“The experience time is over.”

The gods are not constricting their aura, but exuding them with all their strength.

The spiritual power in his mind also became active quickly, and then climbed.

Almost at the moment when the breath surges on the body ~ above.

A light appeared in front of the gods, and the colorful world appeared again in front of him.

The vision is back!

Followed by.

The sound of the wind “whining” in your ears.

The nasal passages are filled with the cool air of the night.

The tongue in the mouth becomes soft again.

Even the tennis racket held in his hand regained his sense of weight.

It’s back!

It’s all back!

The five senses that were deprived were restored almost instantly.

This is the strong strength brought by 20 spiritual powers.

Yukimura, whose spiritual power is only 6 points, created the world of [deprivation of the five senses], and cannot pose the slightest threat to the gods! .

As long as the gods meditate, they can fight back at any time.

What [Asura Shinto] opens?

What is the “Ultimate Seamless”?


None of it!

If you still need to improve your spiritual realm to get out of the state of [Five Senses Deprivation].

That God can only tell you one word.

You are too weak.

When a certain value is beyond and ahead of the other party’s realm.

Everything will be simplified.

One force breaks ten thousand laws, one force reduces ten meetings.

Simple and crude!

This is the benefit of one’s own strong spiritual power!

“Unexpectedly detached from the state of being deprived of the five senses in an instant?”

“Doesn’t work at all?”

Yukimura was taken aback when he saw Kamisaki recover like this.

He had just fantasized about the way God would break free from the world of five senses.

But I didn’t expect it to be in this way.

It’s really… Indescribable.

The spiritual skills that he is proud of are so easily broken free, and anyone will be hit a little.

“20 points of spiritual power, even more terrifying than I imagined.”

“And….. This aura is still climbing! ”


Yukimura noticed something very scary.

The aura of the gods did not converge after breaking free from the [Deprivation of the Five Senses], but continued to expand.

“Tonight… Is it an honor to see this guy in God with his own eyes? ”

Yukimura’s eyes shone with anticipation.

He quietly looked at the god in front of him.


A pale white mist slowly appeared in the half of the court.

The mist wrapped the whole person of the god, and his figure loomed in the mist.

Followed by.

The fog dispersed.

Around the gods, a vague star of light was formed, constantly flickering.

His whole person is glowing.


Like the male protagonist in the anime who came out of the halo of special effects.

He stood quietly in place, and the whole person looked extremely sacred.

In the middle of this whole stadium.

Under this dazzling spotlight.

It looks particularly bright and gives people a sense of sacredness and inviolability.

This feeling… It is like an angel sent by God to earth to redeem mankind.

At this time.

If Aoi Huacun saw the last piece of [measurement cannot] printing paper for five-dimensional data testing at that time.

It is bound to know what this situation is.

“Status: Divinization!”

“Yukimura, keep playing.”

Just as Yukimura was stunned, Kamisato’s voice came from the other side.

“Huh? Your aura… It feels completely different from before. ”

“What’s different?”

A shallow smile appeared at the corner of Kamisato’s mouth.

Illuminated by the light around it, it is extremely sacred and looks particularly holy.

This scene alone stunned both Yukimura and Yakuzu.

Is this kind of person real?

So dazzling.

It really feels like it’s an honor to be close to him!

It has nothing to do with gender, whether male or female, seeing the gods at this moment will have such strange thoughts.

No matter what request he makes, it feels impossible to refuse.

“Your qi… The aura, there is no original kind… Amazing, breathless oppression. ”

“Particularly convergent?”

Yukimura became respectful and somewhat unnatural when he spoke.

He always felt the God in front of him, which made him feel respect from his heart.

Do not dare to have the slightest idea of being equal to him.

It can be said.

The current state of Kamisato is really exactly the “Kamisato-sama” in the minds of the girls who admire him.


There is no room for disrespect.

“Hehe, it seems to be one of my states, which has been specially divided.”

“You can understand it as… It’s like Kirihara’s [Demonization]. ”

“Probably so.”

God explained it in a nutshell.

Originally, when he was exuding his aura with all his strength, he took into account the safety of Yakuzu and Yukimura on the sidelines, and deliberately controlled his aura and tried to become as soft and affinity as possible.

