Seeing that Tong Zheng broke their holy art with a single sword, and also killed one of them, the remaining nine high priests were directly frightened.

They all retreated.

This person is too strong to be defeated.

But how can Tong Zheng make them retreat, these are all energy points!

Tong Zheng swung the Demon Slaying Daguan Daguan Dao, and a terrifying knife qi slashed towards the high priest who was the slowest to escape.

The Zhen Demon Dao Light directly strangled him, and his body was also burned by the Demon Exterminator Flame.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a high priest with 3,000 years of skill, gaining 30,000 energy points and 300 merit points] [Ding, congratulations

to the host, the level has been raised to level 92] Killed another person, and the level has been raised to

level 92.

When Tong was at level 90, he only needed less than a thousand energy points to increase by one level, kill two high priests, and obtain 60,000 energy points.

Naturally, it can improve him by two levels.

After killing the two high priests, the remaining eight people had fled to the side of many masters of Christianity, and Tong Zheng was not good to rush over and cut it.

"He's stronger than we thought!" The red-robed sect leader spoke, "Four godfathers, take your ghost king-level demons up."

"Yes, Sect Master!" The four Earth Master-level godfathers burst out with momentum, looking at Tong Zheng with murderous intent.

They had just really underestimated Tong Zheng.

Unexpectedly, he who could only kill the provincial church last night was so strong.

However, in front of the ghost king-level devil raised by the four of them, it also ended here.

The four godfathers released the four ghost kings who had been cultivated for 4,000 years, and said, "Give it to me, destroy him!" "

And yet.

Right at this moment.

That day, the master-level vampire Nicotine Marquis spoke: "The knife in his hand is strange, it seems to be able to cause great damage to the spirit body, don't let the ghost king go on first." "


The four godfathers ordered the four ghost kings to stop.

"What does the Marquis mean?" The red-robed sect leader looked at the Nicotine Marquis.

"Let the four viscounts of our nicotine family deal with him, perhaps to restrain the big knife in his hand." Vampire Nicotine Marquis said.

"Yes." The red-robed sect leader nodded.

Tong Zheng looked impatiently at the Christian people in front of him and said, "Have you discussed it, who will send it to death next."

"Rampant, let you see the power of our viscount of the nicotine family." Marquis Nicotine: "Four viscounts, upper." "

The nicotine family.

Those who can be knighted.

They are all existences above the earth master.

Viscount, Marquis, King.

A viscount-level vampire is equivalent to a strong person at the level of an earth master.

Reaching the realm of the Earth Master, gaining the recognition of heaven and earth, they are no longer afraid of the sun, and they can still come out to fight during the day without affecting them.

The Marquis of Nicotine finished his order.

The four bloodsucking people with 4,500 years of Dao practice stepped out, bursting out with a rich dark red death qi on their bodies, as if they had transformed into the king of the night, and killed Tong Zheng.

Their skill is five hundred years higher than the four ghost kings just now, and they can be regarded as relatively powerful existences among the earth masters.

It is almost comparable to a strong person at the level of the Three Talents Daoist.

However, in front of the child, it is still not enough to see.

Tong Zheng's level has now been raised to level ninety-two, and level ninety to ninety-five, which is somewhat different from before.

Each level of improvement can increase the power of 200 years.

After being upgraded by two levels, Tong Zheng now has six thousand years of skill.

How could a few 4,500-year-old earth master level vampires be able to resist.

Tong Zheng snorted coldly, his power was running, the three clusters of Yang Fire were burning, and the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife in his hand flashed with the Demon Killing Light and the Demon Extinguishing God Flame.

Four vampire viscounts formed four corners and surrounded him, and Tong Zheng flew into the sky.

The ground combat area is too small, some can't be cast, it's better to move the battle into the air.

When the four vampire viscounts saw Tong Zheng flying into the air, they immediately flew up, and in the air, they still formed four corners and surrounded Tong Zheng.

