Terran Guardian

Chapter 1347 They are coming (Leader’s update 1124)

Chapter 1764 They are coming (lead update 1124)

Alchemy Saint overcomes the tribulation.

This was expected by Shen Changqing.

Originally, he wanted the other party to go to Lei Ze to overcome the tribulation, so that he could attract a bit of the power of the tribulation to Lei Ze and repair the damaged Lei Ze.

But after thinking about it, Shen Changqing still didn't do it.

Lei Ze transcending the tribulation will definitely make the power of the tribulation stronger.

Without the corresponding background, even if you want to survive the ordinary divine tribulation, you will have a narrow escape, let alone the enhanced version of the catastrophe.

In terms of Alchemy Saint's foundation, it is not very outstanding among the same level, it can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

In Shen Changqing's view, the probability of success for the other party to overcome the ordinary God Lord Heavenly Tribulation is quite high, but if it is to overcome the Tribulation in Leize, the probability of failure is even higher.

at this time.

The Heavenly Tribulation bombarded them, and the terrifying power caused the expressions of all the Tianzong disciples to change drastically.

For them, the catastrophe at the God Lord level is too terrifying, and even a little bit of power that escapes can make them disappear into ashes.

Now that Alchemy Sage is directly overcoming the tribulation at Dan Peak, no one can guarantee whether the power of the tribulation will affect him or not.

Just at this time.

A dense force spread out, instantly isolating the entire Dan Peak, and all the escaping power of the Heavenly Tribulation was directly blocked.

The person who took action was naturally Shen Changqing.

At present, in the entire Tianzong, only Shen Changqing can isolate the power of the Heavenly Tribulation in such an understatement.

Even if it were Li Kaiyang and other powerful divine masters, they would not be able to be as relaxed and content as Shen Changqing.

Heavenly calamity bombardment.

The momentum is huge.

Not only Tianzong, but also people outside Tianzong can feel this majestic power.

"Tianzong has another divine master!"

"In just two hundred years, Tianzong has produced several divine masters. Even the top divine clans can't match this speed."

Many sects felt a little emotional when they saw the divine tribulation coming.

In the past, it would take a long time for any force to give birth to a God Lord. Even if it was relatively easy to attain enlightenment in the age of great strife, not everyone could step into this realm.

Like Tianzong, it is undoubtedly extremely shocking that several god-lords have appeared in two hundred years.

This also proves that Tianzong has strong luck.

If not, how could there be so many powerful divine masters appearing in such a short period of time.

Shocked. Shocked.

But no one stood in the way.

Just kidding, not to mention the decree from the palace, just for the divine master of Tianzong to preach, no one dares to step forward to block it, unless it is to risk his life.

Even among the top protoss, few want to be enemies with Tianzong.

Just as Shen Changqing predicted, Dan Sheng passed through the tribulation without any danger. As the last tribulation fell, Tianzong gained an additional divine master.

The Lord God appears.

The sect's luck is rising again.

This is the principle of the strong always becoming stronger.

The more powerful people in the sect, the richer the luck will be, and the richer the luck will be, the more powerful people will be born. This is a virtuous cycle, and it is also the main reason why each god clan firmly holds the position of hegemony in the heavens.

After Alchemy Saint attained enlightenment, Shen Changqing did not really leave seclusion, but continued to practice in seclusion.

In the vast void, the breath of death spreads, the void withers and withers, and the bronze portal stands in it, filled with unsettling and strange ominousness.


The bronze door shook violently and slowly opened.

With the opening of the Netherworld Gate, a large amount of deathly power surged out like a river, causing the entire heaven to tremble.

Next breath.

Seeing the rules of the heavens manifesting, vast spiritual energy surged in, impacting with the power of the dead in the netherworld.


The spread of the terrifying aura that shook the power of death was instantly contained, and the two barely maintained a delicate balance.

"The breath of life!"

A hoarse voice came from the void, and then a strong man wrapped in black mist was seen stepping out of the Netherworld Gate. An extremely terrifying aura erupted from his body and swept in all directions.

But at the moment when this creature appeared, all the creatures in the heavens seemed to be telepathic, and a feeling of fear and uneasiness emerged in their hearts. They all looked towards the depths of the void in the heavens, as if there was some terrifying existence there. generally.

"They're coming!"

In the Black Demon Sect of the Eternal Continent, the Holy Lord and other powerful men gathered together, and everyone had solemn expressions on their faces.

Since the appearance of the Netherworld Gate, it has been a thorn in the hearts of all races in the world. All forces are always paying attention to the changes in the Netherworld Gate.


The aura belonging to the underworld in the sky surged, and soon the rules were shaking, and a mysterious message came from the underworld, telling them what was happening now.

This mysterious message comes from the rules of the heavens.

Netherworld invasion!

Warning to the rules of the heavens!

Although the Black Demon Sect does not deal with the All Heavens God Clan, it is still part of the All Heavens. If the undead army in the netherworld invades in large numbers, the Black Demon Sect and the Black Demon God Clan behind it cannot truly stay out of the matter.


The Holy Lord and other powerful men looked at each other and left directly from the Black Demon Sect, heading towards the void of the heavens.

