Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4261: Mrs. Qin, spineless 9

After Qin Chen finished speaking, He Huan was unmoved.

Now she is angry!

Qin Mo's attitude was there, and when she leaned forward, she was still enthusiastic, so why bother!

However, He Huan wanted to see Qin Xuan, and she was indeed worried and guilty.

When he thought of this, He Huan couldn't eat anymore, and opened the quilt: "I want to see Qin Xuan."

Qin Chen stopped her with one hand, "Qin Xuan is very good, eat the food, otherwise I can't explain to Qin Mo."

Qin Mo?

He Huan was in a daze, he was so fierce to her, would he care if she was full?

After a brief trance, she returned to her senses and looked at Qin Chen.

Qin Chen just smiled and coaxed her second sister-in-law: "Okay, I will accompany you with the strength after eating."

Her words were more effective than Qin Mo. He Huan ate the soup delivered by Aunt Lan cleanly. After the bowl was empty, she looked at Qin Chen: "Is it all right now?"

Qin Chen took the things away and teased: "Look at you, Qin Xuan seems to be more intimate than his own."

In fact, she can understand very well. He Huan's temperament may be a little casual, but she has never been troublesome. Being able to carry Qin Xuan... nonsense under such circumstances is undoubtedly taking him as his own.

At this point, Qin Mo didn't know that the reason for being so annoyed was because of something else.

After Qin Chen finished speaking, He Huan looked at her and murmured after a long while: "He called my mother."

Qin Chen shook his head: "One thing drops one thing!"

In the past, He Huan was so heart-hearted, and Yi Huan had been in City B for many years. She was abroad alone.

At this moment, Qin Xuan was changed, and she couldn't stand it after calling her mother.

In any case, Qin Chen took He Huan to the special observation room. He couldn't get in. He Huan could only watch through a piece of glass. Qin Xuan fell asleep but there was an abnormal red on his face, He Huan. A little distressed.

She put her hands flat on the glass, stared for a long time before asking in a low voice, "Is he a fever?"

Qin Chen didn't lie to her, "It's a low-grade fever, so we should pay more attention to it. Don't worry, I have been living in the office for the past few days."

He Huan was guilty and guilty: "Qin Chen, thank you."

"Qin Xuan is also surnamed Qin, isn't it?" Qin Chen said nonchalantly, and suddenly said: "By the way, Qin Mo will also live in the hospital for a while, He Huan, he should tell you about the nursing home for one year. At that time, Qin Xuan was alone, and he could only go and see occasionally. This was Qin Mo's arrangement."

Perhaps it was to make Qin Xuan forget something! Time is the best cure.

He Huan heard her, but she didn't answer, she just looked at Qin Xuan quietly.

At this moment, only Qin Xuan, everything else seemed blurred, not important anymore.

And He Huan couldn't tell if he regretted taking him out. He seemed to regret it, but he didn't regret it again, because Qin Xuan heard the cake on his birthday and his expression was very satisfied.

After a long time, He Huan's voice was very soft: "He will be fine, will he?"

Qin Chen smiled lightly: "I promise!"


Later days quickly, He Huan was discharged from the hospital, but she would come to the hospital to see Qin Xuan every day, although she could only see him through a glass, but she watched him get better day by day.

Qin Mo didn't go back again. She occasionally saw Qin Mo in the hospital and heard Secretary He accidentally mentioned that President Qin had opened a VIP ward in Shengyuan Hospital and lived for a long time. He Huan didn't visit it in particular.

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