Ahead, a vampire viscount suddenly jumped, the speed was so fast that people couldn't see his shadow at all, and directly killed Tong Zheng.

The anchors in the square all sweated for Tong Zheng.

They didn't expect to see the vampire of Western legends today.

The male god is one against four, can he win!

Xiao Rou's small hand clenched, nervously watching the battle in the air, she was in her heart, cheering for Tong Zheng, brother Tong Zheng, will definitely be able to kill those four vampires.

Lin Jinger is also very nervous, facing four vampire viscounts who have been practicing for more than 4,000 years, can the big guy still win.

Equivalent to the concern of everyone in the square, Tong Zheng seemed very relaxed, he raised the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife in his hand, and the Demon Destroying God Flame attached to it, directly slashed out, and slashed forward to the vampire who rushed towards him.

Although the speed of this vampire viscount is fast, it is in the eyes of others, in his eyes, he has the speed of the Heavenly Master cultivation to bless himself, this vampire viscount.

Slow as a snail.

Tong Zheng slashed across with the sword light of the Divine Flame, ten times faster than that vampire viscount. Fast to the extreme.

Slashed on the body of the vampire viscount, the terrifying demon extermination flame and the demon knife light were intertwined, directly slashing the vampire viscount in the air, from head to butt, and split it in half.

The Demon Exterminator Flame stained on the two halves of the vampire's corpse, burned, and after a while, directly burned the two corpses to ashes.

After the Demon Slaying Daguan Dao was raised to the fourth order, the power of armor breaking was raised to a terrifying level

, that is, the flesh of the vampire viscount could also be easily cut open, and at the same time, the Demon Destroying God Flame was upgraded to a purple-gold flame, which could burn on the corpse of the extremely yin viscount until it burned to ashes, and then disappeared.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a vampire viscount with 4,500 years of practice, gain 45,000 energy points, 450 merit points]

Tong Zheng is excited.

A vampire viscount can get him more than 40,000 energy points, great, kill one more, you can upgrade.

The other three vampire viscounts, seeing that their companions had just pounced, were slashed and killed, and immediately understood.

They are also no match for this Chinese people.

This Huaxia man already has the strength of a marquis.

Retreat, this is what they think now.

The three vampire viscounts immediately began to flee in the direction of the Christian people.

Tong Zheng held the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, the Bagua Dao Technique was cast, and another slash came out horizontally, with the Demon Destroying God Flame Zhen Demon Knife Light, slashing at the three vampire viscounts who fled.

Feeling Tong Zheng's sword light approaching, the three vampire viscounts directly turned into countless bat doppelgangers.

The sword light tore through their changing bat doppelganger, and the Demon Exterminator flame burned, and after a while, many of their bat doppelgangers were wiped out.

But unfortunately, they still did not destroy their true bodies and let them escape.

The bats incarnated by the three vampire viscounts fled to the vampire marquis, reunited in shape, and turned pale one by one.

Obviously, Tong Zheng had just slashed many of their doppelgangers, causing them to be seriously injured.

Seeing Tong Zheng, he killed his opponent with another knife.

The entire square, whether it was all the main avenues and those anchors, or media reporters, all boiled.

Tong Zheng won again, and with a crushing posture.

Christianity, in front of the Chinese monks, is nothing.

A feeling that I am proud of being born in China.

The red-clothed archmaster of the Christian headquarters and the vampire marquis became more solemn than ever.

This Huaxia person's strength has reached the level of a heavenly master.

Right now.

Only the two of them could resist him.

"Let's shoot." The red-robed sect leader said to the nicotine marquis of the vampire family beside him.

"Hmm." The Marquis of Nicotine nodded.

The combat power of the two Heavenly Masters stepped out directly, preparing to start the final battle with Tong Zheng.


The author has something to say:

tomorrow wonderful continues, there are too many gifts, many names I can't list one by one, thank you for the support of gifts, I come on to write a good book, you read slowly, I write slowly, handicapped party, codewords are not fast

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