Windless belt, Hydra Island.

“Snake Ji, don’t always get these when you go to sea! What we need is food! ”

“Do you know the grain?”

“What are you doing with so much gold and silver treasure? Can these things be eaten? ”

Guloliosa shouted at Hancock, who was walking farther and farther away.

As the Seven Wuhai, Han Cook has the right to legally plunder, but it is a pity that Nine Snake Island is too remote, and there are few merchant ships passing by.


The tall Hancock stopped abruptly, and a pair of willow eyebrows almost twisted together.

“Ah! His Majesty’s angry appearance is so charming! ”

“Your Majesty is the most beautiful woman in the world!”


Han Cook, who was praised by everyone, not only did not have a heart, but his pretty face was as cold as frost. A pair of narrow and beautiful Danfeng eyes swept over the citizens in a state of fanaticism.

“Hmph, of course, the concubine body is the most beautiful woman in the world!”

Gu Loliosa, who was still angry just now, was instantly infected and chanted praises.

“Cut, isn’t being a pirate to rob treasure, food is not worth anything, and it is not good-looking!” Han Cook’s black hair flicked violently, and he stepped on high heels and left everyone’s sight.

With Hancock’s departure, the crowd also woke up from the frenzy.

“Boya Hancock!” Guloliosa roared incompetently, wanting to vent the fragrance in his mouth, but his face was confused by the newspaper that floated from nowhere.

“What a thing!” Guloliosa pulled down the newspaper.


[Klockdar was stripped of the title of Seven Wuhai…].

[The saint of Salros appeared in Alabastan, and King Kobra kindly invited him to stay in the royal palace and let his maid serve him…].


When is this news!

Nine Snake Island is so remote that even news birds don’t patronize, and even if you occasionally get a few newspapers, that’s a long time in the past. The news here is always lagging behind the outside world

The moment he saw Klockdar being stripped of the title of Seven Martial Seas, Guloliosa was full of excitement.

But the news I saw next was even more intense.

Although the newspapers always liked to publish some lace news of the great nobles, they rarely mentioned Draco.

For Salros Saint, Guloliosa may not be familiar, but she knows that Snake Ji must be familiar, the kind of familiarity carved into the soul!


“Your Highness, there is Nine Snake Island ahead!”

Looking at the approaching green island, Salros pouted disdainfully.

Just such a small broken island, it actually claims to be a country.

But think about it, there are many such “village states” in the countries that are members of the world government, such as Dressrosa, controlled by Doflamingo.

“I really didn’t expect that Han Cook, the king of Nine Snake Island, had such a relationship with His Highness.”

On the way here, Stussy already knew that Hancock, who was a Seven Warrior Sea, was once a slave in the hands of the Sarros Temple.

“After running for so many years, it’s time to go home!” Salros smiled at the corner of his mouth.

“Of course, this is the right of His Highness!” Stussy said.


“What, you say it again!”

Hancock, who was sitting on the throne with his head propped up in one hand, was shocked when he heard Guloliosa’s report.

“Snake Ji, you often go to sea, you don’t care about the truth at all, I really don’t know how you are a king, you must know that you are not only a sea thief, but also the king of the Amazon Lily Kingdom!” Gu Loliosa drooled, eager to point at Hancock’s nose and scold.

Han Cook, who had long been annoyed by Guloliosa, raised his leg and kicked it away, temporarily disappearing from his sight.

Not this one….

Nor this one….

In this!

The newspapers are striking with pictures of the palace of Appalastan turning into a dune.

Wait a minute!

Salros Saint exterminated the Straw Hats and the gang….

Salros St. ….

Those few inconspicuous little words dissipated in Hancock’s sight for a long time like a spell, and the newspaper in his hand slipped silently.

“Sister, sister!”

“What’s wrong with you, sister?”

Sanda Sonia and Mary Gerud looked at the trembling Hancock and couldn’t help but be surprised.

They had also just heard what Guloliosa said.

Is it so terrifying that Klockdar was deprived of his position in the Seven Martial Seas?

“That guy is coming.” Hancock could even feel his voice shaking hard.

That guy?

Hearing this, the two sisters looked at each other, both puzzled.

Just as Sanda Sonia was about to pick up the newspaper on the ground and read it, Hancock spoke again.

“Salros has appeared!”

As soon as the words fell, Sanda Sonia and Marigard also showed an expression of glance at their sister Han Cook.

“On… Just kidding! Sanda Sonya’s voice was hoarse, as if with a mouthful of thick phlegm.

A dark cloud hung over the three sisters, and the three were silent for a long time.

PS: Come on! Come on! Come on! You are the best! Regarding the update, expect two changes in the morning and three changes in the evening. Well, that’s it. In addition, if the reader has any good ideas to communicate, I will adopt them.

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