Terran Guardian

Chapter 1502 Trillions of Immortal Monks

, the fastest update of the human guardian envoy!


"The Shinto rules are much weaker than before!"

When Shen Changqing saw the towering sacred tree that represented the rules of Shinto, he already understood why the Kingdom of God had lost the protection of the power of rules.

Although the sacred tree in front of me is still majestic, it has the power to suppress all rules in the heavens.

But Shen Changqing was keenly aware of the weakness of the Shinto rules.

Today's Shinto rules are different from those in the past, and they are quite strong on the outside and hard on the inside.

This shows that Shinto rules are much weaker.

There is only one possibility for the weakening of Shinto rules, that is, too many monks who practice Shinto have died, which will lead to the weakening of Shinto rules.

Very simple reason.

Shinto rules and Shinto monks are interdependent.

The stronger the rules of Shinto are, the greater the benefits of practicing Shinto are, just like the original Kingdom of God resting on the void and being able to achieve immortality in disguise.

Same reason.

The stronger the monks who practice Shinto, the more power the Shinto rules can draw from.

But if too many Shinto monks die, the Shinto rules will become weak.

If all the monks who practice Shinto die, then the rules of Shinto will also disappear.

This is like the immortal way in ancient times.

The path to immortality is cut off.

In the final analysis, it is because no human race practices immortality.

This way.

The immortal way naturally disappeared.

When Shen Changqing practiced the immortal way again, the rules of the immortal way that had been extinguished in the past gradually revived.

In Shen Changqing's opinion, the current Shinto rules are probably not much different from the Immortal rules of ancient times.

The end of antiquity.

That was the end of the human race and the end of the immortal world.

In today's era, Shinto has also fallen from its peak to the altar.

The demon invades!

Netherworld is born!

Many powerful people in the world perished because of this.

Most of these fallen strong men were Shinto practitioners, and there were very few strong men who actually practiced other systems.

It makes sense that Shinto rules are weak when there are no latecomers to supplement them.

Of course.

A camel is so thin that it is bigger than a horse.

No matter how weak the Shinto rules are, they cannot be compared to other rules.

The rules of the heavens are as vast as the stars, so there are not many strong people who can truly practice each rule.


Although other rules are not weak, they are completely inadequate in the face of Shinto rules.

When the Shinto rules were at their peak, they could single-handedly suppress ten thousand rules. Now when they are weak, they are still extremely tyrannical, suppressing many rules and making it difficult to move.


Although the Shinto rules are powerful, they obviously do not have the extra power to protect the Kingdom of God.

Of course.

This is not entirely due to the weakness of the Shinto rules, but also to the factor that the Void God Clan is too strong.

"The strongest person in the Void God Clan is the Sky Devouring God. He is truly the supreme power that has survived since ancient times. He was able to compete with the Qinglian Emperor several ancient eras ago.

Now tens of millions of years apart, we can't guarantee whether the other party will take a step further.

If the Sky Devouring God's strength makes another breakthrough, it means that the opponent's strength is likely to be comparable to that of the ancient emperors. "

Shen Changqing looked solemn.

During the battle that year, the Sky Devouring God was also very upset.

Because he has the Qinglian Emperor's aura, he is also being targeted by the Sky Devouring God.

If the Void Gods step out of the boundless void, it will not be a good thing for the human race.

A powerful protoss that occupies the boundless void will certainly not be that weak. At least the top protoss in the world are not as good as the void protoss.

Even counting the powerful ones from the Divine Palace, there are probably only a handful of existences that can truly rival the Void God Clan.

No matter what the Void God Clan said, there was still a strong man who was suspected to be on par with the ancient emperors.

In Shen Changqing's opinion, the Sky Devouring God is as powerful as the ancient emperor, which is his most conservative estimate.

In tens of millions of years, even if the Sky Devouring God breaks through to a level more powerful than the ancient emperor, Shen Changqing will not be shocked at all.

after all.

Tens of millions of years is really too long.

An era is only one million years old, and an ancient era is only ten million years old.

Such a long time is enough to change too many things.

"I just hope that the Void God Clan will not step into the heavens for the time being, otherwise the existence of another top God Clan will not be an easy thing to solve..."

Shen Changqing whispered to himself, and then put aside the matter of the Void God Clan for the time being.

The Void God Clan is powerful, but things are not that bad.

Even if the Sky Devouring God Clan is really on par with the ancient emperors, or is stronger than the ancient emperors, as long as the rules of the heavens do not change, the other party will not be able to make too big a storm.

The battle with the Divine Palace gave Shen Changqing great confidence in his own strength.

In the realm of the heavens, Shen Changqing's strength is somewhat stronger than the six gods. He does not believe that the strength of the sky-devouring god can be more terrifying than the six gods in the realm of the heavens.


Shen Changqing withdrew his gaze from the Shinto rules and looked in the other direction of the river of rules. When the rules of Shinto turned into the sacred tree of heaven to suppress the rules of ten thousand ways, there were also forces from other rules that wanted to break through the suppression, just like seeds under a stone taking root and sprouting, gradually opening up the stone pressing on one's head.

Even completely shattered.

"Immortal rules!"

In Shen Changqing's sight, the rules of immortality are now more than a hundred times stronger than before. The power of the vast rules is more powerful than many rules.

