Tong Zheng continued.

Posted a message in the group chat.

[Maoshan Town Demon Heavenly Master]: "Tomorrow, that Heavenly Master will come, it is my town Demon Heavenly Master's friend, and the previous unpleasantness has turned the page."

Tong Zheng decided.

Give everyone a chance to take a stand.

Is it to stand on the side of Dragon Tiger Mountain and support Dragon Tiger Mountain, or to stand on his side and support him.

At this time, it is important to take sides.

Tong Zheng has already spoken, tomorrow to go to the imperial capital to give him a show, is to give him face, choose to stand on a line with him, the previous unpleasantness, will be written off.

If he doesn't go to the imperial capital tomorrow to give him a show and strengthen his momentum, he won't give him face and choose to stand on the same line with Longhu Mountain.

After that, they will meet each other.

Let's speak by strength.

in the group.

Seeing that Tong Zheng asked everyone to stand in line, the people of Dragon Tiger Mountain also spoke.

[Dragon Tiger Mountain Purple Thunder Heavenly Master]: "This kind of humiliating thing, who will look at

it, anyway, I Dragon Tiger Mountain will not go to see it, it is not normal?" [Dragon Tiger Mountain Public Opinion Heavenly Master]: "You guys won't really believe that he can beat the Christian red-clothed big sect leader with a hairy boy, when everyone goes with great momentum, but he loses, then it's funny, not only lost the face of his own sect, but even the face of the Huaxia Daoist is also lost, anyway, I Dragon Tiger Mountain will not go to see it." The

two Heavenly Masters of Dragon Tiger Mountain also came out to speak and expressed their attitude.

There are four Heavenly Masters in Dragon Tiger Mountain, and two of them do not like to speak, but the two who spoke have already proved their position on Dragon Tiger Mountain.

Right now.

It depends on how these Daoist Heavenly Masters in the group choose.

Taking sides today may affect relationships later.

Tong Zheng stared at the group curiously.

He wanted to see how these Daoist Heavenly Masters would choose.

[Emei Empty Heavenly Master] "Zhen Demon Heavenly Master is young, he has such talent, breaking through to the realm of Heavenly Master, I Emei and Maoshan have been friends for generations, tomorrow is the first battle of Zhen Demon Heavenly Master, how can we be absent, I am here to express my position, Emei tomorrow, there will definitely be Heavenly Master with his disciples to come to the scene to cheer for Zhen Demon Heavenly Master." "

Emei Mountain, the first to make a statement.

Tong Zheng smiled, and one was on his side.

Let's reply first.

[Maoshan Town Demon Heavenly Master]: "Thank you for the support of Emeishan Laotie." "

At this time.

Someone else took a stand.

【Shushan Wine Sword Heavenly Master】"Christianity these foreign devils, I Shushan has long seen them unpleasant, Zhen Demon Heavenly Master for Tianxing Dao, I Shushan completely agree, tomorrow, Shushan will send Heavenly Master and disciples to the imperial capital to cheer for Zhen Demon Heavenly Master."

Tong Zheng smiled, and Shushan joined his team, and then sent a message in response.

[Maoshan Town Demon Heavenly Master]: "Thank you for the support of Shushan Laotie." "

And then.

Two more Taoist leaders expressed their position.

[Zhengyi Cloud Sky Master] "Zhen Demon Heavenly Master, Zhengyi and Maoshan have been in the same vein since ancient times, Maoshan is our brother who passed our life, tomorrow you challenge the red-clothed sect leader of Christianity, we will definitely not be absent, and we will definitely send the Heavenly Master with disciples to the scene." "

[Ultimate South Spirit Sword Heavenly Master] "Since ancient times, Ultimate South Mountain has been at odds with those foreign devils in the West, and the Zhen Demon Heavenly Master is waiting tomorrow, and I will definitely send the Heavenly Master to cheer on the scene." [

Maoshan Town Demon Heavenly Master]: "Thank you Zhengyi and Junnanshan for their support, tomorrow everyone will witness together, I hammer the Christian headquarters." "


It's almost Kunlun.

If Kunlun also expressed his position, then no one would support Dragon Tiger Mountain.

On the distant Dragon Tiger Mountain.

In a golden palace.

The four Heavenly Masters of Dragon Tiger Mountain looked at the information in the group chat, and their faces were very ugly.

Right now.

Four Taoists have already expressed support for Maoshan.

Only one Kunlun remained.

If Kunlun also supports Maoshan, then they will be unable to support Longhushan alone this time.


After Maoshan, there was a young Heavenly Master like Tong Zheng who rose.

