"Divine power, mediation creation, infinite power." Tong Zheng drank heavily, and cast two magical powers, and the two magical powers blessed himself.

The power of the gods is infinite, and it can bring five infinite powers to Tong Zheng, and he has the blessing of infinite power.

Divine mediation and creation is a supreme spell, mediating heaven and earth, Xuankan creation, and can evolve.

Tong Zheng directly evolved a true dragon and blasted Manjushri to kill him.

"Manjushri mantra." Manjushri cast a spell and directly used the power of the spell to roar and disperse the true dragon.

"Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Tower, give me a shock!" Tong Zheng drank heavily, and when Wen Shu shook back the true dragon with a spell, he directly sacrificed the Xuanhuang Pagoda of Heaven and Earth.

The Xuanhuang Pagoda of Heaven and Earth is transformed by the immeasurable Xuanhuang Qi after Pangu opened the heavens, hanging above the head, and can stand in an invincible position. When the sacrifice is made, all evils are evaded, all laws are not stained, and all things are killed.


The Xuanhuang Pagoda of Heaven and Earth that fell from the sky directly blasted Manjushri downwards, smashed on a mountainside, and directly smashed the entire mountain range into cracks, countless cracks appeared, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Tower." Manjushri exclaimed, "I can't imagine that you still have such a spiritual treasure. "

Manjushri Heart Curse, Go." Manjushri drank and cast Manjushri's mantra.

The Manjushri Heart Spell, his protective spell, was cast to relieve his injuries, and his body was shrouded in the light of Foggang, and he quickly recovered from his injuries.

"Sure enough, the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda can't do much harm to you." Tong Zheng spoke, "In that case. "

Bind the fairy rope." Tong Zheng sacrificed the immortal rope and directly tied Wen Shu.

Tong Zheng continued to speak: "Divine power, control the five thunders, divine thunder descends!" "

He cast the divine thunder among the five thunders, and the Lord kills.


Above the nine heavens, a thick divine thunder descended, and the divine thunder turned purple-gold, with panic and power, killing all evil in the world.

Bombardment on Manjushri.

"The light of the Buddha shines." Manjushri drank heavily, and suddenly countless ancient Buddha shadows behind him made his Buddha shine brightly.

Tong Zheng's divine thunder was on him, and endless thunder and lightning raged havoc. The thunder light dispersed, and the face of Manjushri appeared, intact!

"Magic is enough." Manjushri drank heavily, and suddenly a Buddha light enveloped him, causing him to disappear in place.

Magical powers, can be free, can fly anywhere, can change the shape at will.

"Seven Seals of Buddha Gate!" Manjushri, drank heavily, flew above Tongzheng, and suddenly cast a great seal to suppress it.

"The first seal, the dreadnought seal."

A big seal condensed and directly blasted down towards Tong Zheng.

"Talisman Tattoo." On the surface of Tong Zheng's body, the protective god pattern lit up, but he still couldn't resist the attack of this seal, and was blasted backwards and flew out.

"The second seal, the Devil Seal."

Manjushri cast the second seal and continued to bombard Tong Zheng.

Tong Zheng hurriedly shouted, "Divine power, reverse yin and yang." "

Inverting yin and yang is one of the strongest divine powers in Tiangang, which can make heaven and earth lose their order, the sun and the moon out of order, and the words upside down, mixing black and white, can disturb yin and yang, and cover up the heavenly machine.

Suddenly, the entire heaven and earth, yin and yang were reversed, and the sky had to darken, obscuring the heavenly machine.

Under the reversal of Yin and Yang divine power, Tong Zheng's figure disappeared between heaven and earth, and the qi machine was also hidden, successfully avoiding the Devil Falling Seal.

"Insect tricks!" Manjushri's face is calm, and it is not unusual for the magical powers of the Daomen to change the day and reverse the yin and yang.

"Heaven's eyes are clear, heaven's ears are clear, and his heart is clear." Wen Shu directly cast three magical powers to find Tong Zheng's location.

"Die." Tong Zheng said indifferently: "Divine power, golden light!" "

A magical power cast, Tong Zheng directly turned into a golden light, holding the Demon Slaying Pass, and one after another terrifying knife qi boiled on the knife body.

