Came to the place of the Poor Qiqi Seal in the forbidden area of the land of the four murders, and the four murderers were sealed in different places, collectively known as the forbidden area of the four murders.

Outside the Poor Qi Sealed Land, Tong Zheng was directly suspended in the air, Xiao Rou and Lin Jing'er stood on either side of him, and several people sent by the Dao Alliance to investigate before.

One said: "Alliance master, we found traces of the demon race in it, and we don't know what they are plotting."

"Understood, you guys just guard outside, I'll go in with Xiaorou Jing'er." Tong Zhengdao.

"Yes, Lord." Several people answered.

Enter the land of the Four Evils.

Tong Zheng felt it, sensed the specific location of Poor Qi's seal, and rushed directly to where to reach the place where Poor Qi was sealed.

I saw a formation shrouded in the sky above the sealing ground.

Lin Jing'er said: "This is the blood sacrifice array, it seems that the demon race is ready to use the blood sacrifice array, break the seal, release the poor qi to harm the world, and let the world be chaotic, they will also come out to stir up trouble." "

Hmm." Tong Zheng nodded, and then shouted into the large array of the Poor Qi Sealed Land: "The good means of the demon race, they actually want to release the Poor Qi with the blood sacrifice formation, and they were almost succeeded by you." "

Hear the sound.

In the blood sacrifice array of the sealed land, the hidden demon clan masters were so frightened that their souls were almost gone.

It was the Dao Alliance Lord who came.

What is the situation, is it exposed, how can it attract the Dao Alliance Lord.

Last time, they cooperated with the Western camp and set up more than a dozen dens in the human world to deal with the Dao Alliance, but they were defeated one by one by the Dao Alliance masters, killing all the demon races involved.

Now in the demon race, the Dao Alliance Lord can be regarded as a demon killer, an existence that makes the demon frightened.

They couldn't figure it out, this time the plan to resurrect the four murderers disrupted the world, the high-level of the four and three races conspired with the god of the Western Celestial Realm, in order not to attract the attention of the Dao Alliance, they have not made trouble in the world for half a year, everything is carried out in secret, how can they attract the Dao Alliance Lord to the killing god!

It's over, it's over.

The Dao Alliance Lord is here, and these demon races will definitely not be able to escape today.

The dozens of leaders of the Xuan Immortal Realm of the demon clan, the six leaders of the demon clan of the Golden Immortal Realm, and the elder of the demon clan, saw the Dao Alliance Lord coming, and one by one, they retreated in their hearts.

The Dao Alliance Lord is not something that these Golden Immortals and Xuan Immortals can resist.

"At this point, I can only use the formation to fight a battle." The elder of the demon clan spoke, "Prepare to open the Blood Sacrifice Array, reverse the operation, and bless the power of the Blood Sacrifice Array on us." "

The blood sacrifice array in this sealed land is running in a positive direction, you can cultivate them into the blood sacrifice into the large array, slowly break the seal, counterattack and operate, but the power of the large array can be blessed to them.

As long as Tong Zheng entered the formation, the six leaders of their demon race's Golden Immortal Realm plus forty-nine Xuan Immortal Realms launched a large array together, which was the Dao Alliance Alliance, and he was also better.

Seeing the strong men of the demon race running a large array, they began to resist him.

Tong Zheng snorted coldly, these people really don't know how many pounds they have.

The current Tong Zheng, in order to cultivate to reach the late stage of the Daluo Golden Wonderland, can destroy the Golden Wonderland with a thunder magic power casually, and no matter how many Golden Wonderland operation formations are in vain.

The qualitative gap cannot be bridged by quantity.

In the sky above the heads of the masters of the demon race, there was a terrifying gathering of thunder.

Tong Zheng began to use his divine sense to communicate the power of heaven and earth, and directly exerted his control over the five thunder divine powers, covering the entire Poor Qi Sealed Land.

Strive to achieve an all-round blow without dead ends!