It’s like the feeling of facing a girl in Lihai University, only exuding affinity, not hostility and oppression.

Didn’t expect that.

Under the deliberate control of the gods, his aura seemed to evolve into a state.

In this state, God always feels unusually calm in his heart.

Nothing seems to cause waves within one’s heart.

To put it more generally, it is the mood of flattening, rotten, and touching fish.

As for what effect can be achieved in this state, it is not clear to God.

Because he hadn’t fought yet, he didn’t know.

“Like Kirihara’s [demonization]? The way you look now, it seems… So sacred, full of divinity, it feels like the proud son of heaven. ”

Yukimura voiced his feelings.

“Divinity … The proud son of heaven…”

“Then let’s call him [deification] in this state.”

Kamisato meditated, and in order not to collide with Kirihara’s [Angelization] later, he simply chose a name.

The name doesn’t matter anyway.

What the state will be capable of is the most important.

“So, let me serve now.”


God already has some expectations.

But there was a constant calm in his mind, which caused him to speak with a sense of indifference.


Kamisato threw the tennis ball into the air.

Then with a gentle wave.

Yukimura quickly perked up and stared at Kamisato’s flailing hands.


The sound of hitting sounded.

A dazzling cross light illuminates the entire stadium.

Followed by.

The scene in front of Yukimura turned white with that dazzling cross light.

The tennis ball turned into nothingness in the air.

It is difficult to catch its trace in the line of sight.


Next second.

The court beside Yukimura’s left foot suddenly sounded the sound of tennis balls landing.

But he didn’t have time to react at all.

The tennis ball has already bounced off and landed.

Direct scoring.


“Huh? It seems to be really a little different. ”

Shen Li was surprised to see that the ball he played ordinarily turned into this in the state of [Divinization].

When he first hit the ball, he felt a force helping him.

It’s like…

It’s as if you hit an ordinary serve and have a mysterious person who says to you “a weak ball doesn’t fit your identity, I’ll give you a hard hand”.

“Did you really achieve that metaphysical realm?”

“If there is divine help?”

“Heavenly Pride Son?”

“God chasing after the feeder?”

Shen Li was stunned, and had already thought of a possibility. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And this possibility is almost certain.

But in order to understand this state of [divinization] more thoroughly.

Kamito decided to try something else.

“Yukimura, change your serve this time.”

“Well… Good. ”

Yukimura nodded with a somewhat wooden expression, as if he hadn’t recovered from the surprise just now.

The goal just now was really incredible.

A serve with a blinding effect…

Some are difficult to understand.

And it can’t be explained by science.

“It should belong to the state of metaphysical tennis.”

Yukimura said secretly in his heart.

Since the scientific explanation does not make sense, then it is classified as metaphysics.

After all, the end of science is metaphysics.

It can only be explained this way.

Yukimura calmed himself down for a moment, then took a tennis ball out of his pocket.

A simple and powerful serve flew straight towards the court of the gods.

“Let’s go back to a cut this time.”

Seeing this ball, God made a plan.




He quickly caught up with the tennis ball, and as the tennis ball bounced off the ground, the racket sliced upwards.

The angle of inclination is just right.


The tennis ball quickly flew back to Yukimura’s court with a strong slurro.

“Here it comes! This feeling again! ”

Just after hitting back the tennis ball, the same mysterious feeling appeared in Shen Li’s heart as just now.

It was as if he had been favored by heaven.



In the moon-starry weather, the course is windy on the ground.

Kamisaki carefully looked at the tennis ball that he had played back.


After this “demon wind” blows, the spin of the tennis ball seems to be faster and stronger.

Yukimura hurriedly reached out his racket to pick it up.

The next moment.



The powerful rotation force knocked Yukimura’s racket away.


It should be said that it was Yukimura’s wrist strength just now, and he couldn’t catch such a strong spinning ball, causing his wrist to naturally let go of the racket.

If Yukimura forced himself to catch the ball, his wrist would definitely hurt.

