Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 3105: It turned out to be separated, he was so uncomfortable 2

Gu Ze clenched his fingers, closed his eyes slightly and walked upstairs slowly.

After staying in this house for a few months, he rarely came, and her breath was everywhere.

He knew that this time she left, she would not come back again.

What she put here, all the things he bought for her, she won't want it.

Gu Ze opened the door in the master bedroom, and there was a light purple light inside, because the little idiot said it was pretty.

He felt like a roadside... the kind of sloppy place.

But Sisi likes to lie down and watch the stars under such lights. She said the stars can talk.

But Gu Ze had seen the place where she often lay on her stomach. She didn't see the talking stars, only the sky full of stars.

Her world is different from his, but he still caught her into his world and let her enrich his world, but in the end he drove her out.

Gu Ze walked slowly to the terrace, opened the French windows and sat where she usually sits. Within reach of her is a fluffy little rabbit. She likes these children's stuff very much. He is dissatisfied, sometimes he Follow her to do it, and after a while, your legs will touch some fluffy things, and when you take them out, it will be a bear or a rabbit!

When he stared at her, the little idiot would cling to the **** thing, with an innocent look on his face.

It made him... even hotter.

But in the future, it won't be anymore. She won't surprise him by putting these things on the bed again, she won't lie here again, her eyes are bright and she said to him: "Look at Gu Ze, the stars in the sky can talk."

No more... Never again.

When he made the decision to abandon her, he thought it would be, but when she lay desperately on the hospital bed, he knew it would not.

Gu Ze let go of the rabbit and took a look at the fur vest again. After watching for a long time, he slowly put it on.

He looked at himself in the floor-to-ceiling trousers and smiled faintly.

The smile was ugly.

Afterwards, the sweater was put away by Gu Ze, and he would wear it for one day every birthday.

Many people don't understand why a person like President Gu wears such an ugly sweater, but Gu Ze knew in his heart that this was an atonement.

Maybe it's... miss.

But who knows?

Gu Ze took a shower, took the medicine box and treated the wound briefly, put on his clothes and went downstairs.

He went to the door of his aunt's bedroom and knocked on the door.

Auntie came over to open the door. The door opened, and Gu Ze saw that Auntie had already put away the luggage.

His throat seemed to be blocked all of a sudden, as if he saw Sisi leaving.

He said in a dumb voice: "You can make a request, can you not leave?"

The aunt kept watching him, and suddenly said, "Sir, do you love your wife?"

"I don't know, but I like her! I hope she can come back someday." Gu Ze said, lowering his eyes: "Can you stay here until she comes back?"

Before the aunt refused, Gu Ze whispered: "Nothing will change here, and no one else will come over. I will only come here for two days in a month..."

After digesting what he said, the aunt hesitated and finally let go: "Let me think about it."

Gu Ze smiled: "Thank you."

After speaking, he quit and walked slowly in the aisle.

The aunt did not close the door immediately, but looked at his back.

The husband said he didn't know whether he loved his wife or not, but the aunt was from here, she thought it was love, but the husband didn't know.

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