The vast and powerful power of rules is like the transformed form of Shinto rules.

But compared with the Cangtian Sacred Tree of the Shinto Rules, the current Immortal Rules can only be said to be a sapling, and the two are not qualified to compete at all.

"After all, the rules of the Immortal Way have experienced the extinction of the ancient times. Now the Immortal Way is used by the human race again, but the practice time is still short, so naturally it cannot be compared with the countless years of accumulation of the Shinto.

However, as long as the immortal rules are given time, there will be no problem in regaining its former glory. "

Shen Changqing's eyes shone brightly, and he had great confidence in the rules of immortality.

In ancient times, the rules of the Immortal Way were comparable to the rules of the Shinto Way, so they will be able to do the same in the future.


The population of Evergreen Realm is one trillion.

This means that there are trillions of monks practicing the immortal way.

Compared with other rule systems, this cultivation base number is an extremely terrifying number.

But for Shinto, one trillion monks can only be said to be a drop in the ocean.

The heavens are vast.

A slightly larger race would have hundreds of billions, or even trillions of creatures.

Like a truly top race, the number of its creatures is even more incalculable.

Regardless of the number of monks or the quality of monks, immortal monks cannot compare with Shinto monks.

But there is one thing to understand.

Back then, the human race only stayed in a small evergreen world, and it was not easy to give birth to trillions of creatures.

Now that the human race has stepped out of the Evergreen Realm and has once again taken over the heavens, the shackles that used to be around the neck of the human race have been lifted.

Shen Changqing believes it.

It won't be long before the number of humans will explode.

that time.

The rules of immortality can be further strengthened.

"However, if the rules of the Immortal Way are to truly compete with the rules of the Divine Way, they must have the emergence of top strong men. Without strong men at the immortal level to stabilize the rules of the Immortal Way, the former will ultimately be unable to compete with the latter!"

Shen Changqing thought to himself.

Shinto god.

Immortal immortality.

This is the pinnacle of the two systems.

Shen Changqing looked at other places in the river of rules of the heavens. After a moment, he really looked back.

In the main hall.

Shen Changqing reviewed everything he had seen in Rules Changhe in his mind, and finally discarded all distracting thoughts from his mind, and then calmed down and continued to practice.

He has broken through the tenth level of Dao Immortal and has stabilized in this realm.

But this is not enough.

What Shen Changqing has to do next is to take a step forward in reaching the tenth level of Taoist Immortal. Even if he cannot break through to the realm of Taoist Fruit, he must cultivate this realm to perfection as much as possible.

As Shen Changqing entered the state of cultivation, a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth gathered.

With every breath, an immeasurable amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth was swallowed into Shen Changqing's belly, like a whale swallowing the ocean.

Inside the cave.

Immortal power surges.

Everything that exists inside the cave is nourished by immortal power.

The Heavenly Punishment Divine Sword trembled slightly, and the murderous aura on it was still strong, but it was a little less chaotic and a little more clear.

Whenever the immortal power falls into the sword, the chaotic aura will be suppressed.

"Spirit, spirit god..."

A low, hoarse, and intermittent sound came from inside the sword, but it quickly fell silent.

the other side.

Immortal power gathered to form a pool of water, and a green lotus was planted in it. It swayed silently, and pure sword intent emerged from it, making the immortal power flowing around it become somewhat sharp.

Heavenly Sword!

Demonic abyss!


All other treasures, under the nourishment of immortal power, undergo some subtle transformations subtly, among which the Heavenly Sword of the Divine Weapon is the most obvious.

all of these.

Shen Changqing didn't even know.


Even if he knew about the changes in the cave, he would not interfere.

Such changes only have advantages and no disadvantages, so naturally there is no possibility of intervention.

The vast mountains are rendered in a light blue color, spiritual grass can be seen everywhere, spiritual flowers are blooming everywhere, it is a scene of a paradise in the cave.


Several monks came from the air, and when they saw the mountain scene, their eyes showed wonder.

"Such a rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth, even if we compare it with the secret cultivation realm of our Tiandao Sect, it is far out of reach!"

"With this place as the seat of our sect, our Tiandao Sect will surely prosper!"

Listening to the words of other monks, the smile on Shenxu's face did not diminish, and at the same time, he was secretly amazed in his heart.

He knew that the spiritual energy of the Heavenly Thunder Territory was strong, but he did not expect that the spiritual energy here would be so powerful. The light green color that caught his eye was actually a symbol of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth becoming substantial.

It can be said.

Even if a mortal is left here and takes a breath of spiritual energy, he can directly step into the realm of heaven and man.

When he thought that he could establish the Tiandao Sect here, the smile on Shenxu's face became more obvious.

A battle ahead.

Seventy percent of the strong men of Tiandao Sect have fallen, and their strength has been greatly reduced.

If it weren't for the Dao Immortal still in charge, Tiandao Sect might have fallen out of the ranks of the five sects.

But now that this place serves as the foundation of the sect, Shenxu believes that it won't take many years for Tiandao Sect to return to its former glory, and further advancement will not be a problem at all.

Think of this.

Shenxu took out a token from the storage ring, poured his immortal power into it, and green light suddenly emerged, covering the entire mountain range. "Wherever Qingguang is, they are all our Tiandao Sect's territory. If any Taoist friends enter the Pindao Sect's territory without authorization, please leave quickly!"

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