Watching Takeshi Momoshiro, Kaoru Kaidou, and Sumire Ryuusaki constantly losing points and being suppressed on the court, they were in a very bad mood.

And then she heard Beichen say something like"the game will be over in ten minutes", which almost pissed her off!

Beichen didn't take her, Seigaku, seriously at all? ?

However, her impotent rage didn't have any effect.

In about nine minutes.

The score of this game was finally fixed at 6-0!

Fudomine wins!


Deathly quiet.

No one thought that Fudomine's doubles team two would actually shut out Seigaku's doubles team two!!

After several seconds.

The reporters finally reacted.

They kept taking pictures of Fudomine, and the sound of shutters came from all around.

The audience also said in disbelief:

"Fudomine... this is too strong. They beat the fourth seed, and the second seed is not enough. Looking at the situation, are they going to beat Seigaku as well? ?"

"It looks like this is going to happen! 6-0, Fudomine's game, so far, it seems to have always been 6-0!"

"It seems that Fudomine is the biggest dark horse this year!"


At the Seishun Gakuen reserve seat,

Ryusaki Sumire looked at Momoshiro and Haitang who were leaving the stage and said unhappily:

"Do you guys train seriously? How come you were beaten like this by those idiots from Fudomine? You made me lose face!"

Haitang wanted to retort, but was stopped by Qian Zhenzhi's eyes.

Qian Zhenzhi said:

"Coach, I suggest that next time we play against Fudomine, we should make some changes to the lineup. It would be best to put Tezuka in singles three, Oishi and Kikumaru in doubles two, and then……"

"Shut up!"

Before Inui Sadaharu finished speaking,

Ryuzaki Sumire glared and said:

"Are you questioning my ability to deploy troops?"

Inui Sadaharu was speechless.

He couldn't understand why Ryuzaki Sumire was so stubborn.

Obviously, in this qualifying match, Fudomine's doubles had shown great dominance, and singles player Seyfried was even more overwhelming than the others.

If we don't seek changes in the deployment of troops, it will be impossible to win against Fudomine.

Although the list of names for this game has been submitted and the order of players cannot be changed, we can learn from the experience in the next game.

However, Ryuzaki Sumire was still unwilling to admit the problem, but instead dealt with the person who raised the question...

Inui Sadaharu sighed and stopped talking.

Ryuzaki Sumire said to Kikumaru Eiji and Oishi Shuichiro:

"I'm quite confident in you two. Go and teach them a lesson."

Kikumaru and Oishi walked towards the court with their rackets.

Kamio Akira and Ibu Shinji also stood on the other side of the court.

Beichen continued to remind them, saying:

"Remember, ten minutes."

The match officially began after the referee gave the order.

Oishi, who had received the serve, and before he started serving, he and Kikumaru instantly formed a strange formation.

"Australian formation?"

When the Qingxuezhong saw this scene, they knew that Kikumaru and Oishi were really serious.

The so-called Australian formation is that when serving, the partner stands side by side with the player on the center line.

After serving, the partner in front of the net moves to confuse the opponent and induce the opponent to hit the ball to the empty space, and then Oishi from the back fills in and attacks.

At the same time, the partner in front of the net can move left or right, so the"Australian formation" has a changeable feature.

Sure enough.

After Oishi finished serving, Oishi started to move quickly!

Therefore, a large empty space was left on the right wing.

Most people would definitely hit the empty space, but.

Kamio, who was holding the racket to receive the ball, did not do so, but just smiled and said:

"We have already studied your formation thoroughly, your confusion is useless!"



Kamio hit back with a beautiful lob.

"Huh? They didn't choose to attack the open space?"

Kikumaru was surprised.

In fact, the reason is very simple.

Beichen's book"Elements of Tennis Geometry" also introduces various doubles formations in detail.

The Australian lineup is a standard formation, which can be easily cracked as long as you don't follow the opponent's thinking.

Seeing that the tennis ball is about to fall to the backcourt

"Don't underestimate us!"

Kikumaru touched the ground with his toes, turned around and did a backflip, like a nimble swallow, and caught the tennis ball steadily with his racket!

This made many spectators cheer.

Kikumaru's special shots were indeed very pleasing to the eye.

And this ball was hit to the back corner of Fudomine's backcourt.

Just when everyone thought that this ball would definitely score.


Kamio Akira rushed to the landing point of the tennis ball like a hurricane, and before the tennis ball fell, he hit it hard and pulled it out:

"Sonic bomb!!"


The tennis ball, as fast as the wind, instantly passed over Dashi's head.


Kikumaru rolled twice in the air, trying to catch the ball, but he was still a step too slow.

"15-0! Fudomine scores!"

The referee announced the score.

Everyone's impression of Kamio was refreshed.

Not only was his movement speed fast, but his return speed was also fast!

"The golden doubles...actually...lost a point first?"

The audience said in disbelief.

Oishi Shuichiro and Kikumaru are very famous players in Tokyo. They are known as the 'golden doubles' and have always been the first echelon of doubles.

Some people even think that they have a national level of doubles!

However, such a golden combination did not start well and lost a point.

On the court,

Oishi and Kikumaru looked very serious. Losing a point first is not good news. For the second ball,

Oishi gently bounced the ball on the racket a few times, and then threw the tennis ball up.


The tennis ball flew out!

This ball was ordinary. Ibu Shinji didn't know what the opponent was thinking, so he tentatively hit it with a backspin ball.

After a few balls,

Oishi suddenly made a move, dragging the racket on the ground, and used a precise high-topspin volley to attack the opponent's blind spot!

It was Oishi's specialty, the moon-climbing volley!

"This move is!"

At this time, Kamio Akira and Ibu Shinji realized that

Oishi had been luring the two to the net with close shots, and then suddenly used this move to return the ball and attack the baseline, achieving an unexpected effect.

"As expected of the Golden Doubles, his scheme is so well disguised.……"

Ibu Shinji thought so.

This point was naturally won by Qingxue.

"15-15! Qingxue scores!"

Even Beichen praised Dashi:

"Oishi's playing style is just like his personality, very steady. He can practice a move hundreds or thousands of times, which has honed his excellent ball control, so that the ball can fall exactly on the bottom line of the court."

Tachibana Jiping asked:

"So, does that mean that Dashi will dominate this game?"

Beichen shook his head and said:

"A person's strengths may sometimes also be his weaknesses."

"Oishi's character is too stable, which makes his playing lack of spirit and looks very simple. However, competitive sports require the courage to fight and fight."

"Before he and Kikumaru develop more powerful moves, their performance will not be too impressive."

"Moreover... Ibu has been laying out his plan since the beginning of the game. By the tenth round, we will win the game."

Tachibana Jiping was slightly surprised.

What surprised him was not that Kamio and the other two could win the game, but that Beichen actually gave such an accurate number.

With this doubtful mentality, Tachibana Jiping continued to watch the game, while also counting the number of rounds.

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