"So fast!"

"He is worthy of being the first person to make the name of Hyotei known throughout the country."

After Akutsuma's match, the match between Shuji Taneshima and Gekko Ochi attracted the attention of most people.

After seeing Gekko Ochi's Mach serve, many people looked solemn.

Many people asked themselves, if they were the ones on the court now, could they receive it?

The answer is simple, no.

Even Shuji Taneshima couldn't receive the ball.

If they are still confident that they can receive it, they must be crazy. There are probably only two people who have a chance to receive Mach's serve. One by one, eyes were focused on Akutsuma and Byodoin Phoenix. If anyone can receive Mach's serve, it can only be Akutsuma and Byodoin Phoenix!

‘Ochi Gekko's Mach serve is faster than the national competition. '

Edoin Phoenix frowned slightly.

If Ochi Gekko's Mach serve speed remained at the national competition, the Byodoin Phoenix would be sure to receive it.

But now.

The Byodoin Phoenix is not sure.

The Byodoin Phoenix secretly glanced at Akutsumo and found that Akutsumo did not react.

"What's going on with Akutsume?"

The Byodoin Phoenix's heart was slightly moved, and ripples arose.

Was Akutsume really calm, or was he pretending to be calm? Was

Akutsume confident that he could receive Mach's serve?

Just as others cared about his strength.

He also cared about Akutsume's strength.

When playing with other people, he didn't need to be serious, just do it, and it would be a crushing victory anyway.

But when playing with Akutsume, he had to collect intelligence and make careful preparations.

Seeing Akutsume so calm,

Byodoin Phoenix became uneasy.

On the court.

Tanejima Shuji and Ochi Gekko were playing more and more anxiously.

With Ochi Gekko's another Mach serve, the score between the two sides came to 5-5.

But at this time, Tanejima Shuji suddenly smiled.

"Your Mach serve is getting slower and slower."

Ochi Gekko's face was as cold as an iceberg, and he didn't react.

But Ochi Gekko himself understood.

Tanejima Shuji was telling the truth.

""Ochi Gekko is going to lose."

Akatsuki whispered softly.

Others could not see this tiny difference.

But people at their level could see it.

Ochi Gekko's Mach serve, the ball speed did decrease.

It no longer maintained the unrivaled momentum at the beginning.

In addition,

Ochi Gekko's serve action also became slower and heavier.

It was obvious that Ochi Gekko was already exhausted.

In contrast,

Tanejima Shuji's breathing and pace had been very steady.

This meant that Tanejima Shuji still had plenty of energy.

"It's a pity that he will be eliminated.

If he can keep going, he should be able to advance."

Baiduin Phoenix said calmly.

Yuezhi Yueguang's serve was indeed amazing.

But in the receiving game, Yuezhi Yueguang did not perform well and his physical strength was not good.

This made Yuezhi Yueguang unable to compete with people of their level. When people of their level fight, any slight weakness will be infinitely magnified.

"Will the U17 training camp really release a strong player like Ochi Gekko?"

Akuzumo glanced at the Byodoin Phoenix calmly. He looked unfathomable.

"What do you mean?"

Baiduin Phoenix was startled, frowning and looking at Akutsume.

Judging from Akutsume's expression, does he know something?

"Rules are made by people. The purpose of the U17 training camp is not elimination, but screening.

In the first round of picking up balls, nearly a hundred people were eliminated, all of whom came at their own expense.

You don't think these people spent money just to take a look around, do you?

Temporary elimination does not mean that they will not come back."

Akuzumo glanced at the Phoenix of Byodoin Temple, feeling very comfortable.

This is called high-end and classy pretense.

"So that's how it is."

Byodoin Phoenix took a deep breath.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he really didn't think of this just now.

After Akutsumi was a little bit, he reacted.

This time, Akutsumi was fooled!

Damn it!

He remembered it!

Sooner or later, he will pretend to be back!


Shuji Taneshima wins! Enter Court 8!

Gekko Ochi is eliminated!"

The game on the court has also ended.

As expected by Akutsume and Byodoin Phoenix,

Shuji Taneshima won the final victory. Gekko Ochi didn't show any emotion after losing.

It was as if it was just a normal thing. She calmly put on her tennis bag and walked towards the loser's place.

""Ochi Gekko, I'll wait for you to come back."

Tanedo Shuji thought to himself as he watched Ochi Gekko's tall back go away.

In the match with Ochi Gekko,

Tanedo Shuji felt a lot of pressure.

During the match, Tanedo Shuji didn't react.

But after the match,

Tanedo Shuji realized that this was definitely related to Ochi Gekko's strong spirit.

He always dealt with the match with a relaxed attitude.

Under normal circumstances, there would be no fluctuations in his heart.

But when he saw Ochi Gekko's eyes, he would involuntarily become nervous!

Since Ochi Gekko has such a strong spirit, he will never be easily defeated.

He knew a little about what the loser of U17 would encounter.

Being eliminated now does not mean being eliminated forever.

The strong ones among the eliminated will come back after their strength has increased.

He believes in Ochi Gekko.

There will be a day of return!

Not long after this game came to an end.

The winners and losers were also decided in other venues.

Kimijima Ikuto vs. Hakamada Izo, Kimijima Ikuto won!

Omagari Ryuji vs. Kaji Futa, Kaji Futa won! Date Oto vs. Banriya, Date Oto wins!

Right side Eitarou vs. Akiba Momoha, Akiba Momoha wins!

The winner smiled easily.

The losers all looked rather lonely.

Kurobe Yukio's ruthless voice came.

"Eliminated people please go to the gate of the U17 training camp, there will be a special car to take you out of the U17 training camp."

All the remaining people watched the eliminated people leave.

Many people were moved.

The seven people who were eliminated were all strong.

These seven people were eliminated today.

Who knows who will be eliminated tomorrow. It is not easy to continue to move forward in the U17 training camp! Akutsu Mo looked back at Akutsu Ren

"Let's go, Ren.

Let's go see our dormitory."

"OK, big brother."

PS: Please give flowers and comments to the new book. 1000 flowers/100 comments will add one more chapter.

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