
Kamisato quickly understood that Kirihara was frightened by the aura he had inadvertently aroused.

Quickly converged his aura, and the essence in his eyes also changed into slightly kind eyes.

“It’s okay, I’m just closing my eyes and recuperating, it has nothing to do with your sudden in.”

Kamisato smiled.

Kirihara’s heart really relaxed a little, but he was still shocked and had palpitations.

Closing your eyes and raising your mind has such a terrifying aura?

The aura just now was simply overwhelming.

If the senior in the gods is full of aura, what kind of scene should it look like?

“Let’s go!”

Just as Kirihara’s inner fantasy was fantasizing, Kamisaki interrupted his fantasies.

“Ahhh… Yes? ”

“Go! Didn’t you say you were going for a walk? ”


“Bring your good baby!”


“I said tennis racket!”


“Actually, your baby doesn’t just have a tennis racket.”


“And tennis.”

“Oh… Oh…”

After teasing Kirihara for a while, the atmosphere eased a lot.

Then, after Kirihara took the tennis bag, the two went out with the tennis bag on their backs.

Going out with a tennis bag doesn’t have to be a game, it’s a habit.

Return to Kanagawa.

Lihai University Affiliated High School.

The match between Nioh and Shinji Ibu is ongoing.


The tennis ball jumped behind Nio.

“This game was won by Fukaji Ibu!”


“Really fake, Senior Renwang was actually suppressed by that person.”

“I was also taken aback, I didn’t expect this person to be so powerful, it looks like a first or second grade.”

“Being able to easily win two rounds of Senior Renwang, what is this person’s name?”

“It seems to be specially from Kyoto, from Fudomine Academy, called Ibu Shenji!”

“Ibu Shenji, it seems that this year’s Kyoto Tennis Trials, this school called Fudomine should be a dark horse in the region.”

Members of the Lihai University Tennis Department talked about it.

These words were heard in the ears of Kamio Akira sitting next to him, and they greatly satisfied his heart.

“The main selection of the Wang Lihai University is not very remarkable!”

“Maybe this year, we can really win the national championship.”

And the audience on the other side.

Several official players of Lihai University were laughing and discussing the ongoing match.

They looked relaxed and didn’t worry about winning or losing the game at all.

“So, the man hasn’t seen that ‘Fox’ is performing? I think his acting skills are really terrible! ”

Fumita Marui chewed gum and blew up a green bubble, which was his favorite green apple-flavored bubble gum.

“I don’t know, anyway, the one named Itake Shenji, the tennis level does not look like an ordinary first- and second-year student, if you come to our Lihai University, there should be a good growth, it’s a pity.”

Liu Lian’er said.

“I said… When is Nioh ready to play so he doesn’t get tired? ”

The jackal with a black brine egg head was a little helpless.

All the Tachikai Daissho who were familiar with King Ni understood that King Ni would not be pressed into this form.

He has always had a ‘tennis fraudster’, and his tennis level is not based on fraud, but he really has real strength.

And he released water from this beginning, for what purpose?

Why did Yukimura name Nioh to agree to this match?

The people of Lihai University couldn’t help but be curious.

The game slowly stretched.

Under Renwang’s deliberate “release of the sea”, the score of the two sides continued to expand.




Win the race point!

“Come on! Fukaji! Just win the game! Shave your head! ”

After seeing that he had arrived at the match point, Kamio shouted as he stood by the stadium.

He seemed to have forgotten that they had come in awe at first.

The majesty of the king standing in the sea seemed to have disappeared at this moment.

King Lihai Great? But so!

“Got it.”

Fukaji Ibu also found it boring, and so far in this match, all he felt was relaxed.

Even many times, he did not deliberately play tricky ball paths.

But the members of Lihai on the opposite side still couldn’t receive it.

The level is like… Just like a schoolboy.

This completely shattered his originally expectant heart.

“I thought how strong the level of the main selection of the King Lihai University could be! So that’s it!? ”


There was a sound from the opposite pitch.

Ibu Shenji was stunned for a moment: “Huh? ”

“That’s what you thought, didn’t you?”

Renwang asked with a smile.

Itake Shenji did not deny it, and nodded, which was regarded as agreement.

He was indeed disappointed.

“I heard that you came to find out the news in God.”

“You think of me as a god.”

“Anyway, if that guy plays against you, if he doesn’t want to catch the ball, he won’t take it.”

“In his words, you guys don’t even have the desire to catch the ball.”

Listening to these arrogant words, both Ibu Shenji and Kamio Akira were stunned.

Look up.

I don’t know when, Kamisato was standing on the opposite court.

“But I’m different, I’m a god, I’m still a player at Lihai University.”

“Kamisato may not care about losing to you, but I’m different.”

“Tolerating you for five rounds is already my limit.”

“Next, let me give you a little peek at the aura and terror of three-tenths of the gods.”

After Renwang finished speaking, his smile suddenly retracted.


An indescribable aura slowly emanated from his body.

Followed by.

A cloud of white gas began from his side, visible to the naked eye, and swept in circles.

It doesn’t seem to be visible visually.

But when this gas really hit everyone present.

Everyone’s faces changed in an instant.

It’s a feeling that’s so powerful that it’s intimidating and easily suffocating.

In layman’s terms, it is like being naughty as a child and meeting the most frightening class teacher.

Or maybe the tutor is strict, and if you make a mistake, you will be caught by the strict father.

It’s a fear that comes from within.

“This feeling completely makes people have no courage to fight with one…”

“Three tenths of the aura in the gods?”

“Does it already have such terrifying power?”

Ibu gritted his teeth, pulled out the tennis ball from his pocket, slapped it twice, and threw it upwards.


He slapped his hands.

But the tennis ball did not cross the net, but was firmly blocked by the center net.

“Fukaji, you…”

Kamio Akira looked at Itake Shinji with a look of horror.

Unbelievable, in this aura, tennis can’t even pass the net?

“Tight… Nervous, do it again. ”

Shinji Itake picked up the tennis ball again and swung his racket.


Touch the net again.

He looked at his hands in disbelief.

The hand was shaking.

He was afraid.


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