On the balcony on the second floor.

“What is the wind today? Unexpectedly hooked the interest of these two people? ”

“It’s really weird!”

Kamisato saw Sanada and Yanagi appear, and became interested.

These two.

It’s not easy to race.

Even in official competitions, it is difficult to play 5/10 of their strength.

It’s not nice to say.

With the current strength of the two of them, either of them can deal with Shinobu and Himawari at the same time.

Playing doubles together, it’s too much to overkill.

God can only feel a full of bad taste.


It was hard to wait until the two of them were interested in the competition.

Shen Li didn’t want to miss this opportunity to improve their strength.

Now do something small by themselves, they all have a good chance of improving their mental power, why not?

The game is about to start.

God is also unambiguous.

I found a standard-sized A4 piece of white paper, picked up a pen and wrote on it.

With what he knew about Shinobu and Himawari in his mind, he didn’t stop all the time.

After a while, a series of messages were written briefly.

At this time.

On the playing field.

The two sides have completed a simple handshake,

It’s time to guess the side.


Just as Willow was about to turn the racket, a voice stopped him.

As soon as this voice came out.

The entire stadium suddenly fell into a brief silence.

Everyone looked sideways.

Even many people dare not breathe.

You don’t have to think about it to know that the voice that opens your mouth is divine.


Willow turned her head to look at the second-floor balcony.

I don’t know why.

With doubts in my heart.

The game is about to start, interrupt at this time, what’s the matter?

I saw that Shen Li Xi gently raised his hand.

An A4 with something clearly written on it flew down the second floor.


The breeze was blowing just right again.

Rolled up the white paper and delivered it precisely to Willow’s hand.

It’s like a miracle.

Willow took the white paper in his hand, and with just one glance, he was stunned, and the eyes that could not see the pupils opened a little at this moment.




The mood is complicated and difficult to express.

On white paper.

The message is short, but it’s really informative.



“For this game, just press the above.”

God spoke again.

There seemed to be some kind of magic in the language, which made the willow ghost nodded his head.

“Got it.”


The two sides continue to guess sides.

Sanada on the side had never seen the contents of the blank paper, but he didn’t know what to say. 520

Don’t know what you shouldn’t know.

What should be known, nature will know.

End of guessing.

The serve came to Willow’s hands.

All eyes were on Willow.

Willow, on the other hand, glanced up at the Shinobu Yushi and Himawari on the opposite side, meaningful.


“Right back side, bottom line position, left rotation.”

Liu suddenly said such a sentence, and everyone was stunned.

Haven’t reacted yet.


He played the tennis ball out in an instant.

The tennis ball streaked a yellow beam in the air and crossed the net.

“This guy?! What do you mean?! ”

Seeing the landing point of this ball, Shinobu Yuji’s eyes widened suddenly.

He suddenly understood what Liu meant by what he had just said.

“Right back side, bottom line position! Levorotation! ”

It’s where his serve lands!

And it’s not bad!

“Offer to tell us where to hit, and where the ball will land?”

“Even the direction of rotation of the ball is completely revealed?!”

I don’t understand!

I really don’t understand!

Shinobu hesitated, but the racket in his hand reacted quickly.

Aiming at Sanada’s feet on the opposite side, a cut ball was played.

“Seventy-five degrees, arc high hanging ball, falling midfield position.”

Willow spoke again.

This time it was Sanada’s turn to be stunned.

He looked up and glanced blankly at his own response.

“Seventy-five degrees, arc high hanging ball, falling midfield position!”

Sanada’s face changed.

Liu not only told the opposite side the ball he played, but even accurately calculated his counterattack, and also told the opposite side.

This feeling… It’s amazing.

It’s like being backstabbed.

“Willow, you…”

Sanada could not understand that this act was too advanced and too artistic.

“Don’t ask, Ichiro.”

“This is a matter between me and God.”

Willow looked serious.

His eyes were kept open during this game, very serious.

Sanada understood it as soon as he saw it.

Liu takes this game very seriously.


Sanada didn’t ask any more.

Just do your own thing.

“Oh, it’s really interesting, I actually told the opponent all the means of returning the ball, and the people who are big in Lihai really don’t understand.”

Hado Ryo complained.

This kind of behavior, which he has seen for the first time, is too strange.

