Winner of the Neon National Middle School Tennis Championship?

That’s just Keigo’s small goal.

Therefore, the Ice Emperor Academy is not just a junior high school.

Starting from the Early Childhood Education Department, the Department of Traces has set up special tennis interest classes.

Discovering potential from an early age maximizes children’s talent in tennis.

A solid enough reserve team can keep the ice emperor tennis from being broken.

Children who are qualified enough to enter the Ice Emperor Academy can be called by name.

Viper Kaoru Kaido, Takeshi Momogi.

Akira Kamio of Fudomine, Fukaji Itake.

Even Fuji’s younger brother, Fuji Yuta, was absorbed into the Ice Emperor.


Keigo Jibe knows the tennis club of the Ice Emperor Academy very well.

It didn’t take long for Tezuka to arrive with the first batch of talented tennis freshmen of the year.

Short purple-gray hair flutters in the wind, and tear moles at the corners of the eyes are elegantly embellished with elegance.

Keigo Jibe doesn’t need to move much, and standing there gives the impression of déjà vu that he can’t move his eyes.

I don’t know why, the moment I saw the track, everyone knew it.

The Ministry of Traces is the king of this team.

As if this is the only way to make sense.

It wasn’t until everyone had finished lining up that Keigo Jibu spoke.

“Everyone can choose the Ice Emperor Academy, I am very happy to be able to choose Keigo.”

“As the head of the tennis department of Ice Emperor Academy, I hope to grow with everyone.”

“Are you confident to join me and win the national championship?”

Jibu suddenly shook his arms and drank.

“Have confidence!”

The freshmen responded with enthusiastic arms.

This momentum and temperament made many people recognize who Keigo was.

Not because of the Ministry of Traces, the only heir of the Traces Consortium.

They had watched Kakigizaka Park, the national elementary school tennis tournament.

With outrageous strength, the Trace Department swept away all the strong enemies in front of them.

Geniuses like Seiichi Yukimura and Shinichiro Sanada were swept 6-0.

The terrifying world of ice is shocking and deeply imprinted in the heart and cannot be forgotten.

If you want to join the Ice Emperor, you also have the ambition to follow the tracks.

Now, seeing real people face to face, the Trace Department is still the head of their tennis department.

The scene almost turned into a fan meeting.

However, the teenagers still restrained themselves.

I know this is a school, and I know what I’m here for.

Instead of the disgusting star-chasing behavior, it is better to use talent and action to impress his idol Keigo.

Seeing this, Keigo chuckled and continued.

“Ice Emperor Academy, starting today, will completely subvert your inner perception of tennis.”

“We don’t do seniority theory.”

“In the Ice Emperor, as long as you are strong enough, the first grade of the middle school can also become the main choice.”

“As long as you are strong enough, you can even ban me and become the head of the Ice Emperor Tennis Department.”

“As long as you are talented enough, I can guarantee that I will do everything to cultivate you.”

The eyes were like torches, and the voice of the trace resounded throughout the audience.

“If you just want to come here to mess around, I advise you to leave early.”

“The strong go up, the weak go down.”

“Even after becoming a regular selection, as long as the strength is insufficient, you will still be kicked as a substitute.”

“Next, let me tell you about the new rules of the Ice Emperor Tennis Club.”

“The previous establishment was completely abolished.”

“From now on, in the fairest way, eight regular players and four substitutes will be selected.”

The content announced by the Ministry of Traces immediately made all the freshmen present cheer.

Coming to the right place!

Other schools basically follow the old rules.

No matter how strong the strength of the first grade and how good the talent, it must start from miscellaneous.

Not in the second year of junior high school and want to become a regular member of the team? Don’t even think about it.

Now, the Ice Emperor completely ignored this rotten rule and opened a new chapter.

Even if it is only the first grade, as long as the strength is enough, it can become the main choice of the Ice Emperor.

Looking at the whole neon, this is the only one now.




The freshmen couldn’t contain their excitement and cheered.

Keigo raised his hand and pressed it, and the voice disappeared instantly.

“Tezuka Kunimitsu, Yakuzuhito, Fuji Shusuke.”

Without any hesitation, Keigo Jibe announced loudly.

“The three of them are the opponents I chose for you.”

“No matter who it is, winning them is the Ice Emperor’s choice.”

“In addition, you can also screen one by one by drawing lots.”

“The last twelve people left are the main selection and the substitute.”

Keigo Jibu had just finished announcing the new rules, and he was about to burst out loud as a bold freshman.

“Then Minister, I want to challenge you first.”

There are still some people who are very confident in themselves.

I think that as a noble son, the tennis strength is not much stronger.

Perhaps the title of tennis genius is just everyone’s flattery for the Jibu Foundation.

In fact, there are quite a few people who think like this.

Keigo Jibe is not angry either.

Without witnessing the abyss with your own eyes, how can you understand what fear is?


But if everyone wants to challenge unbridled, that’s too annoying.

At the very least, they must have the strength of Tezuka and Yukimura.

With a pop, it was Keigo Jibe who shot the tennis ball without warning.

The freshmen present were stunned and couldn’t see clearly.

“Tennis is gone?”


Even if there are geniuses such as Ryo Shishido, Shinobu Yushi, and Himagari Yuren in this group of freshmen.

For Keigo Jibe’s serve, he was also at a loss.

“Could it be that it’s the same as the serve that Shusuke will disappear in Jiji?”

Someone couldn’t help but exclaim.

“Not a serve that will disappear!”

“The minister didn’t use too many techniques, the simple and crude force was strong enough, and the speed was fast enough.”

“It’s not that tennis has disappeared, it’s that it’s too fast for our dynamic vision to keep up.”

Taki Okinosuke said in shock.

“Standard serve, you can’t find any flaws.”

“The minister is not a false appearance, but a real existence with terrorist power.”

Taki Oginosuke’s words were approved by Shinobu Yushi and Himagatake people.

Yakuzu stood in the distance, his cold face, and for a moment he almost couldn’t hold back.

Also right.

This kind of evil thing, his own minister, Keigo Jibu likes to do.

It can be called the king of kings.


A dull crashing sound followed, and the tennis ball, which everyone seemed to disappear, splattered a puff of smoke.

In contact with the ground, the shock wave that erupted almost tossed a person to the ground.

“Now, if there is anyone to challenge, then come up.”

Keigo looked around at the new students with a smile.

Of course, he can be challenged, but he also has to weigh his own strength.

The strength of the competition level, also want to challenge?

It’s a waste of time okay.


Keigo Jibu’s words, let the teenagers present look at me, I look at you, and in the end, no one dares to stand up.

It’s too exaggerated, okay.

That casually hit, the explosive power almost shattered a ball on the surface of the concrete.

With all his might, who can catch it?

They want to challenge and express themselves, but they don’t want to be abused.


At this moment, everyone was impressed by the strength of Keigo Jibu.

The identity of the head of the Ice Emperor tennis department, no one dares to covet it.

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