Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 2042: Women are not ruthless, their status is unstable (5)

He lied to Gu Mei, that information was actually useful, but when she stole it, he decided to invalidate it.

The most taboo of a new product is that two days before your launch, your opponent has mastered the technology and you release it first. In order to avoid this situation, Ye Muyun had to give up the results of hundreds of millions of R&D expenditures. These are Gu Mei Need to bear.

When he got in the car, he dialed Xueer, she was at home...

He couldn't help thinking, after she knew it, she would definitely have trouble with herself. After all, she liked Gu Mei.

The car stopped in Pei Garden, and Li's wife had already come over first, and whispered a small report: "I haven't gone downstairs this day, are you upset again?"

"No! Sister Li, you think too much." Ye Muyun smiled lightly, "I'll go up and have a look, you will prepare dinner."

He was only ready to go up, but his sleeves were pulled by his wife Li again, and he turned his head to look at the old man.

The elders who had served Pei Qiqi by her side, Sister Li still had prestige in Pei Garden, and coughed slightly: "Master, will you be more restrained in the future, after all, Miss... is still young!"

It’s not birthday yet, so people just get out|night, will it be too soon?

Ye Muyun thought of the hickey on Cher's neck, knowing that Sister Li had misunderstood, he said softly, "No!"


Sister Li's gaze suddenly became somewhat meaningful, and she kissed her like that. How could the young master take it? Besides, the young lady is so good and belongs to the little girl's family, this young master... will there be a problem?

Sister Li was really worried, but nothing happened in these two days and two nights?

I was worried about messing up before, but now I am worried about whether the young master's body will work... Li Sao said that she was very entangled.

Looking at the wonderful expression, Ye Muyun probably knew in her heart that she was thinking too much, and said lightly, "Isn't it that Cher is still young?"

Sister Li gave a dry smile, "Yes, she is still young!"

"Prepare for dinner." Ye Muyun finished speaking and went upstairs.

When he went up, the little girl was still lying on the sofa, and there were a few opened bags of snacks on the little table, lying in a mess.

"Why don't you go down to eat?" He squatted and packed things for her, asking quietly.

Xueer said, then looked at him, "I saw you in the news."

He was prepared and smiled: "What else do you see?"

Xueer stared at him, "Gu Mei went to glory, didn't she?"

"Yes, she...likes Zhou Chongguang, she should have told you!" Ye Muyun's voice has always been faint, as if chatting with her.

Xue'er didn't say a word, just looked at him, and then asked carefully, "Will you deal with Gu Mei?"

"If she sells the company, I think I will." He put his hand on the back of her hand, "I like her so much?"

"No, I just think... Gu Ze, you should have thought about Gu Ze having been with you for so many years." Xueer lowered her eyes.

Ye Muyun lifted her small chin, forced her to look at herself, and asked seriously, "Are you pleading for Gu Mei?"

She knew that interceding for Gu Mei would not annoy him, so she nodded: "Yes."

He did not get angry, and just stated faintly, "Gu Mei has stolen the company's secrets. Now she is in the detention center. I gave her a chance, but she insisted on helping Zhou Chongguang."

Xue'er was stunned, and people locked into the cloud?

For a long time, she hesitated and asked: "Can you... let her go?"

[Seven chapters tomorrow, try to be as early as possible, love you~~~Smecta]

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