Tong Zheng and the three talents stood in front of the altar of the god mother, quietly waiting for the arrival of the island country's Yin-Yang Master.

And behind the altar.

It was a formation arranged by the god mother with a spell to protect the remaining people in Dahe Village who participated in the Yellow River Dragon Coffin.

lest some ghost hurt them in the battle to come.

The Yin-Yang Master of the island country was able to send a red-clothed ghost to deal with him last night, and there must be other red-clothed ghosts on his hands, moreover, there are also the snake demon gods he raised, the kappa-style gods.

Had to be on guard.

In the formation, the villagers of Dahe Village, who had participated in the sacrifice of the Yellow River Dragon Coffin, were all very nervous.

The island nation Onmyoji let go of cruel words when they left during the day, and it was their time of death.

They didn't know what demons would come against them tonight.

The god mother was also a little nervous, she was not high, and it was false to say that it was true.


Only Tong Zheng and the three talents looked indifferent, as if they were waiting for their prey to arrive.


The Sancai Daoist came to the altar and handed a short magic weapon bronze sword to the god mother, saying, "This sword is for you." The

god mother felt the fluctuations emanating from the copper sword handed over by the three talented Daoists, full of shock, this is a magic weapon.

The earth master is the earth master.

Unexpectedly, she could take out a magic weapon at will, and she had not been able to get a magic weapon for half her life.

"Give me this sword, then what are you going to do. The god mother asked, this short sword was so precious that she was a little shocked.

"I, ah, I'll just do whatever I want. The Sancai Daoist replied.


I saw that in the Qiankun bag around his waist, the light flickered, and he directly took out a sharp giant axe as large as the door panel.

As soon as this giant axe was taken out, the blood-colored runes suddenly flickered, emitting suffocating fluctuations, and at a glance, you knew that it was an incredible magic weapon.

The grade was several levels higher than the bronze sword that had just been given to the god mother, and they were almost catching up with the Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan before the grade was raised.

The god mother looked at the short sword in her hand, and then at the giant axe in the hands of the Sancai Daoist, and a wry smile suddenly appeared on her face.


There are not only treasures that can store things like Qiankun bags, but also high-grade magic weapons such as blood-colored giant axes.

She can't compare, she can only envy.

Tong Zheng looked at the master ancestor beside him, holding the blood-colored giant axe, and smiled.


The business of violence transcendence is in the same vein, from the master to the apprentice, none of them are gentle.

All are violent maniacs.

Tong Zheng was also unambiguous, took out the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife from the system space, and began to wait for it.


The wind rises, and in the square of the ancestral hall, it whines, like a ghost crying and a wolf howling.

Tong Zheng and the three talented Taoists came out of the ancestral hall directly and came to the square outside the ancestral hall, where the corpses were burned today.

As soon as I came to the square.

Then I saw a group of ghosts that had appeared in the square.

Don't think about it, it must have been sent by the Onmyoji of the island country.

Looking at the large group of ghosts in the square, Tong Zheng was a little surprised.

Now it is not the snake demon god or kappa-style god under the Yin-Yang Master of the island country, but a group of

ghosts! The Sancai Daoist spoke: "Here, it's a mother ghost-style god, be careful, this ghost mother-style god can control ghosts, it's not easy to deal with." "

Seeing that it was a mother ghost-like god, the Sancai Daoist was not too surprised.

He was guessing during the day.

The Yin-Yang Division of that island country is not far away, and there must be something very important about rushing from the island country to the Yellow River Valley to cause destruction.

I won't bring just two Shikami here.

Moreover, he can perform the art of transmitting words during the day, and he can communicate with Tong Zheng without letting his true body come, which is obviously not a weak person.

He estimated that there was something more important to do, so he would think of spending money during the day to let Tong Zheng leave this matter alone.

It's a pity that Tong Zheng didn't appreciate it and cut him directly, and he will only let a female ghost-style god come over with a pair of ghosts to contain Tong Zheng and the others.

Lest Tong Zheng and others sabotage his plan.

The mother ghost-style god looked at Tong Zheng and the three talents of the Daoist, and said in an icy voice: "Zhi Na people, now is your time of death. The

mother ghost-style god was full of resentment, killing intent boiling, behind her, one by one, the resentment condensed.

There are four ghosts, which have reached the level of red-clothed ghosts, and the remaining dozen or so have two or three hundred years of Dao.

Tong Zheng spoke: "Master, the three or four hundred years of powerful ghosts behind this ghost mother god, you control them first, but don't destroy them, leave them to me, and these four red-clothed powerful ghosts and mother ghost gods, I will deal with them first."

"Okay, no problem. "Three talents are humane.

When the mother ghost-like god in front heard this, he said coldly: "What an arrogant Zhina, deal with the five of us, I want to see what qualifications you have to say such things." "

She sat down as an island country Onmyoji is one of the three major Shikami, and it is the Shikami passed down to the younger generation after the death of the predecessors of the Onmyoji family of the island country.

She already has two thousand years of Dao, see how Tong Zheng killed him.

"Kill him. "The mother ghost-style god said to the four red-clothed ghosts around him who had been walking for eight hundred years.

Four red-clothed ghosts with eight hundred years of Dao practice were ordered to burst out with a strong resentment on their bodies and killed Tong Zheng.

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