“It should just be politeness to give two points.”

Chotaro Phoenix furiously expressed his own opinion (ajfa).

“I think it’s like a provocation, I always feel that the other side looks down on people, give us the opportunity to commit the following offense?”

Hiyoshiru, who has a golden watermelon head, makes a rare speech.


Trace was silent and did not say anything more.

At this moment, all his attention was on the god on the balcony on the second floor.

Debut from the beginning.

Then to the white piece of paper that was just thrown to Liu Lianer.

Every move of this god exudes his damn mystery.

Compared to the content on the white paper and why Liu Lianji had such a strange behavior, he was more curious about what kind of person Shen Lian was and what purpose he had in doing this.

“God in the underworld…”

“You managed to arouse Uncle Ben’s interest.”


“I always feel a little cold in the temperature, and I feel like I’m being remembered.”

Kamisaki frowned.

With a sixth sense and intuition, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the traces and figured out the source of this feeling.

“Are you being targeted? Scold. ”

“It’s good to keep an eye on it, anyway, there will be a game sooner or later, but it’s a pity, not now.”

Kamisaki smiled slightly at the traces.

Then he continued to cast his gaze on Liu Lianer.

Seeing what Liu Lianji did, he was very interested.

Because it means.

After this competition, Liu will definitely have some understanding.


“This round was won by Yanagi and Sanada.”



“This round was won by Yanagi and Sanada.”



“This round was won by Yanagi and Sanada.”


“Why? What a hell! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“What kind of evil is on the other side!!”

“Nope! We also have problems! ”

“It always feels weird!”

“Obviously the tennis spots that guy told us were all correct! Even the reaction of the other side was perfect. ”

“But why can’t we get a point out of them!”

“It’s just a point!!! Is it really that hard!!! ”

Himawari gritted his teeth and his tone was a little impatient.

Judging by the amount of sweat on his face, his consumption is not small.

And that’s exactly what happened.

At first, he was very happy when he heard the opposite side take the initiative to tell the drop point of the sample tennis ball.

At one point, I thought that the other party had infighting.

Fight back with precision every time.

But especially strange.

There are some balls, even if the opponent has told in advance where to hit and how to play, they will not receive it.

Either it’s slow to react.

Or you just can’t catch up.

Either the return ball goes out of bounds and the return ball touches the net.

It is like this every time, without exception!

This one comes and goes.

Himawari was distraught.

His physical strength was also used more and more uncontrollably, and a large number of jumps caused his physical strength to be consumed sharply.

“Yue Ren, control your physical strength!”

“A lot of jumps have disrupted your rhythm, some balls that are not necessary to catch, don’t go to hard catches, it is too physically draining for you!”

Shinobu hurriedly reminded.

Compared with the usual physical exertion, today’s Xiangri, at this point in time, the physical exertion is nearly doubled.

This is definitely not a good sign.

“I know! But you know what form the ball will look like, where it will land, how can you restrain yourself from catching the ball! ”

Xianghi was quite helpless, and his impatient heart became a little arrogant.

And his answer also made it impossible for the Shinobu Yuji to refute it.

Oh, yes.

Knowing where the ball will fall, how can you resist not picking it up.

Especially in the face of Himawari, who has an impatient personality, this situation is not to mention.

But that’s not the way to go.

If you don’t think of a way out of today’s predicament.

Then in less than three rounds, Xiangri’s physical strength will be exhausted.

And, there’s something very weird.

Shinobu set his eyes on Willow’s body.

The other party also seems to know where our ball will land, and every time we stand in front of the position.

“In that case…”

The Shinobu Yuki’s eyes froze, and he seemed to have made up some kind of determination.

“Bottom line left, right!”

Once again, Liu accurately reported the direction of the return fire.

Shinobu took a high hanging ball and knocked it back in front of the net.

Gave Sanada a very perfect chance ball.

“Smash in front of the net.”

Liu’s next step reports that

Sanada also happened to jump high at this moment, swinging his racket, giving a vertical and powerful smash.

“Here it is!!!! Yuji!! It’s now!! ”

Himawari also seemed to know what Shinobu was going to do, and hurriedly shouted.


The Shinobu Yuji rotated reflexively, turned into a whirlpool, and quickly came directly below the smash ball.

