"It's the Dao Alliance Lord, I also want to bump into you." The Holy Wing Angel roared, anyway, it was all death, and it was impossible for him to tie his hands.

He ran the holy power, and the six wings behind him bloomed with pure white light, and the endless holy power was wrapped around the holy wing sword in his hand.

"Angel Folding Wings!" The Holy Wing Angel shouted, held the Holy Wing Sword, and slashed directly at Tong Zheng's sword.

Tong Zheng disdained, holding the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, the top three flowers bloomed with divine light, blessed in the Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan Dao, the Zhen Demon Daguan Light bloomed with terrifying coercion, and slashed out.


With a loud bang, the two attacks collided in the sky, and the holy power and the Zhen Demon Dao Qi strangled each other, and then spread around, strangling all the white clouds within a radius of 10,000 meters into nothingness.


The Devil Slaying Daguan Dao and the Holy Wing Sword collided fiercely, and sparks splashed everywhere, deafening.

Then, a huge slashing force fell on the Holy Wing Angel through the Holy Wing Sword.

The Holy Wing Angel was directly chopped upside down and flew out hundreds of meters upside down before stabilizing his figure, and at the moment of stabilizing his figure, the Holy Wing Angel only felt that the qi and blood in his body were surging, and a mouthful of blood was spit out, and he was seriously injured.

The Holy Wing Angel looked down at the Holy Wing Sword in his hand. It had been broken in half, and this was a top immortal weapon level sword that saved his life.

If it weren't for this sword, he would have died.

"I can't imagine that my Holy Wing Angel will fall into your hands!" The Holy Wing Angel was unwilling: "If you want to lure us to the bait, and then kill all our Nether Angels this time, hmph, I won't let you succeed, I'll pass the news back." "

It's late." Tong Zheng snorted coldly.

The Demon Slaying Daguan Knife in his hand swung and pierced through the space, cutting off the body of the Holy Wing Angel on the spot.

The whole person of the Holy Wing Angel turned into two parts, and was chopped and fell from the air, and blood continued to fall.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the Holy Wing Angel, get 10,000,000 energy points, 100,000 merit points]

Xiao Rou came to him and said, "Now, let's go directly to the Chaos Seal."

"Well, with these three angels dead, it won't be long before they notice, and before that, let's go over and kill them all." Tong Zhengdao.

"Okay." Xiao Rou nodded.

Tong Zheng used his magical powers and quickly rushed to the Chaos Seal.

At this time, the Chaos Seal is in the seal.

The angels had not yet noticed the death of the Holy Wing Angel and the others.

Wait for Tong Zheng and the three to enter the Chaos Seal.

They only found out that the enemy had arrived.

Seeing Tong Zheng and the three, the face of the strongest fire angel changed greatly.

He was shocked: "You are the Dao Alliance Lord, how did you come in, Holy Wing Angel them." "

Dead." Tong Zheng sneered: "Don't worry, you will soon accompany them, one after another to sabotage, this time I also want to destroy the seal of the land of the four murderers, it seems that I am too merciful, today you must all die."

"Let's die!" The Fire Angel smiled.

He laughed sarcastically, and a divine light erupted from him, and terrifying coercion covered all directions.

Behind him, a phantom figure of a flaming angel appeared, surrounding him.

Behind him, eight-winged wings appeared, slightly instigated.

It means that after he is suppressed, he still has the strength of the late stage of the Great Luo Golden Wonderland.

At the moment when the eight-winged wings behind the fire angel appeared, the angels in the entire sealing land were all shrouded in flame brilliance, and their overall strength increased.

This is a group blessing ability, similar to the wisdom radiance used by the wise angels before.

With the glorious blessing of the fire angel, the strength of all the angels in the entire sealing land has increased, that is, they must face the Dao Alliance Lord and are not afraid.

Last time in the Western world, Tong Zheng's realm was only in the early stage of the Da Luo Golden Wonderland, and he could never be the opponent of the fire angel in the late stage of the Da Luo Golden Wonderland.

And the two little girls beside Tong Zheng are just Taiyi Golden Wonderland, and on their side, there are nine archangels of Taiyi Golden Wonderland.

Unexpectedly, they had such luck today, and if they caught the Dao Alliance Lord here, they would kill him.

Doesn't it mean that the great war between East and West can be over?

Tong Zheng looked at the excited angels and said lightly, "What are you proud of!" "

It's just a late stage of the Great Luo Golden Wonderland." Tong Zheng snorted coldly, and then, Tong Zheng Daluo's Golden Wonderland's complete cultivation burst out.

Shrouded in golden immortal qi, the talisman patterns on his body lit up, and the three corpses on top gathered, and the fire of the Da Luo Golden Immortal burned on Tong Zheng's body.

The coercion suddenly pressed forward, extinguishing all the coercion of the fire angel.

The angels in the sealed land were all stupid when they saw that Tong Zheng had broken through to the Daluo Golden Wonderland.

Is he still human?


It's only been a long time, from the early days of Da Luo Golden Wonderland. After being promoted to perfection, there is no bottleneck in his cultivation!

"I can't imagine that you have reached the realm of perfection." The fire angel's face was very unnatural: "But what about that, I am invincible, I am one of the twelve archangels, my true realm is the late stage of the Manifestation Saint Realm, but if I am suppressed, I can't beat you." "

Although Tong Zheng is a small realm higher than him, the battle has not begun, and it is not certain who will kill the deer.

Tong Zheng improved his cultivation so quickly, there must be side effects, and he was just suppressed in the realm, but the combat experience was not comparable to Tong Zheng, and he would definitely be able to destroy Tong Zheng today.

"Do it!" The fire angel said coldly, "Let's go together." Although

he was confident, he still couldn't take it lightly, Tong Zheng only had two women from the Taiyi Golden Wonderland beside him, and he could let other angels besiege these two women and then capture them.

It can also threaten Tong Zheng with this.

The fire angel directly gave an order, and the nine archangels of the Taiyi Golden Wonderland present and dozens of guardian angels of the Golden Fairy Realm began to kill Lin Jing'er and Xiaorou.

"I'll deal with the Fire Angel, you guys first be obscene and protect yourself." Tong Zheng spoke, "Don't worry, I will help you with my magical powers."

Tong Zheng arranged.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine." Lin Jing'er and Xiaojudo.

Tong Zheng nodded and looked at the Fire Angel.

"You still want to use scattering beans to help them, take care of yourself first." The Fire Angel snorted coldly.

"Power of fire, angel doppelganger!" The fire angel drank, and suddenly a terrifying power erupted from his body, gathering the power of the fire element around him to form a flame circle, and under each flame circle, there was a flame angel doppelganger, which was tens of thousands.

And each of them has the strength of Xuan Immortal Realm These tens of thousands of angel doppelgangers formed a formation to surround Tong Zheng and form a fire angel killing formation.

This trick has also been performed by Wise Angel before.

But the difference is that last time it was the True Fairy Doppelganger, and this time, it was the Flame Angel Doppelganger, and it was Xuan Immortal Realm.

The formation formed by tens of thousands of Xuanxian level angel doppelgangers is that the Great Luo Golden Wonderland mistakenly enters it and will be killed as a kill, which is one of the killing moves of the fire angel.

Looked at.

Tong Zheng snorted coldly and shouted: "Flashy, look at my power." "

Doppelgänger superpowers." Tong Zheng drank heavily and performed a magical power, the doppelgänger technique.

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