Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4250: How to distribute children 1

After Qin Mo finished speaking, He Huan's body stiffened, as if he didn't expect him to come.

In fact, in the past month, she and Qin Mo didn’t have much contact, not to mention meeting. Ai Jia’s affairs have been very low-key. He Huan didn’t know until these two days. It was Qin Chen who said it. Qin Chen’s expression was very different. Intriguing, He Huan never understood what she meant.

But now, she thinks she understands!

As soon as the body moved, he instinctively wanted to step aside, but it was obvious that Qin Mo was prepared, and immediately hugged her body from behind, with a rustling voice, "I am going home, you are not happy? Huh?"

The faces of the two boys were thin red, especially Qin Xuan, who chuckled, "Brother Shen Ting, I have a math problem, can you teach me?"

Shen Ting glanced at him, and soon... bends down and hugs Qin Xuan, "Okay!"

At this time, Qin Xuan's face became even redder, he...he was not a girl, so he hugged and hugged without moving.

Xiao Yi Huan wailed, and quickly followed.

In the kitchen, Qin Mo and He Huan were left. She wanted to struggle. Qin Mo lowered her head and whispered in her ear, "Still angry?"

He Huan bit his lip, "I haven't, you let me go!"

"I don't want to let it go!" Qin Mo said shamelessly, closed his eyes and felt for a while, then slowly opened, "Do you miss me?"

He Huan's breathing was messed up, and he murmured after a while, "You are really shameless!"

"Men want to face too much, there will be no women!" His voice was very happy, "You didn't like it when I was shameless before, eh!?"

He Huan almost suffocated. Suddenly he didn't know where the strength came from and pushed him away. When he turned back, he glared, pausing every word, gritted his teeth, "Sorry President Qin, I don't like it now."

Qin Mo seemed dismissive, "Then you...what do you like, tell me, eh?"

After finishing talking, she kissed her affectionately, making He Huan look dumbfounded. She murmured, "I am here, do you come and leave if you want?"

Qin Mo smiled, "Have I walked?"

He paused, "You packed my things, but they are missing. I'll come back and get them."

He Huan glared at him with an angry expression, "I have packed all your things, there is no difference."

"Really?" His voice stretched very long, and He Huan doubted whether he did it on purpose.

Sure enough, a certain man put his hands crossed in front of him, his voice was smiling, "There is still one missing!"

He Huan was taken aback, and couldn't help keeping up with his rhythm, "What's missing!"

"A thing called He Huan." Qin Mo smiled faintly.

He Huan was furious, "I am not a thing!"

Qin Mo nodded, um, "You are right, are you something."

She glared at him, gritted her teeth, "Are you angry with me when you come back?"

Qin Mo stepped forward, his voice faint, "I said, I came back to get things."

He Huan instinctively backed away, but he kept moving forward until He Huan's back touched the Liulitai, her hand touched back, accidentally happened to meet the tap behind, and the water spouted out...

He Huan screamed, jumped forward, and jumped into Qin Mo's arms.

Qin Mo chuckled, "I didn't mean that I didn't want me, huh?"

He Huan struggled, "Let go of me!"

He hugged, "Don't let go!"

He Huan's head and face were full of water, especially embarrassed...

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