Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4277: Don’t mention anything about that night 6

Yi Huan's face was a little pale, not sure if it was because of illness or what he said.

Indeed, he had never spoken to her like this before, and they couldn't go back since that incident.

Yi Huan looked down, "Shen Ting, we..."

"Get out of the car, I'll take the emergency for you." His tone seemed unbearable.

Qin Yihuan didn't understand. If she really couldn't bear it, why should he care about her.

Just ask a secretary to come over and stay with her.

But she got off the car obediently and followed Shen Ting.

Shen Ting registered the number for her, and saw her coat wrapped in his hand, and he took it over and put it on for her without saying anything.

In the middle of the night, there were no people in the emergency department. There were only a few parents who took their children to sit on the water. Most of them had a cold or fever. Shen Ting took her to the doctor.

A little over 38 degrees, acute pneumonia.

Yi Huan is speechless. She has a low-grade fever. Why is it acute pneumonia?

She bit her lip and said nothing for a while.

The doctor ordered: "No need to be hospitalized, but infusion is needed. I will prescribe it for three days first."

Yi Huan nodded.

Shen Ting had already gone to pay for the medicine, and when he came back, he looked at her with a slip in his hand: "Go for an infusion."

Yi Huan closed her coat: "It's late, tomorrow..."

"Go to the ward and lose." Shen Ting didn't give her a chance to refute, and went straight into the elevator.

The Qin family has a VIP ward here, which has occupied resources for many years. The reason is that both Yihuan and Qin Xuan are regular visitors to the hospital. Although they have rarely visited these years, the ward has been kept.

Shen Ting took her over, and after watching her lay down, he called a nurse.

Yi Huan was afraid of pain. She turned her head aside when the needle was given, and Shen Ting was in that direction, his eyes staring at her slightly.

Yi Huan quickly turned her head aside and didn't look at him, but her eyes were still red quietly.

The nurse knew her, and said lightly: "Miss Qin will be fine soon, there are two bottles of water tonight..."

He raised his eyes, smiled and said, "Is Mr. Shen accompanied?"

Qin Yihuan did not respond, and Shen Ting nodded lightly.

The nurse quit after speaking. There were only two of them left in the huge ward, and the atmosphere became a little strange again.

Shen Ting sat on the sofa next to the ward, and didn't mean to talk to her, closing his eyes to rest.

Qin Yihuan couldn't help but said, "There are nurses here, you can go back first."

Shen Ting didn't pay much attention to her at first, then opened his eyes, stared at her quietly for a while, and then whispered: "Qin Yihuan, if I can, I won't stay. I will send you back at dawn, you can Ask your secretary to send you here or... it’s okay to think about it all night, but don’t talk now."

Her lips moved, and finally she shut up.

She lowered her eyes and looked at the ceiling quietly. For a long time, she couldn't help but said, "Shen Ting, that night..."

She was talking about the night of her 18th birthday, but she only raised her head, and Shen Ting's voice sounded coldly: "Don't mention anything that night."

In fact, nothing happened, but everything happened.

There was a touch of depression in Shen Ting's voice, "Qin Yihuan, after so many years, there is no need to mention it."

He seemed unkind, but she knew that she was young and frivolous. She didn't know what was going on at that time. She was fascinated. On the next day, facing Shen Ting's incredible eyes, she felt complacent for the first time.

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