After saying that,

Mifune Nyudo stretched out his hand, and Kurobe Yukio immediately handed him a book.


After reading this book , I hope you can still be so indifferent.……

《"The Elements of Tennis"!

Mifune Nyudo said this to deliberately stimulate Nanjiro, hoping that Nanjiro would return to the field of tennis.

Maybe, he could be pulled into a training camp to be a coach or something.

Nanjiro has lost interest in the outside world because he can't find an opponent. Maybe Beichen can stimulate him.

Therefore, Nanjiro was asked to read this book.

Nanjiro questioned Mifune Nyudo's words.

But after flipping through a few pages of the book, the original leisure on his face disappeared.

In an instant, it seemed that his momentum had changed, and he became that sharp, like a samurai.

Saito Shi took a breath of cold air.

I thought Nanjiro had retired for ten years and abandoned his skills.

But the change in momentum just now was enough to prove it.

Even if he had retired from the tennis world for ten years, he still stood at the top of the world.

When Mifune Nyudo saw Nanjiro's reaction, he said disdainfully:

""Hmph! Look at how you have never seen the world!"

When Kurobe and the others heard this, three black lines slid down their foreheads.

Speaking of which, when you, Coach Mifune, first saw this book, your reaction seemed to be much greater than Nanjiro's...

But these can only be criticized in the heart.


Nanjiro kept flipping through the book. Although he flipped through it very quickly, his eyes had memorized all the contents.

Finally! He finished flipping through the book.

He threw the book to Mifune Nyudo, smacked his lips, and said:

"This book is well written. It writes down some of my thoughts from the past. It is also very detailed and organized, and it has opened up a whole new path for tennis theory.……"

Mifune smiled proudly and said:

"Then guess who is the author of this book?"

Nanjiro thought of the word"Northstar" on the title page of the book, raised his eyebrows and said:

"Could it be... Beichen Xiu?"

"That's right!"

After getting Mifune's affirmative answer.

Although Nanjiro was able to sit still on the surface, in fact, a few sparks of excitement had already ignited in his heart.

Although this flame was not strong, the light in his heart had not been lit for ten years.

Back then, he was invincible. In the American professional competition, he directly won 99 consecutive games. As long as he won one more game, he would break the world record.

However, at this juncture, he chose to retire.

The reason was simple.

He wanted to keep this last game.

Otherwise, he really felt that tennis had reached its peak!

After that, although he lived a life of seclusion, he still tried his best to train his son, hoping that his son would grow into his opponent.

However... it seems that with Ryoma's growth rate, he may not be able to achieve his wish when he becomes an old bone.

Only the terrifying ability of his eldest son Longya may pose a threat to him in the future

"The theoretical level is indeed good, but what about the actual combat?"

Nanjiro asked.

Mifune Nyudo said directly:

"Actual combat? Some time ago, he broke into our training camp alone and defeated three world-class players in the training camp in a row."

"These three people are all members of the same army. One is called Mitsuya Akuto, the number one player in domestic tennis statistics."

"A man named Tokugawa Kazuya, who was trained by my training camp as a future successor, possessed a different-dimensional football skill."

"The last one was the top master in the training camp after the overseas expedition team left, Oni Jujiro. His strength could rank among the top three in the country. He opened the Shura Shinto and the Ghost God Dimension... But they, without exception... were all shut out!"

Nanjiro was able to remain calm at first when listening to Mifune Nyudo's words.

But when he heard that Oni Jujiro opened the Ghost God Dimension, his expression was slightly moved.

And when he heard that these three people, without exception, were all shut out by Beichen, he frowned.

At the age of fifteen, suppressing a master of the dimensional world...

And the following words of Mifune Nyudo made Nanjiro's eyes twitch slightly.

"If you think that this guy's strength is limited to this, then you underestimate him. Although he is only fifteen years old, he already possesses three extra-dimensional ball skills!"

"This is just a conservative estimate. We say three different dimensions because he has only shown three different dimensions so far. Based on our subsequent analysis of his game videos, we can infer that……"

"He has at least five different-dimensional skills!"

After Beichen took Yamato Yudai away from the training camp, the three coaches and Mitsuya Akuto studied Beichen's game videos over and over again.

Later, they found that the light shot Tongbi must be hit with a smash. The light shot Yingyan must be hit with a flat shot.

The light shot Zhejing must be hit with a back-pull.

These three postures correspond to three of the original five hitting postures described in"The Elements of Tennis Geometry".

