“Oh? Is it God again? ”

Irie raised his eyebrows and glanced at Tokugawa Kazuya, who was also surprised.

“You said the same thing to that young scholar.”

“It seems that the god is very worthy of our moment.”

“I hope his true level will not disappoint us too much.”

After leaving such a sentence.

Irie Sota showed some anticipation, and left the Ice Emperor tennis club directly with Tokugawa Kazuya.

The people who left the Ice Emperor still had a bit of fear in their hearts.

“Those two high school students . Completely and we are not at all levels. ”

“It should be a level of existence with the gods.”

Jibu said unwillingly.

Just now, he thought that he could really beat the high school student.

I didn’t expect the other party to act them all.

It was acting so much that he didn’t notice it.

It was completely undiscovered until the score was tied.

One of the scariest things is.

The feeling that the high school student’s tennis gave him was still hidden.

I am afraid that the tennis level shown in the end is not his true level.

This high school student is much stronger than the average high school student, and Trace has every reason to believe that he belongs to the level of neon top high school students.


Jibu felt that he had lost unjustly.

“If someone can help the middle school student tennis save the situation and wrestle with the two of them, I am afraid that there will only be a god.”

Jibu thought of the terrifying strength of Kamito, and hoped from the bottom of his heart that Kamisato would be able to defeat these two uninvited guests of high school students and gain some face for the middle school students.

By the end of the game, the nature has completely changed.

This is no longer a matter for the Ministry of Traces alone.

From the words of the two high school students, it can be heard that they obviously went to the tennis world of junior high school students to find fault.

Otherwise, he would not have gone to Qingxue first, and then came to the Ice Emperor.

The challengers are also the strongest in their tennis department.

That says it all.

There is no doubt that this is a dimensionality reduction blow launched by the high school tennis community to the middle school tennis world.

However, with their current capabilities, they simply cannot pose any substantial threat to Irie.

In the final analysis, the strength is still too weak.

The more monsters appeared, the more deeply Trace could realize how weak he was.

Otherwise, the hope of the middle school of the kingdom would not be placed on the gods.

“Keep training!”

Traces gritted his teeth and stood up from the court again.

He didn’t want to wait for a moment.

He wants to be stronger!

He’s going to get stronger!

He has to get stronger!

“The feeling of weakness really makes Uncle Ben feel uncomfortable…”

Kansai area.


“I said Tokugawa, this takoyaki is really delicious, are you sure you don’t want one?”

Irie Sota carries a tennis bag, a generous takoyaki in one hand, a fork in the other, and a small octopus ball on the fork.


Irie Sodo was scalded, and the steaming octopus balls made him want to stop.

“No, I’m allergic to seafood.”

Tokugawa Kazuya looked indifferent, turned his head sideways, looked at the surrounding buildings, and the Kansai accent that came into his ears, a little uncomfortable.

Three hours ago, they were still in the Kanto region, and now they suddenly came to Kansai, and they felt like they had run a long distance.

“In other words, why did we come to Kansai?”

“It’s good to go directly to Tachikai, and I deliberately took a long detour, crossed Kanagawa, and ran here.”

Tokugawa Kazuya was also a little curious.

Looking at Irie’s appearance, he seemed to have reason to suspect that he had come specifically to eat takoyaki.

“Tokugawa, Tokugawa, you still don’t understand, of course, good things must be saved for the last to eat!”

Irie forked the octopus balls in the last box.

“You see this octopus ball, it is the largest of all, and there are more octopus pieces than before, and it will be very satisfying to keep it for the end.”



Irie took a bite, and the scalding octopus balls were “stir-fried” in his mouth again, and then swallowed by him in one bite.

“Since Lihai Dashen Li is recognized as the first person in the country, of course, he must save it for the last time.”

“Before this, the Shitenhoji Temple in the Kansai region was not inferior to the super strong team of Tachikai over the years.”

“I’ve come to Kansai, it’s better to try their level first, and you can also see their opinion of the gods by the way.”

“Maybe in the eyes of Qingxue and the Ice Emperor, the gods are very strong, but in the eyes of the Four Heavenly Treasure Temple, they are very general.”

“It’s hard to go out of the training camp, the check-in challenge is not very good, and you can play for a few more days.”

After Irie finished speaking, he stuffed the remaining piece of octopus balls on his fork into his mouth, threw the box into the trash can on the side of the road, and clapped his hands.

“Oh, go ahead is the Four Heavenly Treasure Temple.”

“Look at that temple, it’s spectacular!”

Irie pointed to a building not far from the road, with high-rise shopping malls on both sides, but the one that was spacious and could also see the slightly quaint temple gate.

