"It's really Onigijujiro."

In the night,

Akutsume confirmed the identity of the person again.

Onigijujiro's appearance is still very iconic.

Lion-like red hair, and an unimaginable old age.

In addition,

Onigijujiro's current appearance is no different from what he will look like two years later.

It is a familiar look to Akutsume.

Unlike the Phoenix of Byodoin, whose appearance has changed drastically, it is hard to imagine what he has experienced in the past two years.

"Hello, I'm Oni Jujiro, from Okayama Oku High School, and I'm here to participate in this U17 training camp.

I live in the mountains, and I left a little late, so I just arrived now. Do you know where the U17 dormitory is?"

Oni Jujiro stopped in front of Akutsumo and asked for directions.

Oni Jujiro looked at Akutsumo.

Explosive muscles.

Powerful figure.

Sharp eyes.

Violent and dangerous momentum.

He had a hunch that Akutsumo's strength would never be weak.

"Coincidentally, one of my roommates is called Onijushirou, and he hasn't come yet.

If we don't have the same name, we should be roommates. Nice to meet you. My name is Akutsume, and I'm from Hyotei Gakuen in Tokyo. Nice to meet you.

Akutsume smiled.


Ghost Jujiro was a little surprised.

This fate is really too clever.

I just ran into someone and it turned out to be my roommate.

This way, it would be much more convenient.

"From now on, please give me your guidance."

Akuzumo nodded.

"Come on, I'll take you to the dormitory."



In the coaching meeting room, the three coaches also discovered through surveillance that Kijujiro had entered the U17 training camp.

"I didn't expect that Onijujiro would run into Akutsuma. This is just right. I don't have to send someone to pick up Onijujiro.

Saito Shi took a sip of tea.

When Onijujiro came, Saito Shi felt more confident.

At this stage, only Onijujiro, who has already controlled Ashura Shinto, could suppress Akutsuma.

"How should we arrange it? Which court should we assign Oni Jujiro to?"

Kurobe Yukio asked

"I think it would be better to be more direct and let Oni Jujiro freely choose his opponent from this year's newcomers.

If he wins, he will take his opponent's place.

If he loses, he will go directly to the loser group."

Takushi Ryuji suggested

"This is a good suggestion, but do you think there is a possibility that Onijujiro will lose?

Saito Shi looked at Takushi Ryuji.

"How come there isn't any? The current Oni Jujiro is a little stronger than Byodoin Phoenix.

But he is only as strong as Akutsumi, who won the American Youth Challenge.

I don't even need to think that Oni Jujiro will definitely choose to challenge the strongest Akutsumi.

Do you think that with the intensity of Akutsumi's training during this period of time, he will not make any progress?"

Takushi Ryuji said nonchalantly.

"Indeed, Oni Jujiro controls Ashura Shinto and is very strong.

But Akutsumi's five major moves are all professional-level moves and should not be underestimated. If the two of them fight, it's hard to say who will win."

After thinking about it, Kurobe Yukio also expressed his opinion

"Hehe, I do have a suggestion.

Tomorrow, after Onijujiro challenges Akutsume, we will arrange a group match and let the winner between Onijujiro and Akutsume play against Byodoin Phoenix. It would be so interesting to send two people to the loser group directly."

Takushi Ryuji chuckled and gave a bad idea. Kurobe Yukio and Saito Shi looked at Takushi Ryuji in amazement.

This idea is bold enough!

Akutsume, Byodoin Phoenix, Onijujiro.

These three are the kings and hegemons.

But now Takushi Ryuji wants to send two of them to the loser group.

It's crazy to think about it!

"I think it's OK"

"I have no objection either."

After thinking about it, Kurobe Yukio and Saito Shigeki smiled and agreed with Takushi Ryuji's proposal. It would be difficult to arrange such an interesting thing if they missed it!

If the three of them were to play the shuffle game all the time, they would basically be sent to the first group.

If they were sent to the first group, they would naturally have no chance to go to the loser group.

They also wanted to see this kind of confrontation between kings!

"That's settled then."

Takushi Ryuji, Kurobe Yukio, and Saito Shimo looked at each other.


The three of them couldn't help laughing.

Tomorrow, there will be something exciting to watch!



The moment Akutsumi and Onijujiro opened the dormitory door,

Akutsumi, Onijujiro and Byodoin Phoenix, who was lying on the bed, sneezed in unison.

The air was quiet for a moment.

Akutsumi smiled and spoke

"No wonder the three of us are roommates, even our sneezes are so in sync.

I don't know if it was an accident, or if someone wanted to plot against all three of us at the same time.

Byodoin Phoenix, this is Onijujiro from Okayama Oku High School, he just arrived today."

Byodoin Phoenix sat up from the bed and looked at Onijujiro.

"I didn't expect there would be such an old-fashioned high school student.

I'm Byodoin Phoenix, from Makinofuji Junior High School."

When she said this,

Byodoin Phoenix squinted her eyes and never stopped observing Oni Jujiro.

The moment she saw Oni Jujiro,

Byodoin Phoenix felt a strong sense of danger from Oni Jujiro.

Very strong!

This person is very strong!

This is Byodoin Phoenix's first impression of Oni Jujiro!

A strong and domineering aura came towards her.

Just like the day she met Akutsuma.

Whether it's his figure or his muscles, he is impeccable!

"Hello, it's our first meeting. Please give me your guidance."

Kiki Jujiro's eyes were very solemn.

While Byodoin Phoenix felt that Kijujiro was powerful,

Kijujiro also felt that Byodoin Phoenix was powerful.

At this moment, Kijujiro immediately put away his contempt for the U17 training camp. He had been practicing alone in the mountains for many years.

He thought that even in the U17 training camp, there would be no opponents.

But the two people he met as soon as he entered the U17 training camp.

Akutsumo and Byodoin Phoenix!

Both made him feel very dangerous!

After thinking about it, Kijujiro asked:"I can feel that both of you are very strong.

You should be one of the best among this class of newcomers, right?"

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