The five thunder qi in the sky gathered, the thunder roared, and above the nine heavens, the thunder qi was led down, forming the most terrifying heavenly thunder and divine thunder, directly bombarding down.

"Dao Alliance Lord will lead the Heavenly Thunder to bombard the Great Array again!" The demon elder was shocked.

He never expected that Tong Zheng's method was so simple and rude, directly not entering the formation, exerting thunder magic powers outside, and bombarding the big array.

With such a terrifying thunder and lightning, the large array will definitely not be able to hold up a few times.

In formation.

Seeing the terrifying thunder and lightning gathering in the air, it made people's scalps numb, and the demon clans in the entire sealing land all panicked.

They wanted to come out of the large formation and scatter and escape, but it was too late.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Under the terrifying power of destruction that controlled the five thunder gods, the great array was broken in an instant, and the dozens of Xuan Immortal Realm demon clan leaders below were wiped out on the spot!

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a leader of the Xuan Immortal Realm demon clan, get 2,000,000 energy points, 20,000 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a leader of the Xuan Immortal Realm demon clan, get 1,900,000 energy points, 19,000 merit points]


[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the leader of the Xuan Immortal Realm demon clan, get 2,100,000 energy points, 21,000 merit points]

More than forty prompts sounded.

One controls the five thunder gods, below, except for the elders of the demon clan and the leaders of the six golden fairy realm demon races, all the other demon races have been destroyed.


After the lightning, the Blood Sacrifice Array in the Sealed Land was forced.

Tong Zheng looked at the remaining six Golden Immortal Realm demon clans and the elders of that demon clan, not ready to let them go, divine consciousness communicated the power of heaven and earth, and directly laid down the enchantment, the enchantment arranged by the Da Luo Golden Immortal Realm, these demon races wanted to break open.

Tong Zheng held the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, and the Immortal Slashing Eight Desolate Knife was cast, and the slash came out horizontally, and the Zhen Demon Dao light with the power of blockade slashed towards a Golden Immortal Perfection Demon Clan.

The sword light tore directly from him, causing him to scatter his soul and destroy his spirits.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a golden immortal consummation demon clan, get 4,500,000 energy points, 45,000 merit points]

Another prompt sounded.

Looking at the remaining five Golden Immortal Demon Clan, Tong Zheng continued to slaughter, holding the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife, and suddenly slashed out horizontally.


The Eight Desolate Dao Qi blocked all directions, and the Zhen Demon Dao Light split in two, roaring past, directly cutting the two Golden Immortal Realm demon races to death, never surpassing life.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a Golden Immortal Perfection Demon Clan, get 5,000,000 energy points, 50,000 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a Golden Immortal Perfection Demon Clan, get 4,500,000 energy points, 45,000 merit


Two more prompts sounded.

Now, only the last three Demon Clan Golden Immortal Cheng who had been in chaos were left, as well as the Demon Clan Elder.

Looking at Tong Zheng suspended in the air.

The two Golden Immortal Perfection Demon Clans were extremely terrified in their hearts.

They really regretted it now, came out of the demon forbidden area, took this task, and this time they encountered the Dao Alliance Lord, and they couldn't escape.

The Dao Alliance Lord is even more powerful than the rumors in the demon clan, as long as he encounters it, there is absolutely no possibility of escape.

Tong Zheng ignored the regret of the three of them, and slashed at these three Golden Immortal Realm demon races, and the sword light tore directly from them, allowing him to destroy directly.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a Golden Immortal Perfection Demon Clan, get 4,500,000 energy points, 45,000 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a Golden Immortal Perfection Demon Clan, get 4,500,000 energy points, 45,000 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a Golden Immortal Perfection Demon Clan, get 4,500,000 energy

points, 45,000 merit


]. "Hmph." Tong Zheng snorted coldly, looked at the last leader of the demon clan, and said, "What is your plan, what is the demon clan plotting now, tell everything you know, or destroy you." "


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