If you want to get a lot of points, you have to be high profile. The higher the profile, the more people will know you, and the better the points will be earned.

No matter what, this world is a bit difficult.

With a complicated mood, Lin Chuan's figure began to gradually become transparent.


With a sudden tremor in his mind, Lin Chuan lost consciousness.

He seemed to have had a particularly long dream...

It was a village with flames burning everywhere, and the villagers were running around. Women's cries and babies' cries became the only accompaniment in this sea of ​​flames.

Gradually, the beating flames began to solidify, and within a short while, they changed completely.

As if blood was dancing, it was extremely strange.

Suddenly, a bronze-colored sword cut through the sky and fell directly into the center of the blood.

From that sword, Lin Chuan seemed to hear the mourning of all things, as if he saw the withering of all things.

And as the ancient sword fell, the blood burned more violently.

In the dark, Lin Chuan seemed to understand something.

This is that peerless fierce sword, the Fenji Sword!

Another shock, Lin Chuan suddenly recovered.

This is the first time Lin Chuan has encountered this situation. Before, he was directly dizzy, and when he came back to his senses, he had already entered the dungeon world.

But this time it was different. The dream was as if Lin Chuan had experienced it personally, and it was very impressive.

Is it because of the improvement in my cultivation that I am getting closer to the essence of system teleportation?

Lin Chuan turned around while thinking.

Before Lin Chuan's road trip reached a certain level, he found that the system seemed to be related to the real gods, but that was only a glimpse.

Now suddenly there is a dream again, making Lin Chuan completely confused.

"Forget it, what do you think about those useless things?"

Lin Chuan shook his head and drove those miscellaneous thoughts out of his head. Instead, he observed the surrounding environment.


The ancient sword world is as big as the fairy sword world.

The world of green and white snakes and the world of beautiful women that I experienced before are relatively small worlds, and the plots all take place in roughly the same place.

But the world of fairy swords and ancient swords is different.

What the fairy world, the devil world, the human world, in short, the scope of the world is large, and the difficulty of completing the task is also great.

After looking at it for a long time, Lin Chuan couldn't see where it was, so he could only focus on the three tasks.

The above task is quite simple.

As long as you get the Fen Jijian, and then destroy the complete sword spirit of the Fen Jijian.

As for fame points, that thing is not difficult.

Just when Lin Chuan made up his mind and wanted to find the Fen Jingjian first, a rustling sound suddenly came from the grass next to him.

"Huh? Could it be..."

As soon as the pupils opened, Lin Chuan's pupils immediately became dazed, and the figure behind the grass immediately reflected in Lin Chuan's eyes.

"The man in black!? This dress... Am I in Wumeng Linggu?"

After carefully recalling the plot, Lin Chuan remembered something.

At the beginning of the story, people in black slaughtered the village in Wumeng Linggu, and these people in black seem to be a group of people in black in Lin Chuan's memory.

"Huh? Someone? Didn't they kill them?"

After a while, the men in black seemed to have discovered Lin Chuan, and they jumped out one by one.

"Who are you?" Shi.

Chapter [-]: The mysterious man in black!Suppress Ziyin! (three)

They were sent here to kill. Recently, the seal of the Burning Quiet Sword has been loosened, and there is a possibility of being born again.

If all the people who guard the Fen Jijian clan are killed, under the sacrifice of blood, the Fen Jijian will definitely be born!

The men in black who had already swept away once again surrounded Lin Chuan after seeing Lin Chuan.

"Who are you?"

The leading man in black said.

This outfit was perfectly tailored, and even his face was covered with a black cloth, revealing only a pair of eyes full of murderous intent.

"This is... Wumeng Linggu?"

Lin Chuan opened his mouth and asked tentatively.

"Haha! It turned out to be an outsider, but since you are here today, I can only blame you for your bad luck."

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