Over there is the iconic gate of Shitenhoji Temple, the “Jubao Main Gate”.

The two walked from the street to the end of the street in about 10 minutes.

Finally, he stood in front of the “main gate of Jubao”.

“Let’s go, Tokugawa.”

As soon as the two were about to enter the gate, a bald dervish dressed as a sweat stretched out a hand to stop them.

“Two, the gate of the Four Heavenly Treasure Temple, you can’t walk in by ordinary methods, this is a tradition.”

The dervish is full of muscles and looks very strong, not at all like a monk of the Eight Sutras, but like a cos.

He is one of the regular players for the Shitenhoji tennis team, Ishida Gin.

“We came to visit the Four Heavenly Treasure Temple Tennis Club.”

Irie smiled.

“Anyone who comes to the Four Heavenly Treasure Temple, whether it is sightseeing or a student, should abide by the rules, which is also the iron rule of the Four Heavenly Treasure Temple over the years.”

Ishida Silver is very resolute.

His figure is very large, placed at the door, there is a kind of dragon arhat, not angry and self-threatening battle, and really a little deterrent.


Irie saw this, but didn’t feel anything.

He pretended to brew, stepped on his shoelaces, and took a step.


Staggering a step and entering the main entrance.

Then he squatted down and tied his shoelaces, and winked at Kazuya Tokugawa.

“It’s quite interesting, Tokugawa, you come in too.”

Tokugawa Kazuya looked reluctant, but seeing that Irie had done it, he had no choice but to draw the scoop according to the gourd.


The tennis bag was thrown upwards by Kazuya Tokugawa, and then he jumped and caught the tennis bag with a graceful free turn in the air.


Smooth feet and perfect landing.

The posture is graceful like that of a gymnast.

“Bang bang bang !!!!”

“100 points!!”

After Tokugawa Kazuya landed, a small flower opened, scattered streamers flew around, and then celebrated him.

“The posture is great! Physical coordination is also very good! ”

Kintaro applauded, his face full of excitement.

The bustle at the door and some unorthodox students once made Irie Sodo and Tokugawa Kazuya a little confused.

But then.

They got down to business.

Shitenhoji Tennis Club.

“One, two, three, four… Two, two, three, four… Three, two, three, four… Four, two, three, four…”

Kintaro is alternating leg presses and sitting with a warm-up movement before the game.

“Hey, Xiu, do you really want Xiaojin to fight these two high school students?”

Shiraishi glanced at Irie Sota and Tokugawa Kazuya on the sidelines.

These two people suddenly went to the Four Heavenly Treasure Temple, indicating that they were going to play a match on behalf of the high school students’ tennis world and the strongest person in the Four Heavenly Treasure Temple.

This feels outrageous no matter how you look at it.

And very abrupt.

“Visiting the door is a guest, and there is no reason for refusing guests in the Four Heavenly Treasure Temple.”

Osamu Watanabe still wears a brown fisherman’s hat and a toothpick in his mouth.

“I mean, wouldn’t it be inappropriate to let Xiao Jin be a first-grader and fight with high school students… The age gap is very large. ”

“If it fails, it will greatly reduce Xiaojin’s passion for tennis.”

Shiraishi voiced his concerns.

Kintaro Toyama is the future of Shitenhoji Temple entrusted to him.

Although his tennis strength has surpassed many third-graders, at the end of the day, he is still a child physically and mentally.

In case of setbacks, the damage to the heart is difficult to repair. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Baishi, you can’t protect Xiaojin too much, for the matter of playing tennis, Xiaojin is happy, failure will definitely be experienced, early experience is beneficial to him, and the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.”

“That’s what I said.”

Watanabe’s persuasion made Shiraishi put his heart down.

(BBDI) thought that Kintaro’s strength would not necessarily lose, and his heart relaxed a little, and he threw his eyes to the court.

“Hey~~ Senior over there!! My side is ready!! Ready to start racing! ”

Kintaro waved his hand excitedly, looking a little impatient.

“Tokugawa, that kid seems to love tennis very much, you remember your subordinates to show mercy.”

Irie glanced at Tokugawa Kazuya, who was about to enter the stadium, and reminded.

“I’m not going to give it my all.”

Tokugawa Kazuya said as he walked into the stadium.

It is basic etiquette for the upper class to challenge the younger and take the initiative to give up the starting ball, so Kintaro takes the lead in serving.

“Good!! This ball will let you know how good I am! ”

Kintaro riveted and quickly tossed the tennis ball in his hand.


Tokugawa Kazuya frowned slightly.

The opposite ball was also thrown too high, far beyond the normal height distance of the serve.