They guessed that since three of the five hitting postures correspond to different-dimensional skills, the other two may also have them!

It's just that Beichen hasn't used the rest of his skills yet, and he has already beaten through the training camp!

In addition, Beichen's physical fitness is extremely abnormal, so he can only make a long story short and explain it to Nanjiro simply.

In short , there are too many special things about Beichen!

After Mifune Nyudo finished speaking, he looked at Nanjiro and emphasized:

"Old man, I can conclude that his future achievements will not be inferior to yours, and there is a high probability that he will surpass you."

Nanjiro took a deep breath and returned to his nonchalant look, saying:

"You are telling me all this, aren't you asking me to help you recruit Beichen?"

Sanfunurudao said without beating around the bush:

"I do have this intention. If possible, I would like you to come back. If you and Beichen join us, this year's World Cup will definitely be brought back to Japan!"

Echizen Nanjiro laughed and said:

"Old man, I'm too lazy to get involved in a group of kids playing games. I'll just read a book at home and ring the bell. I came here just to join in the fun today. I don't want to ask about anything else."

Mifune Nyudo sighed helplessly and took a few sips of wine from the wine gourd.

He didn't have much hope in inviting Nanjiro to join the training camp, and this result was also within his expectations.

The host's broadcast came from the sky above the stadium.

"Please have a representative of the winning team come on stage to receive the award!"

"Please have a representative of the winning team come on stage to receive the award!"

"Please ask the winning team to send a representative to the stage to receive the award!"

The broadcast was repeated three times in a row.

For a moment.

Tezuka Kunimitsu, Fuji Shusuke, Inui Sadaharu, Echizen Ryoma, Kikumaru Eiji, Oishi Shuichiro and other members of the original Qingxue raised their heads. Mifune Nyudo

, Kurobe Yukio, Saito Tadashi, Takushoku Ryuji, also sat upright.

Echizen Nanjiro smiled a little.

Banda Kan didn't know what would happen, but he could vaguely guess that the highlight that Beichen mentioned was finally here.

Inoue Mamoru and Shiba Saori in the backstage, their hearts were pounding.

People from all sides who were paying attention to this matter didn't have much intersection in life, but they all came to this place because of the same thing.

The most panicked one was Ryuzaki Jin!

She watched Beichen walk to the podium, and every step seemed to be sending her to hell.

"Beichen, you bastard... bastard!!"

Long Qijin couldn't leave, so he could only hide in the audience with his face covered, thinking about how to make excuses when the time comes.

The podium was set up in the middle of the court. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The eight teams that entered the Kanto competition all received commemorative awards, and the champion, runner-up and third place winners received trophies.

From the eighth to the first place, each team took turns to receive the trophy and accept photos and interviews from reporters. Among the eight teams, except for the second place Hyotei, no one received the award, and the other teams received the awards normally.

""Kacha, kacha!"

The sound of cameras from the surrounding reporters came one after another.[]

Every time someone came up to the stage to receive an award, the audience would applaud and cheer for their wonderful performance. The higher the ranking, the louder the applause. When Beichen was about to go on stage, almost the entire audience stood up and thunderous applause broke out.

Beichen's performance in this metropolitan conference left a deep impression on everyone.

Reporters filled the area, and dozens of media outlets held microphones and asked Beichen, who was holding the metropolitan conference championship trophy:

"Mr. Beichen, you have won the championship of the metropolitan conference. How do you feel now?"

"Yes, yes, Beichen, we know that before you joined Fudofeng, Fudofeng was a bottom-ranked school. Do you think the changes in Fudofeng are because of you?"

"What are your plans for the upcoming Kanto tournament? You know, there is a super strong team like Rikkai University in the Kanto region. Can you maintain this winning trend?"


Beichen took the microphone and said seriously:

"There are so many questions from you all that I cannot answer them all, but……"

"I think what I am going to talk about next will definitely interest you all!"

"Moreover, everyone must listen to me carefully, because even any word will challenge the limits of your imagination."

After hearing Beichen's words, everyone became curious.

"What is Beichen talking about? Why does he think that we will definitely be interested in what he says next, and... will it challenge the limits of our imagination?"

"This is too exaggerated... But Beichen doesn't seem like the kind of person who likes to brag, maybe there really is something going on?"

"Could it be that he wants to officially announce his girlfriend?"

"Oh, you love-brained person! Can you please stop being so outrageous?"


