In September, the autumn breeze is bleak.

Lihai University Affiliated High School.

Tennis court.

Several club members dressed in yellow and white short sleeves are training feverishly.

The figure running back and forth in the stadium shows the vitality.


A new round of national competitions begins.

The internal ranking tournament of the Lihai University Tennis Club is also in full swing.

“Bang ——!!”

Accompanied by a crisp and sharp sound of tennis touching the ground.

The last regular player of Lihai University was successfully selected.

“Game over!”

“Akaya Kirihara won the game! 6-2! ”

The referee on the sidelines raised his hand to announce the result.

“Yay! Take it easily!! ”

“Finally the main selection of the varsity team!”

The kelp head Kirihara, who had just won the competition, clenched his hands and jumped up excitedly.

When he entered the varsity team for the first time, he was extremely excited at the moment.

Even full of ambition

“Very good! Just like that, defeat the Big Three and lead Lihai University to win the national triple hegemony! ”


The new members of Lihai University Tennis on the sidelines also talked about this game.

“Hey, hey, hey… Really fake, that guy from Kirihara is only in second grade, right? Can he actually beat the third-grade senior? ”

“Last month’s intramural ranking tournament didn’t seem to be so strong, right? What’s going on? ”

“It is said that that guy Kirihara also promised to defeat the Big Three! Now it seems that it is really not empty words! ”

“Che, defeat the Big Three? It doesn’t matter, when the time comes, the senior in the gods will make a move! ”

A second-year tennis player heard several newcomers discussing and was very disdainful.

“Kamisato-senpai? Who is it? ”

Several new members of the tennis club couldn’t help but be curious when they heard unfamiliar names.

In their impression, they had not heard of the so-called Kamisato seniors.

In comparison, [Emperor] Sanada Kenichiro, [Son of God] Yukimura, [Master] Yanagiji, three people known as the three giants of Lihai, have greater names.

They are the men who single-handedly established the name of the great “king” of the entire Lihai, and their reputation is far and wide.

Among this group of new tennis members, many joined the tennis club because of the “Lihai Big Three”.

“It’s normal that you haven’t heard the name of the senior in Kamisato, after all, you are new.”

The second-year tennis player waved his hand unconcernedly.

Completely forgetting that when I was a newcomer, I heard “Kamisato-senpai” and it was also a confused scene.

“So senior, who is the senior in Kamisato?”

Seeing that several people who had just joined the company looked at themselves curiously.

The second-year tennis player couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth, a little proud.

Finally, I was able to experience what it was like to be a ‘senior’.


After clearing his throat, the second-year tennis player spoke.

“Outsiders only know Minister Yukimura and Vice President Sanada, but inside our Tachikai Grand Tennis Club, we all know that above them, there is a man called ‘Kamisato’.”

“He is our [King General]!”

“It is said that the skills of Kamisato’s seniors, but even President Yukimura is beyond their reach!”

“I even heard that President Yukimura learned their ball skills, but I still asked Kamisato-senpai to understand it!”

“There are even rumors that Kamisato-senpai has been recruited by professional players!”

The second-year tennis club members became more and more excited the more they spoke, and their mouths were foaming, and they were stunned when they heard several new members of the club, and they faintly felt that their scalps were numb.

Yes, people are numb.

A man above the Big Three in Lihai!

Even Seiichi Yukimura, who is known as the [Son of God], has to ask him for advice!

Recruited by the pros!

This kind of deed, coupled with the emotional explanation of the second-grade members.

Who listens is not confused.

“Senior, since this senior in the god is so powerful, why haven’t you heard anything about him?”

Soon a new member of the club raised questions.

Only then did the crowd react.

Yes, if it is really like what this senior said, that senior in the god is so powerful.

It stands to reason that his fame should be greater than that of Yukimura and even Sanada.

It is not even excessive to say that the position of president of Lihai University Tennis Club makes him a president.

How can he still be an unknown person now?


As soon as this side asked, the second-year member drank lightly.

“Seniors like Shenli naturally pursue different characters!”

“People are particular about keeping a low profile!”

“How can we be guessed at this level!”

The tone of the second-year member revealed a trace of admiration, and it was obvious that in his heart, the four words “Kamisato senior” occupied a lot of weight.

“Then who is this ‘Kamisato senior’?”

Soon, one of the newcomers hurriedly asked with a little admiration.

Without him, the main reason is that the information said by this second-year senior is too shocking.

You can’t help but want to see the demeanor of ‘Kamisato-senpai’.

“Oh, there it is.”

Following the direction of the second-grade senior’s finger, everyone looked at it.

It was a small second-floor balcony on the side of the court, with closed doors and windows, and if someone stood on the balcony, they could overlook the entire Lihai Grand Tennis Court.

But at the moment, the balcony is empty.

“Where is anyone?”

The newcomers to the club frowned and were a little curious.

“Just kidding! Kamisato seniors usually take care of all kinds of opportunities, not only the managers behind the scenes of our Lihai University Tennis Club, but also the president of the student council, how can they be seen so easily? ”

“You think those girls sitting around the balcony are really watching the varsity game?”

“It’s not that I got the wind that the senior in the gods is likely to appear today, so I stayed there early.”

A few words from the second-grade senior instantly pulled several newcomers back to reality.

Carefully looked at the girls on the stands on both sides of the balcony below, and without exception, their eyes looked at the small balcony doors and windows on the second floor from time to time, paying close attention to the movements on the balcony.

On the bench closest to the balcony, there were several members of the Lihai University team.

Fumita Marui with rose-red broken bangs and chewing green apple-flavored bubble gum.

Black brine egg head, a jackal Kuwabara who is watching the game seriously.

and Yanagi Beerus, who has long lilac hair and small, round-rimmed glasses.

All three of them seemed to be watching the game, but they could tell from their casual eyes that they seemed to be waiting for something.

This couldn’t help but make several newcomers mutter.

How can God be so charming?

“Hey! Look, it’s Vice President Sanada! ”


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