Chapter 61 The demon god loves people, and the contract is formed.

[Tuma Bury: Isn’t there a little bit of pressure in the heart of this Vortex Demon God Orcel? ] 】

[Sawamura Eiri: This guy said that the world of Tivat is constantly integrating into this world, is there going to be a war between the two worlds at that time? 】

[Megumi Kato: This is a question that only Artolis can answer! ] 】

[Haruki Yamauchi: What if this guy from Artolis is simply the traitor of the Tivat world? Perhaps Artolis has already betrayed this world, so he can get so many benefits in the live broadcast room and become so powerful. 】

[Hijiya Hachiman: I can smell the sour smell of you from far away, although Artolis this guy is not a person who talks and does not count words, and he has not given me fitness skills so far, but which onion is your tmd like this to say my brother. 】

[Kazuto Kiritani: Through the name of the live broadcast room, I have already revealed this guy, and when the incident here is over, we will go over and kill this guy. ] 】

[Haruki Yamauchi: You must all be with that Artolis group, you must have already been in cahoots with him, otherwise how could you possibly speak for the one who betrayed the world. 】

[Shinomiya Kaguya: Shut up clown, if it were you, I’m afraid you would not hesitate to betray a world, but don’t think of Artolis as a clown like you. ] 】

[Yukinoshita Yukino: You’d better pray that we won’t find you. 】

[Erina: Such bed bugs simply pollute the air, and although Miss Ben hates that Artolis, she is even more disgusted with bed bugs like you. 】

[Lias: Artolis is my future husband, and this look slanders Artolis as my fiancée. 】

【Shiwa Kasumigaoka no Oka:??? 】

[Yuki Asuna: I have found out, this one named Haruki Yamauchi is a student in a highly cultivated high school, who usually loves to talk big, is an out-and-out lemon essence, and can’t see the good villain of others. 】

[Takes: Understand, then I’ll dispose of him.] 】

[Haruki Yamauchi: What are you going to do, you’re breaking the law, you… 】

[Kiyotaka Ayakoji: The Haruki Yamauchi just now exploded like a balloon. 】

[Kiyotaka Ayakoji: I should already be dead now. 】

[Higaya Hachiman: It’s really cheap for him to die like this.] 】

Artolis is negotiating with Orcel, the demon god of the whirlpool.

The Vortex Demon God Orsayo does not want to continue the battle with Artolis.

If you don’t win, let’s not say, even if you win, you will lose both.

It is more likely that he will lose, and the Vortex Demon God Orcel does not want to continue to be sealed for thousands of years.

At the same time, Sazex, Michael, and the Norse Lord God Odin gave the Vortex Demon God Ossel a little dangerous, knowing that the strength of these individuals is definitely the same even if they are inferior to themselves, and they will not be able to defeat these people even if they win Artolis.

So the Vortex Demon God Orcel prodded.

Artolis did look at the Vortex Demon God Orcel and laughed and said: “As long as you let me punch three punches, after three punches, I don’t care what you do, [!] ”

Looking at the eight heads of the Vortex Demon God Orcel, Artolis always felt a little obstructed.

“Yes, in a word.”

The Demon God of Spinning Digging, Elder Orsay, felt that even if Morax came at his peak, it would be impossible for the other party to hit him three times, and he would not be able to hurt himself too much. So I agreed without hesitation.

Sazex next to him changed his face slightly, and Sazex understood what Artolis wanted to do. Orcel, the demon god of the whirlpool, is afraid that it will be cold.

Then Artolis walked in front of Orcel, the Demon God of the Vortex, and punched one of the heads of the Vortex Demon God Orcel.

Then, the next moment, the fist touched the head of the Vortex Demon God Orcel, and then the head instantly exploded, and together with the body, it began to slowly collapse.

The head of the final Vortex Demon God Orcel was directly missing.


Orcel, the demon god of the whirlpool, was shocked and angry at this Artolis.

Artolis said lightly: “It seems that you have eight lives, and each head represents one life, right?” ”

The remaining seven heads of the Vortex Demon God Orcel began to stir restlessly, and if what Artolis said was true, then himself…

“How are you going to let it go!”

Orcel confessed, and after experiencing that terrible attack firsthand, Orcel confessed. Artolis glanced at Orcel: “Become my follower!” ”

“Impossible, I will never surrender to you, even if it is death.”

As the pride of the demon god, Orcel could not submit to Artolis.

Artolis looked at Orcel and said: “In that case, then change the conditions, this sea area belongs to you, you can move freely in this sea area, but as a price, you need to make a move without hesitation when I need you to make a move.” ”

Orcel hesitated!

“I can make the people here worship you and make them your people.”

The demon god loves people, even the demon god of the whirlpool is also among them. As if it were a program, all the demon gods love the world.

Hearing these words, the Vortex Demon God Othello’s originally resolute refusal suddenly softened.

“As long as your people don’t make mistakes, then those who will always be your people, I will not make them convert, and they will be willing to accept you, the god who shelters them!”

Orcel, the Demon God of the Vortex, looked at Artolis for a long time before saying, “Good! ”

With a stick in one hand and a carrot in the other, Orcel, the demon god of the whirlpool, knows how to make choices as long as he is not stupid.

“In that case, then the contract has been established, even if the sky falls, the contract must be completed, and those who violate the contract should be punished by eating rocks!”

Watching the Vortex Demon God Orcel, Artolis made a contract with the Vortex Demon God Orcel.

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