Holy Clan!

Zhu Feng Divine Clan!

The Infinite God Clan!

Yunlong God Clan!

The Royal God Clan!

I saw that each of the top gods or the hidden gods, there were strong men stepping into the void of the heavens and heading towards the gate of the netherworld.

With the opening of the Nether Gate and the official counterattack of the rules of the heavens, the power that blinded the five senses has disappeared.

Coupled with the burst of Netherworld power, it is like a guiding light in the void of the heavens. It is not difficult to find the location of the Netherworld Gate.


There was a God-Lord coming through the void. When they saw the open Netherworld Gate, even though they had expected it, their expressions suddenly changed.

"The gate to the underworld is open!"

"Undead invasion!"

At this time, the bronze door was wide open, and there was a terrifying existence covered in black mist. He walked out from behind the door, and an abyss-like aura filled the air, making all the gods feel like ants.

"This aura...is that of a powerful divine king. Could it be that the dead souls in the Netherworld are not affected by the rules of the heavens at all?"

The Holy Emperor's face changed drastically, and he stared at one of the powerful undead men. The pervasive aura on the other person's body made his soul tremble.

Lord God!

This is the true strong man of God!

Only a true Divine Lord can make the Holy Emperor, who has now reached the pinnacle of Divine Lordship, feel such a strong threat.

This turn of events not only shocked the Holy Emperor, but also the other God Lords.

For countless years, no one knows how many top powerhouses have been born in the Netherworld. If the undead spirits in the Netherworld are not suppressed by the rules, there is absolutely no possibility for the heavens to compete.

All it takes is one top divine king to come out and sweep across the entire heaven.

Even if the Divine Palace intervenes, it is impossible to deal with such a powerful undead spirit.

after all.

Whether the rules suppress it or not are completely two concepts.

Just when all parties were shocked, the void collapsed, and the Divine Emperor of Destiny suddenly appeared. As soon as the opponent arrived, his eyes fell on the god of death.

When he sensed the aura on the opponent's body, the Emperor of Destiny also changed his expression.

But soon.

The Emperor of Destiny noticed some clues.

"There is no need to panic. If I am not mistaken, the gate of the Netherworld is opened, and the rules of the Netherworld conflict with the rules of the heavens. When the area covered by the power of the Netherworld, the rules of the heavens do not exist, so the undead will not be suppressed by the rules.

But if the undead leave the scope of the netherworld's power, the suppression of the rules of the heavens will naturally come! "

Hearing this, the other God Lords couldn't help but feel relieved. At this time, they also noticed something different.

I saw that the void in front of me was filled with two different forces. One side of the void withered and withered, and the other side of the void had no change. The intersection of the two was like an obvious dividing line.


This is the dividing line that distinguishes the power of the underworld from the power of the heavens.

As if confirming what the God Emperor of Destiny said, a dead spirit soon stepped into the realm of the heavens, and its aura that was comparable to that of the God Lord was sharply reduced, and it suddenly fell to the level of the God Lord.


The Destiny God Emperor blasted out the undead spirit with a punch and roared, and also killed the Destiny God Emperor. Two forces exploded in the void.

The next moment.

The Divine Emperor of Destiny took one step forward, and instantly stepped forward. With both fists, he shattered the black mist surrounding his body, revealing his true face.

It was a strong man with an unfamiliar face, but the aura on his body made the Holy Emperor's face move slightly.

"This is the ancestor of my Holy God Clan!"

Although the aura of the undead is completely different from that of all the living beings, there is still some subtle connection even if they belong to the same clan.

Just when the Holy Emperor was about to speak, the Divine Emperor of Destiny had directly used the Emperor's Cauldron to forcefully suppress the undead spirits of the Holy God clan.

This is the true strength of the ancient emperor.

Although the Divine Emperor of Destiny suffered a lot in front of the Will of the Forbidden Zone and Shen Changqing, he could easily suppress the ordinary Divine Lord after being suppressed.

"Senior Tianming, please be merciful for now, this seems to be the ancestor of our Holy Clan!"

Just when the Divine Emperor of Destiny was suppressing the undead spirit, the Holy Emperor immediately spoke. As he spoke, he had already stepped forward from the air, came to the front of the undead spirit, and raised his hands to his opponent.

"Jiu Gan, a descendant of the Holy God Clan, may I ask which ancestor of our clan this senior is?"

Hearing this, the Divine Emperor of Destiny did not take action again. The undead glanced at the Holy Emperor with red eyes, a strange and evil smile on his face.

"It turns out that I am a descendant of my clan, and I am the Lord of Souls!"

The undead soul god said in a hoarse voice.

Soul Lord...

The Holy Emperor quickly found the name of the Soul Lord from his own memory. It was a powerful Lord of Souls 20 million years ago.

Think of this.

The Holy Emperor was relieved, and immediately said: "Since the Divine Lord is the ancestor of our clan, why do you want to invade the heavens now?"

"Darkness will eventually cover everything. This is an unstoppable trend. For the sake of being of the same clan, if you are willing to join the Netherworld, the Lord of Darkness will come and give you supreme honor. Otherwise, you will die!"


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