“Do you think Kirihara is the kind of person who keeps watch for three or five minutes?”

Kami’s words caused Tachikai Daimarui and the others to be stunned.

Oh, yes.

According to Kirihara’s personality, how could he honestly keep it for three or five minutes.

Although he has become a lot calmer recently, playing tennis is no longer reckless.

But how can the character in the bones be easily changed?

Not to mention that Echizen Ryoma had provoked Kamisato and this hatred he still remembered in his heart.

Just being beaten by a little devil who is one grade lower than him, constantly suppressing and beating, is mud has three points of anger.

“But even if Kirihara enters the state of [Demonization], he can’t compete with that Yue~former Ryoma in a short time, right?”

Marui asked curiously.

[Demonization] Although it does not consume as much physical strength as [Selfless Realm], it is the same, and after more than three minutes, it will start to lose your mind.


Kirihara wants to open the situation with [Demonization], but it’s still a little difficult.

“Kirihara doesn’t think so much now.” Shen Li smiled, “Even if he opens [Demonization] and can’t compete with [Selfless Realm], but that is the only means he can break the game at present, do you say he will use it?” ”

Finish speaking.

Kamisato looked at Kirihara in the court, and his eyes showed a bit of expectation.

When it comes to Kirihara’s character, he is very clear.

This side of the course.

Kirihara, who was suppressed for three small games in a row, had a very ugly face.

A few drops of sweat oozed from the forehead.

Kirihara also realized that something was wrong.

“This guy on the other side seems to have entered a state.”

“It’s like my [demonization], which has increased explosive power in a short period of time.”

“Just taking care of the defense, I have already done my best, and if I consume it like this, my physical strength is probably not much different than turning on [Demonization].”

“Although Kamisato-senpai said that any ability to dominate the court in the short term has side effects.”

“But if I continue to defend like this, I’m afraid that before he has any side effects, I will lose the whole game first!”

“I can’t lose! I represent Lihai University! ”

Kirihara carefully considered the current format of the competition.

Immediately made up his mind.

Turn on [Demonization].


Kirihara imagined as unpleasant and angry things as possible in his mind.

A strange and disturbing aura emanated from his body.

“Hey!!! That guy in Lihai University, his body has changed! ”

“It’s really terrible, how can white hair suddenly appear!!”

“His body and eyes turned red! It’s like going crazy!! ”

“Super Saiyan transformation?!”

“Hmm?! So handsome! ”


Viewers who had never seen Kirihara’s [Demonization] exclaimed after seeing the changes that had taken place in Kirihara’s body.

“Huh? The second-year one at Lihai University seems to have some hole cards hidden. ”

Ryuzaki Pansy, who was sitting in the coach’s chair, glanced at Kirihara and was surprised in his heart.

At this time.

Kirihara has completely entered [Demonization].

Classic white hair, red eyes, flushed skin.

It’s like a demon in the world.

“Only three minutes, in these three minutes, try to chase the score as much as possible!”

Kirihara was quite sane in his mind.

The spirit also resists the tyrannical emotions that rush to his mind as much as possible.


Demon Kirihara’s body speed has increased to a notch.

Quickly hit back the incoming tennis ball.

The physical fitness of the whole person has also been greatly improved.

Turn defense into offense.

Gradually, he began to find the rhythm he had lost.

And Echizen Ryoma, who entered the [Selfless Realm] on the opposite side, has lost the consciousness in his mind.

In the face of Kirihara’s sudden change of attack, his body was also subconsciously defensive.


The sparring between the two sides is getting faster and faster.

The whole stadium was filled with frequent batting sounds.

“Shhh… Boom…… Boom…”

“Shhh… Boom…… Boom…”

Under Kirihara’s fierce offensive.

He also gradually began to score, and the two sides seemed to be running and pulling, you chase me.

“Bang !!!”

“Kirihara, 15-0.”

“Bang !!!”

“Echizen, 15-15.”

“Bang !!!”

“Echizen, 30-15.”

“Yes, whether it is speed, strength, or reaction speed, it has increased by nearly double.”

“Come on, recently, Kirihara’s training for the basic body has not fallen.”

Kamisato smiled with satisfaction, during the outbreak of Kirihara’s demonization, the greater the increase in the five dimensions, the greater the potential for the future.

Wait until when he has improved mentally.

Presumably, the time of [demonization] will be effectively extended.

At that time, Kirihara’s overall strength level will rise again.

“At that time, naturally, during this time, he was specially arranged to train twice as much as others.”

