"The reshuffle is over! Jin Akutsu wins! Moves to court 5!"

"The reshuffle is over! Kimijima Ikuto wins! Moved to Court 5!"

"The shuffle battle is over! Byodoin Phoenix wins! Moves up to court 12!"

""The shuffle battle is over! Kanata Irie wins! Promoted to court 11!"

Voices rang out.

There are many courts in the U17 base.

Many groups of opponents can compete at the same time.

So the shuffle battle went very quickly.

No one who was invited failed.

However, none of the winners looked particularly excited. Their expressions were either relaxed or calm.

In everyone's opinion, winning was a matter of course!

In the U17 campaign, if you can't even get through the simplest level at the beginning, how can you talk about the subsequent games.

Coming here, they have only one goal, that is, the first army!

Especially since the super enemy Akutsumo is still in front of them.

It's too early to relax now!

"Brother, can you practice with me? I want to master eight-ball as soon as possible."

"Then find a court, practice for an hour and a half, and then go eat."


After the shuffle,

Akutsu-mo and Akutsu-jin started to practice multiple balls.

Akutsu-mo kept feeding Akutsu-jin eight balls at a time.

Each time, he hit the ball in the position that Akutsu-jin was most suitable to return.

Slowly, Akutsu-jin was able to receive eight balls occasionally.

And the probability of receiving the ball was constantly increasing.

5%, 10%, 15%...

Akutsu Jin is improving at a speed visible to the naked eye

"Don't be afraid of perverts, just be afraid that perverts work harder than you."

Kaji Fudo sighed.

The amount of training that Akutsumo had done this morning had already exceeded his usual training in a day.

Two hours of running, and the effortless eight-ball game.

Kaji Fudo was deeply moved.

If a hard-working and talented person like Akutsumo doesn't stand out, who else is qualified to stand out?

Even Akutsumo's younger brother Akutsumo Jin worked harder than him.

After the shuffle, he didn't relax at all. He immediately adjusted his mentality and began to train his ball control skills without stopping.

It seems that he has mastered the seven-ball game and is about to move towards the eight-ball game.

And Kaji Fudo himself. He has only just mastered the eight-ball game.

Kaji Fudo picked up a racket and prepared to find a court to play. Practice.

He could accept that he was not as good as Akutsumo.

But he couldn't be even worse than Akutsujin.

There were many people like Kaji Fudo who were influenced by Akutsumo and Akutsujin.

Even some old students in the U17 training camp couldn't help but work harder.


They had seen hardworking people still persevering in training after the reshuffle.

But the same thing, when done by a strong person and a weak person, has a different impact on people's hearts.

If a weak person does it, it can only affect himself and cannot cause any waves.

If a strong person does it, he can affect all those who are weaker than himself!

And in the U17 training camp.

Who dares to say that he is stronger than Akutsumo now?

So Akutsumo's actions can't help but become a yardstick!

"Still got energy left? How long do you have to train?

I haven't tried this training method of playing with multiple balls at the same time. I'll try it later.

But it looks like Tono is in danger. Akutsu Jin's progress is a little too fast.

If the shuffle is over, Tono may not be able to beat Akutsu Jin."

Between Temple Phoenix glanced at Akutsu Mo and Akutsu Jin who were training.

Recently, he has been practicing the super sweet spot technique.

The training method is to continuously play single balls and adjust at any time. The training method of playing multiple balls at the same time.

Byodoin Phoenix did not do it much.

There can only be one ball on the court.

And his current ball control level can basically do whatever he wants.

But now that Akutsu Mo has done it, it seems to make sense. It just so happens that the super sweet spot technique has been mastered.

When he asks what playing multiple balls at the same time can train, he will also practice playing multiple balls at the same time to see how many balls he can play at one time.

As for the matter of Tono Atsuki and Akutsu Jin. Byodoin

Phoenix just thought about it casually and didn't intend to care.

Letting Akutsu Jin teach Tono Atsuki a lesson and stimulate Tono Atsuki's competitive spirit may not be a bad thing


Ding-ling-ling! Ding-ling-ling!

Akutsumi's phone on the side of the court rang.

"Jin, I need to make a call.

Akutsumo walked over with some confusion.

He didn't expect who would call at this time.

After picking up the phone, the note on it read four words:


Akutsumo was slightly stunned, then dialed

"Reinhardt, what do you want from me?"

"In a month, the American team will go on an expedition to South Korea. What are your plans, the Japanese team?"

"I don't know, I haven't joined the Neon Team yet."

On the other end of the phone, Reinhardt raised his eyebrows.

Akutsumi hasn't joined the Neon Team yet?

Are the leaders of the Neon Team all fools?

With Akutsumi's strength,

I'm afraid he is more than enough to be the captain of the Neon Team.

Reinhardt suddenly had an idea and asked

"In this case, are you interested in joining the American team?

The American team is very strong now, with a professional player leading the team and a pair of super doubles. If you and I join forces, we may have a chance to win the championship this year.

I believe our head coach will welcome your arrival very much."

Akuzumo said calmly:"I can consider it, but I will not join your team for free."

"Of course, I will give you an answer tomorrow."

Reinhard nodded. After spending some time with Akutsumu in the United States, he also understood Akutsumu's personality.

"OK, I'll hang up first. I'll contact you if you have anything else."

Yakujinmo hung up the phone with a calm look in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, the invitation from the American team came earlier than that from the Japanese team.

When Jin grows stronger, it is not impossible to consider the American team."

Akutsu Jin had no intention of fighting the Japanese team from the beginning. The main reason why he is staying in the U17 training camp is that Agutsu Jin is too weak now.

With Agutsu Jin's current strength, he may not even be qualified for a trial if he goes to teams such as Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland, and the United States. Agutsu Jin

's goal is for the brothers to dominate the world.

So we have to wait for Agutsu Jin to become stronger before we can show our skills.

Moreover, the reaction of the Japanese team is indeed too slow.


Akuzumo smiled lightly when he saw Saito Shi, Kurobe Yukio, and Takushi Ryuji coming together.

He took back what he said just now.

The reaction speed of the Japanese team is still good.

I wonder what the Japanese team is going to use to recruit him.

PS: Please give flowers and comments. 1000 flowers/100 comments will add one more chapter.

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