“What the hell is going on… When Ming Ming Shenli fought back, the curvature and force of the cut ball were not so large, and when I actually received the ball, the rotation force was so large that it exceeded the load of my grip. ”

“This feeling… It’s so weird! ”

The more Yukimura thought about it, the more outrageous he felt.

Ask for flowers

Metaphysics can.

But this is also too metaphysical!

Completely beyond his realm.

20 points of mental power, is it so outrageous?

“That guy, what the hell happened.”

At the steps.

Yakuzu looked at the situation on the court with a blank expression.

Shen Li suddenly recovered his five senses, and the aura and feeling on his body completely changed, and he also hit two extremely strange balls in succession.

It is clear that the power of the serve and the speed of the swing are ordinary, and there is no feeling of using all my strength, but the speed is frighteningly fast, and the white light emitted makes people unable to see the trace of the ball.

And that return ball too.

It looks like an ordinary cut ball.

Can you knock out all the rackets on the opposite side?

How strong is the force and rotation of this ball?

Yakuzu struggled to explain the series of strange events that happened on the pitch.

He only felt that God was very strong now, and it was not a grade with him at all!

The gap between the two.

It’s like one is in elementary school and one is already in college.

“Sure enough!”

“It’s magic tennis indeed!”

“It’s no wonder that he didn’t open the [Wumetang Triple Gate] and [Asura Shinto], his path is completely different from theirs.”

God understood.

Where is my spiritual power working?

“If your aura, at the beginning, is not properly converted into affinity, but is cast all of it to increase the sense of oppression, will there be another state?”

After trying some approximate abilities of [deification], Shen Li suddenly thought of another possibility.

Kirihara’s states are both [Demonized] and [Angelic].

So will he also have a [Magic]?

What does tennis look like after demonization?

If it is a normal state, if you use your own ball skills, what kind of help will your strong mental power provide to yourself?

If when [deification], instead of using ordinary balls and serves, you fantasize about using ball skills, will the power of metaphysics help you complete the ball skills imagined in your mind?

All kinds of questions welled up in God’s mind and kept haunting him.

He even wanted to figure it all out now.

“So… Just try it first. ”

“Imagine the ball skills in your head, and the sensible God should be able to help wipe your ass yourself, right?”

God sits in his heart and plans.

Then gestured for Yukimura to serve further.

Although at this moment, Yukimura did not know what happened in the underworld.

But he must also know that God is trying something.


Yukimura played another serve.

“Imagine in your head…”

The moment God saw the ball, he quickly thought of an action in his mind.

I saw him take a step back, lunge and bend his knees, standing the racket in his hand down between his waist and abdomen, imagining the racket as a knife.

“That pose! It was then…”

When Yakuzu saw this pose, he immediately thought of when he was competing with Kamisato.

The other party also used this pose at that time.

At that time, I could even hear the sound of the sword coming out of its sheath.

Gong ——!!

The racket of the gods suddenly swung upwards, making a gesture of drawing the knife.

This time.

The sound of the sword coming out of its sheath is more pronounced.

Not only Yukimura heard it, but so did Yakuzu.

“Compared to the last time, it is more transparent and crisp…” Yakuzu quickly realized that the two voices were different.

And hearing this voice, Yukimura was obviously stunned, but his body still moved for the first time, and he ran quickly, wanting to fight back this tennis ball.

I saw that the racket just stretched out.

In the moment of contact with tennis.


The racket was actually cut in half!!!!

The tennis ball, on the other hand, falls off after cutting off the racket, as if nothing had happened.

“The wind… Wind Blade ???! ”

Yukimura’s eyes widened as he looked at his racket cut in disbelief.

Although it was too fast just now, there was no time to take a closer look.

But he was still able to detect the front end of Fangcai’s tennis ball, and it seemed that a nearly transparent wind blade touched his racket one step ahead of the tennis ball, which led to his racket “sacrifice”.

“Kamisato, you are really becoming more and more incomprehensible.”

Yukimura’s eyes were full of amazement and said to Kamisato.

But he turned back this time.

But Shen Li was already lying on the opposite court.


It’s a little caught off guard!


Yukimura hurriedly dropped his racket and ran towards Kamisato who had fallen to the ground.

(ps: I wish all the audience gentlemen, Happy May Day!!! soil).

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