If Dragon Tiger Mountain wants to compete with Maoshan for the position of Taoist orthodoxy, it will be difficult.

The four of them, staring at the group chat, wanted to see Kunlun's attitude.

Kunlun, as the head of the Chinese Taoist system, has the strongest strength and the most right to speak.

As long as Kunlun is not on the side of Maoshan, they still have a chance.


Kunlun will disappoint them too.

At this time.

The representative of Kunlun, speaking in the group.

[Kunlun Jiuyang Heavenly Master]: "Christianity has been preaching in my Huaxia for a long time, and before we agreed to allow them to come and preach in accordance with the Chinese people's broad-mindedness and willingness to accept the four seas, I can't imagine that they have not preached the right way over the years, but only know that tea poisons the Chinese people, cultural invasion, brainwashing and slandering my Chinese traditions." [

Kunlun Jiuyang Heavenly Master]: "This Christianity can no longer stay, stay any longer, in a few decades, I am afraid that the entire people of China have been brainwashed by him, Zhen Demon Heavenly Master tomorrow, willing to take the lead and take the lead for Tianxing Dao, we Kunlun will definitely support, tomorrow, we will have a Heavenly Master with the holy daughter who has already descended the mountain, personally go to help the Zhen Demon Heavenly Master." "

Jiuyang Heavenly Master, showing Kunlun's attitude.

Everyone in Dragon Tiger Mountain saw this.

Knowing that these people were iron-hearted to support Maoshan, their faces turned green with anger.

Think about it too.

Maoshan produced such a peerless genius, less than twenty-five years old, he broke through to the realm of Heavenly Master.

In today's era of revival of terror and skyrocketing aura, opportunities come everywhere.

Tong Zheng's future achievements are definitely more than Heavenly Masters.

These Daoists will definitely be on Tong Zheng's side and do not want to offend him.

It is not worth offending such a peerless genius for the sake of Dragon Tiger Mountain.

Although no one is on their side.

The two Heavenly Masters of Dragon Tiger Mountain still did not admit defeat.

[Dragon Tiger Mountain Purple Thunder Heavenly Master]: "You guys just wait to lose face." [

Dragon Tiger Mountain Public Opinion Heavenly Master]: "I will just say a word, the Zhen Demon Heavenly Master is not the opponent of the red-clothed Great Sect Master, I just don't believe that he has this strength, you don't have to refute me, in order to supervise you, I will also go to see it tomorrow, sit and wait for the face." He

said it very cleverly.

What he meant was that he would go tomorrow, but either to support Tong Zheng or to see jokes.

[Maoshan Qingxian Heavenly Master]: "I'm too lazy to expose you, in the end, I don't want to see it, but also say what supervision, I also have a word, tomorrow the Zhen Demon Heavenly Master will win, tomorrow everyone will watch us Maoshan hit a certain Tiger Mountain in the face and it will be over!" [

Dragon Tiger Mountain Purple Thunder Heavenly Master]: "Who is it that refers to Sang and Huai, and a certain Tiger Mountain, you directly say that we are famous!"

The two quarreled in the group again.

Tong Zheng was no longer interested in this.

Just set the group chat as a message to keep it out of disturbing!

Go ahead.

Tong Zheng put his mobile phone aside, prepared for sleep, rushed to the imperial capital tomorrow, and directly broadcast the start of Christianity.

And suddenly.

Another WeChat message was sent.

Tong Zheng opened it and saw that it was sent by the Heavenly Master Jiuyang Heavenly Master who Kunlun had just added to his WeChat.

Jiuyang Heavenly Master first sent a snickering expression.

Then comes the content.

[Kunlun Jiuyang Heavenly Master] "Zhen Demon Heavenly Master, take the liberty to ask, do you have

a Daoist couple?" Behind this sentence, there was also an embarrassed expression!

Tong Zheng was a little confused, this Kunlun Jiuyang Heavenly Master, suddenly asked him if there was a Daoist what he meant.

But Tong Zheng replied, "No." "

Who knows, the opposite side is secondary.

[Kunlun Jiuyang Heavenly Master] "No, that's great, my disciple, the Kunlun Holy Daughter, is a Xuanyin body, who practiced with me in Kunlun at the age of five, with great talent, and a gentle and kind personality, the most important thing is that she has hundreds of billions of assets in her family, and is a little rich woman, do you want to think about it." "

Tong Zheng received a message from the Nine Yang Heavenly Master.

The whole person is stupid.

What is the case.

Is this the desire to introduce his apprentice, the Holy Daughter of Kunlun, to him!?

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