No matter how tired the wolves are, they are not the sheep that they can provoke.

In their opinion, Zuo Qianhu is a wolf!

And the two of them are sheep!

"Zuo Qianhu! Don't embarrass them!"

Fu Tianqiu was on the prison cart, constantly shaking the shackles and shouting at Zuo Qianhu.

"Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi? Master Fu's second daughter."

Zuo Qianhu frowned.

If it was an ordinary person, if he wanted to let go of a horse, he would let it go.

But in addition to Fu Tianqiu, Fu's second daughter was also the target of arrest.

Now that you have encountered it, you cannot let it go.

So, he shook his head helplessly, "Master Fu, I said, I'm just a warrior, doing things according to the orders of the imperial court."

"These two, I also have to escort them back to Beijing."

After speaking, he held the knife.

Step by step, he walked towards the second daughter of the Fu family.


A gust of breeze swept in the distance.

A sword energy swept over.

But with endless coldness and coldness!

"The master has made a move!"

Zuo Qianhu looked vigilant.

The body moved instantly.

The two knives crossed directly and blocked in front of him.

The sword qi surged and slashed above his double knives.


A bang!

Da da da……

Zuo Qianhu instantly retreated more than ten steps.

His hands were even slightly numb.

The entire blade is shaking.

It's almost, I can't take this sword!

Da da……

And the front.

Someone came slowly.

The appearance of a scholar, holding the Seven Stars Longyuan.

It was Lin Chuan.

"It's him~"!"

"That useless scholar?"

The Fu family sisters were all stunned.

Somewhat surprised.

Unexpectedly, at a critical juncture, they came out to save them.

It was this one, who they thought was a timid scholar who didn't dare to appear?

And the other side.

The loyal and righteous people were repelled by the escort team without even Fu Tianqiu's prison car approaching.

All are wounded.

Still underestimating these people.

These are Zuo Qianhu's cronies and have been personally trained by Zuo Qianhu.

The strength is three points stronger than that of the loyalists.

Unable to attack for a long time.

In desperation, everyone had to retreat first.

Back next to the Fu sisters, they helped them up.

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