“Talent is important, but hard work can’t fool people.”

Sanada still had a serious face, but there was pride in his eyes.

It feels as if a father has heard someone else praise his son.

For Kirihara, Sanada can be described as obsessed like an old father.

Find him a teacher (Kamisato), arrange cram classes for him (extra practice), and give him extra love (no mercy in the game).

Watching Kirihara gradually grow, Sanada was inexplicably relieved.

And the gods are underworld… Looking at Kirihara, I felt like I was playing a developmental game.

Improving the attributes of players in one step is quite rewarding.

“Huh? God, where are you going? ”

Sanada saw Kamisato stand up and asked.

“It’s too hot to sit with you here, and the coach chair on the sidelines is more spacious.”

Kamisato shook off a sentence, then walked to the coach’s guidance chair on the side of the court and sat down calmly.

“Oh, this guy, he really won’t find a reason.”


Renwang pouted helplessly.

The other members of Lihai University also smiled tacitly.

They all know it.

God did not go to the guidance chair because of the heat.

It was because he was worried that Kirihara would not quit [Demonization] after three minutes, completely out of control, and sat on the guidance chair, which can be regarded as a reminder for Kirihara.

After all, being able to control [Demonization] Kirihara in an instant is only the god in the heart.

“Oh? It is really strange that Kamisato-san would be willing to sit in the coach’s chair. ”

The gods have just sat down.

Ryuzaki Pansy next door spoke.

This tone.

This emphasis.

Slightly yin and yang weirdness.

He also revealed a bit of pride.

Kamisato also knew that Ryuzaki Pansy already thought that the victory was in hand.

“Oh, it’s too hot above, just come down and sit, I haven’t sat in this position to watch the game, just experience it.”

“Looking at the game from this angle, it’s really a bit inexplicably nervous.”

Kamisato smiled modestly, pretending not to understand Ryuzaki’s yin and yang.

However, Ryuzaki did not miss this proud opportunity.

This time.

The limelight of the gods has overshadowed Echizen Ryoma.

If there were no Kamisato, presumably the Seigaku Tennis Club would be known to more people because of Echizen Ryoma.

It can be said.

The gods influenced the original attention of Qingxue.

Without attention, the tennis club will not survive.

Imagine that because of the fame of the gods, the tennis department of Lihai University has also skyrocketed, then the new students who sign up will choose Lihai University as soon as possible.

That’s the benefit of a popular player.

At that time, Ryuzaki Pansy was preparing to make Echizen Ryoma a popular player known throughout the country.

Now, because of the relationship between God and the underworld, Echizen Ryoma is still an unknown first-year student.

With this relationship alone, Ryuzaki Pansy had no reason to be polite to Kamisato.

The two schools are in competition. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Seeing that the Echizen Ryoma competition has taken the advantage, Ryuzaki Pansy naturally will not let go of this opportunity to publicize Echizen Ryoma and raise his eyebrows.

And this psychology is similar to the old lady and grandmother praising their precious grandchildren whenever they are around.

“Kamisato-san, this player in your second year seems to have incredible talent.”

“However, it’s useless, Ryoma has already led the score by a large margin, and now he wants to chase, it’s too much worse.”

“Ryoma is not the kind of person who will be easily chased for points.”

“It’s a pity, there are so many monsters in Lihai, no matter which one is sent, it can give me a headache.”

“But you’re in this second grade.”

“Is it too light on us this year?”

Ryuzaki smiled and pretended to be nonchalant and said a bunch of words.

But from the gradually smug tone, it can be seen that she has decided that Echizen Ryoma can win Kirihara and Seigaku can win this Kanto Grand Prix.

Saying these words is nothing more than deliberately engaging in the mentality of the gods and suppressing the gods.

Condensed into one sentence: “Young man, you are still too young and too underestimated the enemy.” ”

To this.

God still pretended not to hear, turned a deaf ear, and did not respond.

It turns out.

Sometimes silence is the biggest counterattack and mockery.

Ryuzaki Pansy saw that he had said a lot of words, and the god was still calm, and the appearance of the old god was a little uncomfortable.

It’s uncomfortable to watch.

“I heard that this second-year player was cultivated by Kamisato-san as the heir of the future tennis club.”

“Coincidentally, Ryoma is also a pillar of the youth school entrusted by our Tezuka.”

“Looking at it this way, Kamisato-san seems to be a little hasty in betting the future of Tachikai University on this second-year player, you say?”

Ryuzaki Pansy contrasts Kirihara with Echizen Ryoma, a metaphor for the inability of the gods’ inner vision.