The audience chattered and discussed.

Long Qijin in the crowd felt cold sweat on his back.

Beichen said to all the audience word by word:

"I actually wanted to expose this matter a long time ago, but I delayed it until the capital city because only in such a grand occasion can it attract widespread attention."

"The protagonist of the story I am about to expose is……"

""The early retired Qingxue tennis coach - Long Qijin!!"


After this sentence was finished, everyone was stunned.

Expose... Long Qijin?

What is the relationship between Beichen and Long Qijin, and why did he want to expose her?

It took a full five seconds for everyone to discuss in confusion:

"What's going on? Why did Beichen Xiu expose Long Qijin? Are these two people related?"

"By the way, isn’t Ryuzaki Jin a highly respected old coach? I heard that he has been working in Qingxue for decades and has always had a good reputation!"

"Could it be that Beichen has received Long Qijin's grace and protection, so Beichen wants to take this opportunity to express his gratitude?"

"It's not impossible! After all, there is no other reason."


Everyone was analyzing this wishful thinking.

They thought Beichen wanted to thank Long Qijin.

Little did they know that what Beichen said next made them dumbfounded!

Beichen listed Long Qijin's crimes one by one and said:

"I will expose three crimes of Long Qi Jin in total!"

"The first one! He is unworthy of his position and misleads the students! He relied on his long time working in the Youth Academy to act lawless and domineering, and set stupid rules such as first-year students can only pick up balls, causing many talented members to waste a year in vain!"

"The second rule! She was stubborn and arrogant! When the tennis team members questioned her rules, she did not choose to communicate on an equal footing, but strictly prohibited her from���Anyone who dares to disobey her will will be punished physically, and in serious cases...even expelled from the school!!"


"Article 3! Neglect of duty and irresponsibility! As the coach of Qingxue, she can't even manage her players well. The tennis club is in chaos, and it's normal for seniors to bully juniors. Even junior students were injured in the arm by seniors, but she didn't care!"

"Fourth! Pursuing fame and fortune, using any means necessary! Due to her improper management, she finally made a big mistake, but... She was afraid that the tennis club's wounding incident would become a big deal and affect her reputation, so she actually teamed up with the then director and the injured students! In order to maintain the superficial prosperity of the tennis club, she made up various excuses and delayed the students' health."

"To sum it up, this person is despicable and shameless, unworthy of being a teacher, and a cancer to the entire Japanese tennis world!"

"If such people can continue to enjoy the benefits of a retired coach, I think it is an insult to all the oppressed students!"

"Today, I am going to unveil her hypocritical veil and let everyone know what the respected senior in your eyes really looks like!

" Every time Beichen said these words , everyone's expression would change.

And when he finished speaking, everyone's worldview...


Beichen did not want to express respect to Long Qijin, but to expose her scandal!


In Beichen's oral account, Long Qijin was actually a mean and shameless villain with a bad record.

He was also a coach who did not deserve respect from others!

If the facts were really as Beichen said, then they were completely deceived by Long Qijin's appearance!!

This news was like a collision between Mars and the Earth.

It directly shocked everyone's brains!

The reporters smelled the breath of super big news and moved at the news.

The sound of taking pictures was crackling, and the flash lights were flashing wildly, as if to dye the sky white!

"Is Coach Long Qijin really such a person? Isn't this... too crazy!"

"I find it a little unbelievable, I... I don’t know what to say now!"

"Are Beichen’s words credible? If they are true, then what did the former members of Qingxue team experience?"

"Although I felt very surprised, but, what reason did Beichen have to tell a lie? What benefit would it bring to him if he told a lie?"

"That's right! Beichen had no reason to tell lies to frame and slander Long Qijin, but, everything had to be based on evidence!"


Audience seats.

Ban Tianqian also shook his head and sighed.

He already believed Beichen's words.

After all, he had been a coach for so many years, and the coaching circle in Tokyo was not big. No matter how well Long Qijin disguised himself, he would inevitably be seen through.

In fact, he had reminded Long Qijin openly and secretly that he should learn to change.

But Long Qijin didn't listen to a word, so he gave up later.

I thought Long Qijin would at most���He can't teach, he misleads students, and I didn't expect he did so many despicable things in secret!

He murmured:

"Good... it's good to be exposed... this kind of thing, it's good to be exposed……"

On the field.

Beichen's words were obviously not over yet.

(As a humble little author, I'm begging for full subscription online!! Again).

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