Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4072: He has been at 3

Qin Chen didn't know what he said, the little nurse nodded, nursed Xu Mo, changed some drips, and walked out: "I can see it, but it shouldn't take more than ten minutes. The patient can't eat now, and he is very weak after the operation."

Concho nodded and was about to go in.

Wen Yuan stopped him.

"Kang Qiao," Wen Yuan's voice was soft, but firm: "You said you have to take your time. I will take care of Xu Mo before you succeed."

Kang Qiao was taken aback, then shook his hands, "Then I will trouble you."

Wen Yuan let him go in, she had something to say to Ye Mubai, or she knew that Ye Mubai had something to say to her.

The door closed, and she whispered: "You have seen it too. I want to take care of Xu Mo. I have four rooms where I can live."

Ye Mubai was helpless, "You said you moved out just to live with Xu Mo!"

He held her shoulders, "I'll buy another house on the opposite side. When I live there, you will go to my place for the night."

Wen Yuan stared at him.

He surrendered: ‘then we will make love secretly. ’

"Separation shouldn't live in X." Wen Yuan pinched him on his waist, "I'm going in first. You go to the company first. I'm here."

Ye Mubai checked the time and said goodbye to her.

Wen Yuan watched him go to the elevator before going in.

She didn't go in before, so that Kang Qiao and Xu Mo could say a few words first. At this time, when she entered Kang Qiao and squatted there, they didn't say a word.

Wen Yuan also squatted over, so that it was convenient for Xu Mo to see, she didn't say anything but just gently touched Xu Mo's face.

Xu Mo's eyes were a little red, but there was no sound.

Wen Yuan said, his voice was slightly lower, "When I am discharged from the hospital, let's live together, and want to Nan and Ye Fen."

Xu Mo moved manually and gently took Wen Yuan's hand, although she did this movement extremely hard.

Wen Yuan smiled.

Xu Mo also pointed at her and smiled slightly.

Later, her eyes fell on Kang Qiao's face, and her lips moved quietly, and she said two words with her lips: "Thank you."

Kang Qiao knew that when he brought her to the hospital, he would not allow her to agree to be with him. Love is not a business, let alone change everything because of a touch. It is a decision made only by children.

He respects Xu Mo's choice and will not give up.

Xu Mo was really weak and couldn't eat, they still went out first.

Wen Yuan looked at Kang Qiao: "I know you want to stay here, so you go to the ward and sleep for a while, I stay here to watch, you will change me when I go to class at 1pm."

Kang Qiao thought for a while and agreed.

But he said he was going home, Wen Yuan looked at him.

"I suddenly thought of my mother." Kang Qiao said, placing his hand on Wen Yuan's shoulder: "I want to see her and talk to her."

Wen Yuan was touched, she nodded: "Say hello to the teacher."

Kang Qiao gave a hum, then looked at Xu Mo.

He left and drove back to the house where his mother lived. Teacher Kang was having a class at the Love Home. He was surprised to see that his son came back early in the morning, so he asked Kang Qiao to send him away.

Kang Qiao opened the car door and let Teacher Kang sit in. When he sat in, he frowned, "You have been drinking."

"Drank it last night, and I'm already awake now." Concho started the car.

Teacher Kang is still worried: "Drink less, you are not a kid anymore."

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