"Slash the demon, slash the Immortal Eight Barren Dao." Tong Zheng drank heavily, and the demon slashing power was activated, strengthening the lethality, and instantly appeared in front of Manjushri.

A knife slashed at him.

"Ten Thousand Buddhas Dynasty." Manjushri drank, clasped his hands together, the light of the Buddha shone, and behind him, a Buddha appeared, all of them blasted out with one palm, and blasted towards Tong Zheng.


The golden Buddha light filled the sky, Tong Zheng was blasted into vomiting blood and flew out, and the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife also fell below.

It took tens of thousands of meters to stabilize his figure.

"Hmph." Wen Shu snorted coldly: "If it weren't for a few decent magic weapons, you wouldn't even have a chance to touch me."

"The Lord of the World and Manjushri are still a lot worse!" The Jade Emperor spoke.

"Although he has learned all the Heavenly Gang and Earth Evil Divine Powers, after all, Wen Shu is a small realm higher than him, not to mention that Wen Shu is still suppressed by the Manifestation Saint, and it is normal that the Lord of the World is not his opponent." Emperor Ziwei said, "You stop Puxian, I'll help him." "

The Jade Emperor and the Ziwei Emperor are very powerful, one person is enough to deal with Puxian, not to mention that two people fight against one, it is only a matter of time before they defeat him, so the attention of the two has been focused on the battle between Tong Zheng and Wen Shu.

If Tong Zheng was in danger, they would definitely rescue him as soon as possible.

However, Tong Zheng wanted to deal with Wen Shu himself, so they didn't interfere, after all, they were people who had reached the realm of manifestation perfection, even if they were suppressed a realm, but the foundation was still there, Tong Zheng was too light on the enemy, naturally they had to suffer some hardships.

"It's over!" Wen Shu said lightly, exerting a forbidden realm divine power that he manifested and consummated, "Soul Extinguishing Realm." "


A forbidden force surged from all directions, wrapping Tong Zheng and destroying Tong Zheng's divine soul.

Tong Zheng was shocked, this ability is one of the taboo areas of the Manifestation Realm, and only when it reaches the Manifestation Realm, can it exert its power, and it is difficult to resist.

Last time, he suffered a lot in the realm of wise angels.

"Lord of the world, you retreat, this is a taboo realm, you can't resist, let me come." Ziwei the Great said.

"No, I have my own way," Tong Zheng began.

Tong Zheng's nine-turn Xuangong has now been cultivated to the ninth turn, which is enough to suppress the body and soul, plus he has other supreme treasures.

"Donghuang Zhong, give me resistance." Tong Zheng drank loudly and sacrificed the Donghuang Bell, which can suppress space, rebound the attacks of any treasure divine weapon and the damage of all magical spells, and stand undefeated on the head.

Immediately, he helped Tong Zheng resist Manjushri's divine powers, which belonged to the Xiansheng-level.

"It's up to me." Tong Zheng spoke, "Donghuang Zhong, suppress with me." "

Tong Zheng sent the Donghuang Bell and blasted it towards Wen Shu.

Seeing the Donghuang Bell smashing towards him, Wenshu's face changed greatly, and he opened the sky to the Donghuang Bell!

The Lord of the world actually has such a treasure.

Even if Tong Zheng couldn't exert the full strength of the Donghuang Bell now, he also felt that he could cause him great damage.

Hurriedly sacrificed his own spirit treasure, the Devil Lowering Vajra Circle, this Devil Descending Vajra Circle, which was one of his defensive spirit treasures, had reached the innate spirit treasure level.

The Eastern Emperor Bell descended from the sky, carrying a chaotic qi that was as heavy as ten thousand catties, suppressing Xiang Wenshu.

The Devil Lowering Vajra Circle levitated above his head, lowered the Buddha light to cover him in it, protected it, and with a loud noise, the entire sky trembled.

The Donghuang Bell fell on the Devil King Kong Circle, and the Wen Shu below was directly vomited with a mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale.


-The author has something to say:

tomorrow wonderful continues

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