Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4259: Mrs. Qin, spineless 7

He Huan was about to sit up, and a voice sounded next to him: "The blood sugar is too low, and you have to go out for a run, let alone He Huan take Qin Xuan, He Huan, you are not a three-year-old kid anymore."

The voice was a bit harsh, which reminded He Huan of the former Qin Mo, the 20-year-old Qin Mo, and Qin Mo who was in charge of everything, it was really annoying.

She still sat up on her own, tilted her head slightly, looking at Qin Mo.

Qin Mo also looked at her.

He sat on the sofa next to the bed, his complexion a little darker, and his voice a little colder: "Congratulations, Qin Xuan successfully infected. He is now in isolation. On his birthday, the day before his surgery."

He Huan was dumbfounded, and then murmured: "I obviously wore a mask."

"If masks are omnipotent, you don't need so many doctors." Qin Mo said rudely.

He Huan bit his lip and said nothing.

It seemed that Qin Mo didn't want to talk to her more, but simply told her that Qin Xuan would not return to the villa after the operation. In addition, she needed to be hospitalized for observation, and she could be discharged tomorrow morning without any problems.

His attitude is a little cold, and some angry is not unfeeling, but it is definitely not the attitude towards his wife.

He Huan was taken aback for a moment, then lowered her eyes, her voice was slightly lower, "Qin Mo, I want to see Qin Xuan."

"He is isolated. If you want to see, you can only see through the glass." Qin Mo's voice was really annoyed.

He Huan looked at him, "Today is Qin Xuan's birthday, I just want to make him happy."

Qin Mo watched her for a while, and didn't know if he understood her explanation, or if he didn't want to listen to him at all, he was still very cold, "Aunt Lan will bring food over, and you can rest early after eating."

After Qin Mo finished speaking, he was about to go out directly.

He Huan suddenly stopped him: "Qin Mo."

Qin Mo paused and tilted his head: "Is there anything else?"

He Huan actually didn't know what she was trying to say. After a long time, she murmured: "Are we going to get a divorce?"

Under the light, Qin Mo's eyes were stained with ink. After a long time, he whispered, "What about you?"

It's another sentence, nonsense.

Like him, He Huan did not answer his words. Before Qin Mo moved out, he heard her muttering: "Perhaps I am really focused on work." Therefore, it is not suitable to be his wife.

After so many years, they have always quarreled, and now there is nothing to quarrel, and they still have no reconciliation or are proud of each other.

Qin Mo turned around.

He Huan stared at him, and there was a touch of confusion in her eyes, as if she was looking forward to disillusionment.

Qin Mo was indeed very annoyed, but at this time some sadness was born in his heart. He always walked towards her, no matter one hundred steps, one thousand steps or ten thousand steps, he never hesitated.

After listening to some boring topics from reporters, she questioned him.

He thought he was very obvious in the villa yesterday, he was waiting for her.

But obviously, He Huan pushed him out again...

Qin Mo knew that he was a little hypocritical at this time, but he didn't plan to reconcile with her now, nor did he want to coax her, he didn't want to reunite with her, and the reunion was reunited, there was no restraint, maybe she flew away again. Just like before.

Qin Mo squinted his eyes, clenched his fists, and suddenly closed the door.

He Huan bit his lip, took a pillow and slammed it against the door, just as Qin Chen came over.

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