Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 1173: Memory recovery (3)

Lao Kan threw away his cigarette **** before he wanted to go back to sleep in the tent. Suddenly, Lao Kan's eyes were a bit straight-

He saw the rocks on the top of the mountain, rolling down, slowly at first, then pouring down.

His lips moved, and then he yelled, "The landslide!"

The sound was particularly clear in the dark, like howling ghosts and wolves in the valley, echoing echo after echo.

The sound of death is getting closer and closer, it is too late to run, but will be buried in the rocks.

Old Kan quickly got into the tent and shook Pei Qiqi awake, "Qiqi, the mountain has slipped."

Pei Qiqi is still a little confused. Old Kan has quickly lifted the two large wooden boards from the ground, fold them in half with both hands, and put the four pieces together to form a simple nest-like shape. .

He quickly pulled Pei Qiqi and lay down together, then dragged her snack bag and two large bottles of milk.

Before I got down, a huge sound rang over my head, accompanied by tremendous pressure. The tent was first ruthlessly rolled, and then it sank to the thick plank below... The idiot was to pounce Pei Qiqi on Under him, Pei Qiqi only heard him muffled.

In front of him, it slowly became dark, and finally, the last gleam of light was swallowed.

Surrounded by rocks, there is still a small world supported by Lao Kan.

"Quite?" Her voice trembled, fearing that something might happen to him.

Old Kan let out a deep breath, "I'm fine."

He lowered his head and rubbed his chin against Pei Qiqi's head, "Qiqi, are you okay?"

Pei Qiqi gave a hum, then wanted to move, but couldn't move it.

Her voice was very soft, "Quite, will we die here?"

"No." He said dumbly, in fact he couldn't be sure.

He only knows that he can hold on for a while, and he has to hold on until the rescue comes.

He has a breath, and he won't let things go wrong.

This small world, plus the corners and corners, he estimated that they would have enough oxygen for seven or eight hours.

If there are no gaps in these stones, it is likely that they will suffocate to death.

These idiots will not tell Pei Qiqi, sometimes, after despair, people's desire to survive is much weaker.

Old Kan asked softly: "Qiqi, is the bag still there?"

Pei Qiqi's hand was able to move, and as soon as he got the bag, he said: "The bag is still there, and there is milk."

The old humor was relieved a little, and rubbed her chin again, "Seven-seven, we have to go through, someone will come to save us."

They don't know the situation outside, it's like a place of relic, they can't see it at all.

Pei Qiqi was already uncomfortable lying on her stomach like this. She knew that Lao Kan would be more painful, and she was a little worried about him, "Lao Kan, can you move?"

Old Kan snorted softly, "Seven-seven, it's okay! I can't move, we will probably be crushed into meatloaf when I move."

The planks he built form a clever angle. If he moves now, it will probably all collapse...

Pei Qiqi bit her lip, "Do you hurt?"

"A little bit!" He smiled, "I'm fine."

The two of them were talking and could not hear the outside sound. He secretly felt that he could feel the air flow in, and he knew in his heart that God was kind, and he didn't stop it.

Occasionally, he could still hear the sound of rubble rolling over... He listened secretly, still feeling uneasy.

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