Open your arms and the racket is raised.


A white light flashed, and the tennis ball flew straight into the sky.

“It’s a brown bear caught in the net!”

“Endure, this guy is finally starting to move the real thing!”

When Shido Ryo saw this action, his face was delighted.

The brown bear is a ball technique specially used to return the smash ball.

Using the strength of the opponent’s smash ball, it quickly rebounds to the back of the opponent’s court, so that the opponent who smashes in front of the net has no time to defend.

And, the stronger the opponent’s smash ball.

The faster the bear returns the net.

It is one of the famous tricks of the two famous masters of only Qingxue’s Fuji Shusuke and the Ice Emperor’s Shinobu Yushi.

Tennis balls high in the air quickly descend to the bottom line.

Not waiting for everyone in the Ice Emperor to be happy.

Willow’s figure has already stood at the bottom line one step ahead, and that place is where the ball falls!

Followed by.

Willow’s advance notice followed.

“Halfway, forty-five straight ball!”


The voice just fell.

The tennis ball turned into a straight line of light, pulled an afterimage in the air, and landed on the center line of their court.



Without the slightest error!

“This game was won by Sanada and Yanagi!”


The referee raised his arm and announced loudly.



Envelope the audience!

It’s too weird to be weird!

An oppressive feeling that makes it difficult to breathe!

It constantly erodes the hearts of Shinobu Yuji and Himawahi.

Even the other people of the Ice Emperor standing on the sidelines seemed to be able to feel despair.

“Unexpectedly… Even the forbearant brown bear was prejudged in advance? ”

“Shot back in an instant?”

“Is this the oppressive feeling of the Big Three of Lihai?”

Chotaro was deeply shocked.

He had never seen the doubles between Shinobu Yuji and Himawari being suppressed so embarrassingly!

And what is even more frightening is that this game looks as if Lihai has dispatched two giants.

But in fact, only that Liu Lianer was exerting power during the whole process.

On the other hand, that [Emperor] Sanada didn’t seem to be serious at all, just an ordinary catch-and-serve.

One more point.

The two of them, Shinobu Yuji and Himawari, knowing where the ball fell and how to return the attack, were beaten 4-0.

Just thinking about it makes people despair.

At this time.

Liu quietly looked at the Shinobu Yushi and Xiangri who was lying on the ground, and for some reason, he felt inexplicably sad in his eyes.

“Forget it.”


Willow said such a word, turned around and prepared to leave.


Everyone was stunned.

A series of question marks appeared overhead.

Never mind?

What do you mean?

“Hey! What’s the matter!? ”

“We can still fight!”

Himawari gritted her teeth and braced herself on her knees with one hand, allowing herself to stand up.

The soreness of his calf muscles made him tremble uncontrollably.

But he still clenched his racket and prepared to continue the game.

The Shinobu Yushi also looked serious, and did not intend to end up like this.

And Sanada, as a teammate, did not say a word the whole time, quietly looking at Yanagi.

It doesn’t matter if this game is won or lost.

Apparently there was a problem on Willow’s side.

He was now more curious about what had happened to Willow.

“I mean, this game, count us as a big abstention.”

“You guys won.”

Willow’s gaze was small, but clearly serious.

This answer.

The members of the Lihai Grand Tennis Department were instantly surprised.

“What’s the situation? Abstention? Okay, why did you suddenly abstain? The opposite side obviously can’t hold on! If they want to abstain, they should also abstain! ”

“What happened to Senior Liu?”

“In fact, this game abstained, I think it is right, discerning people can see at a glance that this game is our Lihai big win, at this time abstain, give it to the ice emperor, can also show our Lihai generosity!”

“Bastard! Cash out a fart!! Lihai Da should be directly 3-0 in order to withdraw our Lihai Da’s domineering!! ”

“The question is why abstain? Is Senior Liu emotionally frustrated? He seems to be in a state of lost love? ”

“It must be because of the decision of the senior in Kamisato!!”

“yes? What is the blank piece of paper that Kamisato Senpai handed to Yanagi-senpai? What a curiosity!! ”

“I’m sure!! 100% related to that white paper, but I am short-sighted, and I didn’t see the content clearly when that white paper flew in front of me! ”


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