And this time, the god who did not react just now laughed.


“Senior Ryuzaki, I’m a person who gambles with the sky.”

“You said that I bet the future of Tachikai on Kirihara, then your vision is not very good, and you are old, how about finding an opportunity to wear reading glasses?”

Ask for flowers

“I advise you not to take your youth studies too seriously.”

“We never put you guys in our eyes, and this time we deliberately arranged a match between Kirihara and Echizen Ryoma.”

“At best, it’s a military training, your first-year supernova Echizen Ryoma?”

“It’s just a sparring partner.”

Shen Li’s tone was relaxed and his expression was indifferent.

In the most ordinary tone, he said sarcastic words.

After this reply, Ryuzaki Pansy was obviously unhappy, and was swept away, not knowing how to answer.

The 15-year-old child said something that left her speechless.


She had to set her eyes back on the court, waiting for Echizen Ryoma to defeat Kirihara so that she could raise her eyebrows.

“Bang !!!”

“This game was won by Kirihara, 3-4”

“Bang !!!”

“Kirihara, 15-0.”

“Bang !!!”

“Echizen, 15-15.”

On the pitch.

Echizen Ryoma has long withdrawn from the [Selfless Realm].

The physical energy that was unconsciously consumed just now also began to be subconsciously saved by him.

Although the score was re-caught up, he was not in a hurry.

Because from the information of Senior Qian, he learned.

Kirihara’s [Demonization] state is only three minutes.

Now…… Three minutes is almost there.

As long as he waits for the opposite Kirihara to withdraw from [Demonization], he can take advantage of his most exhausted time to launch a fierce attack and win the game in one fell swoop.

In the face of Echizen’s fierce attack, Kirihara chose to turn on [Demonization] and fight hard.

And now the tide has turned.

In the face of Kirihara’s fierce attack, Echizen Ryoma chose to temporarily avoid the front.

This is the different player who comes out of the atmosphere of different clubs, different ways of playing.

One chooses to fight head-on, and the other chooses the right time to counteract.



Kirihara’s body on the opposite side suddenly froze, and his movements all slowed down.

Followed by.

The flushed skin quickly returned to flesh color, and the gray hair also returned to the black kelp head.

The very obvious state machine change made Echizen Ryoma happy.

Here’s the chance to fight back!

It’s time for the other party’s [demonization]!

“It’s now!”

Echizen Ryoma quickly ran towards the front.

Then squat and then sprint at the speed of the pitch and slide across the court.

When he slid in front of the net, with a sharp brake, a little on tiptoe, his body jumped up from the net, and he jerked at the flying tennis ball.

“Bang !!!”

The tennis ball quickly bounced twice in succession on Kirihara’s court, forming a lying B-shape.

“Foot volley!!”

When Horio and the others saw this skill, they quickly exclaimed.

“This game was won by Echizen!!”

“Score 5-3!!”

The crucial goal helped Echizen Ryoma win the match point.

At this time.

Everyone in the entire Youth Academy Tennis Department was beaming.

Kikumaru: “Great! Little!! It’s time for the race!!! ”

Momogi: “That’s it! Echizen! Win the game with a bang!! We are Kanto champions!! ”

Fuji: “It seems that we are going to change history this time, Tezuka.” ”

Tezuka: “Hmm… However, God didn’t seem to be in a hurry at all. ”


After hearing Tezuka’s words, Fuji looked towards the guidance chair.

Kamisaki is still not in a hurry, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, and he looks as if he doesn’t care about the situation of the game at all.

“It’s really an unguessable person…”

Fuji muttered.

I don’t know why, seeing this appearance of God, I always feel that the joy of imminent victory is overshadowed, making people unhappy.

“Kirihara, it’s a lot of pressure now…”

Kamisato silently looked at Kirihara, and his heart was still relaxed.

He could feel that Kirihara was now under pressure, and his mind was like a string had collapsed, and he did not dare to relax in the slightest.

“The more pressure is good, the more pressure, the more progress can be made.”

For the outcome of this game, Kamito is not worried at all.

Although Echizen Ryoma controls the match point, looking at his state, as long as Kirihara still presses the score, the first to fall must be Echizen Ryoma.

Winning is sure to win.


It is best to be able to allow Kirihara to evolve again.

Otherwise, such a pressure situation will not be easy to encounter later.

(ps: I Cao!! Thank you guys for the flowers and monthly passes!! Kneel thanks!!! Write now!! Yu).

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