was it written?"

"It's all nonsense!!"


This report was like a bolt of lightning, and she was so angry that she almost vomited blood on the spot! Tezuka and others were a little scared when they saw Ryuzaki Sumire's furious look, fearing that she would be directly mad.

And at this time.

Ryuzaki Sumire's mobile phone suddenly rang with a text message ringtone.

She turned on her phone and clicked on the text message, and immediately... her pupils shrank!

Because the sender of this text message was actually——

"Beichen Xiu!"

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