“Here, is Xiao Jin going to use that trick as soon as he comes? That’s dangerous, be ready to fire at full gunpoint. ”

Shinobu Kenya waited for a kind of Shitenhoji tennis club to see the height of this ball and already understood what kind of serve Kintaro was going to play next.

Only to see the next scene.

Kintaro opened his arms, and his body spun like a spinning top.

The strong inertia made his body spin faster and faster, and even an afterimage appeared.

“Look at my !!! Big Wheel Mountain Arashi”

Kintaro’s energetic voice came from the “afterimage”.

“Bang !!!”

The racket hit the falling tennis ball with pinpoint accuracy.

A huge explosion sounded.

The tennis ball was like a cannon popping out of the chamber and flew straight to the opposite court.

Kazuya Tokugawa stretched out his racket to catch it, and when he touched this serve, he was a little surprised.

“It’s amazing, it’s very powerful, and the style of play is like a ghost.”

“I’m also a straight-line player?”

Tokugawa Kazu also hit back with this tennis.

This serve is powerful, but not enough to keep him from hitting back.

“Bang !!!”

The angle of the return shot fell right into the side court of Kintaro, and the speed was so fast that he didn’t have time to react.

“Wow!!! Shiraishi! He can actually beat my big wheel serve back all at once! ”

“So fast, so powerful!”

Kintaro walked to the sidelines excitedly and pointed at Tokugawa Kazuya and said.

“Xiaojin, don’t walk the court casually during the game.”

Shiraishi helplessly raised his forehead.

Under Shiraishi’s persuasion, Kintaro returned to the court.

This time, his eyes were much more serious.

“Good!! Then I’m going to start a serious game! ”


Once again, Kintaro threw the tennis ball high into the sky.

Then the body runs to the backfield.

Through the wall of the backfield, he kicked hard with one foot, and the whole person jumped to a height of nearly three meters.


His body constantly flipped forward in the air.

One circle.

Two laps.

Three laps.

When approaching the tennis ball, the limbs spread out, forming a “big” character.

“Come on!!!”

“Super million tons of fantasy luxury volcanic eruption ball!!”

Kintaro slammed the tennis ball heavily, with a loud and huge crashing sound, like a volcano erupting.

Tennis is like a century-old accumulation of magma, with a strong impact, flying straight to Tokugawa Kazuya’s court.

“Bang !!!”

After landing, a deafening explosion sounded at Tokugawa Kazuya’s feet.

This was followed by waves of dust and smoke shaken up by the tennis ball.

There was a slight vibration at Tokugawa’s feet, and before he could see where the tennis ball was flying, he was already wrapped in dusty smoke.

But he still relied on sufficient experience to keenly capture the figure of tennis in the eye-catching dust.

“Huh? Can’t fight back? ”

After Kintaro landed, he saw that the opposite side was wrapped in dust and smoke, and he was a little puzzled.

Next second.

A tennis ball flew out of the dust, and he immediately became interested, and the smile was back on his mouth.

“This time will definitely not let you run!”

Kintaro’s gaze locked on the tennis ball that flew back, and his footsteps widened, and his body went straight to the tennis ball like a projectile, and the movements were strange and disorderly.

But Tokugawa Kazuya’s counterattack was not so simple.

When Kintaro was about to catch up with the tennis ball, the tennis ball landed and turned a corner, and it was clear that Tokugawa Kazuya had also added right-handedness.

But this is also difficult for Kintaro, only to see that when he was about to land, he supported the ground with one hand, rolled his body on his side, and caught up with the tennis ball.

“Look at me this time! Super invincible, absolutely delicious, Big Wheel Mountain Storm! ”

Then with momentum, Kintaro once again played a powerful tennis ball.

“Bang !!!!”

The ball landed directly behind Kazuya Tokugawa.

Success score.



Tokugawa Kazuya was still expressionless and calm.

Irie Sota on the side took a serious look at Kintaro on the other side, and his eyes showed appreciation.

“Whether it’s speed, strength, or physical reflexes, it’s top-notch.”

“This kid is really born to play tennis.”

“You can have this kind of power by playing tennis by instinct, is this talent?”

“It’s really enviable, this kind of straight, simple and rough tennis, the ghost will appreciate it very much.”

“It’s a nice surprise.”

Irie Sota was very satisfied with Kintaro’s evaluation.

“However, Tokugawa is not such a simple person, who can win only by brute force and instinctive reactions…”

His gaze fell on Kazuya Tokugawa.

At this moment, his face was expressionless, but the racket was silently changed from his right hand to his left hand.

“You are strong and talented.”

“You may become a well-known tennis player in the future, but now…”

“It’s time to entertain you.”

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