“It’s Marui-senpai’s secret technique [Tightrope Walking] eh!!”

“Kamisato-sama is handy to use!”

“It’s so strong! Kamisato-sama is indeed invincible! ”


A trick of the gods [Tightrope Walking] successfully detonated the atmosphere of the audience.

It drives all the girls crazy.


“Kamisato-sama, look over here!!”

“Ah~ no, no, every hitting action of Kamisato-sama hits people’s hearts~”

“Kamisato-sama looked at me, he looked at me!!”

The girls’ hot words echoed throughout the stadium.

Red fruit.

Without mincing matters.

Playing with various gestures just to get the attention of the gods.

The level of madness is staggering.

“I admit, I envy.”

The jackal stared at one of the “magnificent” girls and swallowed a mouthful of spit.

Junior high school student, upright puberty.

Who can resist this temptation.

“It’s also about [walking the tightrope], why didn’t I see this kind of scene, and I didn’t see them so excited.”

Marui blew bubblegum in his mouth, and the doubts revealed in his words.

Compared to jackals.

Marui was still relatively pure, and his thoughts did not run far.


Renwang, who was on the side, heard Marui’s little grudge laugh.

“Because what they are excited about is not [tightrope walking], but [tightrope walking] hit by God!”

“The emphasis is on the three words of God!”

“Got it?”

Marui pouted helplessly: “Of course I know, it’s just envy.” ”

Just when a few people stirred their mouths.

Willow’s voice came from the side.

“It’s seamless.”

“There is no superfluous movement at all.”

In the audience.

Liu looked at it now and said his first words.

And it was this sentence that made Marui and the others realize his existence.

“Willow, why did you suddenly say such inexplicable and wonderful words?”

Marui asked.

Yanagi’s personality is different from Qingxue’s Kansadaharu.

He himself is extremely low-key and does not like to install walls.

It will not take the initiative to explain the principle of the ball to the players.

Generally, when watching the game, he rarely makes a sound.

Because he wants to collect data.

Now suddenly opened his mouth to pop up such a sentence, but it made everyone curious.

“I’m feeling the skill and level of tennis in the gods.”

Willow said with a slight shock in his tone.

“Don’t you see that?”

“When you take this ball, the racket will break.”

After Willow’s reminder, several people suddenly remembered.

That’s right!

Just now they did hear the sound of the racket cracking widening.

Apparently the racket has reached its limit.

But why didn’t it break?

A few people realized it later.


Several of them set their eyes on Willow.

The meaning is obvious, let Liu explain the explanation.

After all, Willow can directly know the answer, why bother to think about this question?

It can also save more brain cells.

Forced to help.

Willow opened his mouth to say the details of the Kamito return the ball that he had just seen.

“At the moment when the tennis ball bounced, Kamisato took two steps back, so that when he received the ball, the force of the ball was not so strong.”

“At the same time, he also observed the angle at which the tennis ball bounced very quickly, and used the diagonal edge of the frame to accurately unload the force.”

“The force is unloaded with diagonal edges, and the control of the angle is very particular.”

“And while unloading the force, he used inertia to hit Marui’s stunt [tightrope walking].”

“From these means alone, Kamisato’s tennis level is not lost to Yukimura.”

“No, judging from the state of God’s ease, his tennis level is no longer an existence that we can touch.”

Several people listened to Willow’s explanation, and their faces also changed.

Their mindset has also changed and they have become more serious.

All the time.

Kamisato is a legend recognized throughout the Tachikai Grand Tennis Club.

The fundamental reason lies in his unique aura.

and an unbeatable look.

Marui and others have always believed that Kamisato’s real tennis level is very high.

But today after seeing and hearing Willow’s analysis.

They were surprised to find that Kamisato’s tennis level had exceeded their expectations.

This is the moment.

For some reason.

King Ren remembered the words that God often hung on his lips.

“I only need a small shot, and I have all of you.”

In the past, I just listened to this sentence of God as a joke.

Who would have thought….

What God says is true! The clown turned out to be themselves!


Several people talked.

The score on the pitch is also constantly unfolding.

And Kamisato also started his solo fancy show.


“This game was won by Kamisato!! 3-0!! ”

The referee raised his hand.

The shock on Kirihara’s face could not be taken back.

“Senior Liu’s…[Empty Cicada]?”


Following [Tightrope Walking].

Kamisato used Liu Lianji’s return technique [Empty Cicada] to win the next game.

Followed by.

Not yet waiting for the cutage reaction.

A dark yellow beam quickly flew towards him.

Landing, bouncing.

The beam of light passed past his ears.

Kirihara: “This time it’s the [laser beam] of Yanagi’s senior!!!? ”

“And the [Defense of the Copper Wall and Iron Wall] of the jackal senior!!”


Why does this guy in front of me do!!

Kirihara asked himself deep down while stumbling to chase the ball.

I don’t know when it started.

Kirihara began to feel tired.

The foot is like a lead poured in, so thick that the ball that could have been chased is now out of reach.

Breathing became more and more rapid, and the picture in front of him began to blur.

The current Kirihara is all supported by willpower.

Opposite side.

Kamisato also noticed Kirihara’s situation and secretly said in his heart.

“Have the side effects of demonicization occurred…”

“The rush of adrenaline leads to uncontrolled abuse of physical strength, and physical strength is almost exhausted.”

“In that case… Let’s just end it. ”

I felt in my heart.

Kamisato looked calm, held the racket in both hands, and raised it high.



The sound of electricity sounded.

A breath spread.

It’s like a sudden.

It seemed that several lightning bolts rose from the feet of the gods, enveloping the racket, and everything around them became dim.

“Hey!? This is?!! ”

Kirihara’s eyes widened at the skills he had never seen before, and fear already arose in his heart.


Kamisaki swings his racket.

The moment he hit the ball, it was like a thunder cutting through the darkness and quickly attacking towards Kirihara.

The speed is boundless, and it is unpredictable to the naked eye.

Next second.


Kirihara’s body was hit hard and fell to the bottom line.

This move is Sanada’s undisclosed secret technique [Move Like Thunder]!

Kirihara, which was bombarded, was like a deflated balloon.

The hair returned to normal, and the skin on the body changed from congestion and redness to normal.

Kamisaki with a tattered racket.

Ibuku repelled Kirihara’s demonic transformation!!


Looking at Kirihara, who fell to the ground, Kamisaki put away his racket.

He knew that Kirihara was no longer capable of fighting again.

“Ten minutes is up.”

“The game is over.”

Coldly dropping this sentence, Shen Li turned and left.

Ignoring the ambiguity of the girls around him.

There was also no flattery left waiting for the members.

Silently spread the aura on his body.

Under the influence of the aura, everyone took the initiative to shut up.


It’s autumn in September.

The leaves of maple trees planted along the path on campus are already red.

The sunlight shines through the red maple tree and hits the back of the gods.

The Lihai rhubarb and white school uniform on his shoulders seemed to come to life in an instant, shining brightly and brightly.


A gentle breeze blows.

Roll down dozens of red maple leaves.

Everyone watched as the gods wandered under the red maple trees, gradually drifting away.

This scene is beautiful.

Until his back disappears completely.

The stadium is still quiet.

The [King General] in the legend of Lihai – Shenli Hai.

The first game, the end.



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