Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4288: Qin Yihuan, how old are you? 3

Only Shen Ting and Qin Mo knew about this.

Because it was shameful, Yi Huan didn't tell Ye Xiangnan either.

As an adult like Qin Yihuan was drinking while holding a milk bottle, Shen Ting did not leave immediately, but turned on the TV as if to accompany her.

Yi Huan snorted, "I'll go back to sleep right away."

"Drink and go to sleep, or else you won't be able to watch the bed." Shen Ting's voice was quite forbidden.

Yi Huan glanced at him more and stopped speaking.

Shen Ting continued to watch TV, and finally she still felt it was weird to be alone with him, and said hello as she drank, "I'm going to sleep first."

Shen Ting watched her leave quietly. In the end, she didn't know whether he was sleeping on the sofa or in the room. She just thought it was warm and reassuring to be able to hold the baby bottle.

Of course, when I get up at dawn, I can't see the bed, there are milk stains everywhere.

Yi Huan clutched a mess of hair, a little speechless, she almost jumped up.

do not know what to do.

I want to clean up, but some don’t know where to clean up...

At this moment, Shen Ting appeared at the door of the bedroom and looked silently.

Yi Huan let out a cry, grabbed her hair again, and said incoherently: "Auntie will come and clean it up."

Shen Ting came in directly, only then did she realize that the clothes on his body had been changed to yesterday's, so she was a little ridiculous, "Have the clothes been washed?"

"Otherwise? Let Secretary Wang send it over, let everyone know that we spent the night together last night?"

Yi Huan bit her lip: "Shen Ting, why do you say that? It's not... what is overnight stay!"

"We seem to have been spending one night." His tone was not good, and he glanced at her again: "Is there a new bed sheet? Bring it over and I will replace it for you. Your aunt will think about the bed sheet too much."

Yi Huan didn't understand at first, but then his eyes fell on the bed, and she understood in a while.

Her eyes widened, and then her face became a little hot, she nodded, "Yes."

Looking east, looking west, looking for it, and handing it to Shen Ting.

After Shen Ting took it over, she wanted to go to the bathroom, but he caught her arm suddenly.

Yi Huan was startled, biting her lip, "What else?"

Shen Ting's eyes flickered: "Why didn't you be with Ye Xiangnan?"


Yi Huan was surprised, but after a while she understood what he meant.

He meant, that that?

His face flushed suddenly, and for a while, he said, "It's not... If you don't live together, it doesn't mean there is no..."

She has no way to say the latter, a little shameful and annoyed.

However, her words were not convincing, at least, Shen Ting was not convincing.

He still looked at her quietly, his voice hoarse, "Do you have any?"

This time, Yi Huan's eyes became even straighter. After staring at him for a while, she finally returned to her senses, and then pushed him away, the faint pink color from the side of the neck to the earlobe.

Without saying a word, she went straight into the bathroom and closed the door.

Obviously, I was angry.

Shen Ting quietly looked at the bathroom door, and then quickly helped her change the sheets.

When Yi Huan came out, Shen Ting was no longer in the apartment, so he left.

Yi Huan stood in the bedroom, looking at the clean sheets, as if remembering something again, walked into the kitchen, and a baby bottle was cleaned and sterilized again.

She picked up the baby bottle and looked at it for a long time.

Suddenly, I remembered Shen Ting's words, why didn't I live with Ye Xiangnan.

In fact, they are going to get engaged. Why is the engagement not a marriage? Why didn't they live together?

Probably because of less impulse.

Yi Huan put the bottle back to its original place, and after a while, he smiled faintly.

When she left, Shen Ting's car downstairs had already left.

She was taken aback.

Was it dragged away, or did he drive away?

There was an answer in her heart, but she was unwilling to believe that he would do it.

The car, indeed, Shen Ting drove away, and it drove to the KING Group headquarters.

Shen Ting got off the car, Secretary Wang had already come over, reporting on today's work, Shen Ting also said as he walked, and after a few simple confession, he said quietly: "I'm free in the afternoon, I have a personal matter to deal with."

Secretary Wang nodded and looked at his boss after the arrangement: "Mr Shen is in a good mood today."

"No!" Shen Ting's face sank slightly, and he walked into the elevator.

Secretary Wang followed in and smiled, obviously very happy, she could see it.

Shen Ting had a lunch meeting. At two o'clock in the afternoon, he wanted to call Yi Huan. After thinking about it, he drove there.

She probably forgot to go to the hospital when she got better.

It's the last time, Shen Ting said in his heart.

But when the car drove to the door of Yi Huan's apartment, he went upstairs and rang the doorbell. It was not Qin Yihuan who opened the door.

But I want to go south at night.

Ye Xiangnan has a simple pair of jeans and a black shirt. He outlines a beautifully-lined body. The combination of his appearance and body looks like the noble son in the comics. Shen Ting also looks good, but a few more. The scent of fireworks.

This kind of scene was not expected by both parties. Ye Xiangnan obviously got off the plane, with a tired face, stared at Shen Ting for a while, and then let go a little lazily: "Looking for Yihuan?"

Shen Ting nodded: "I'll take her to the hospital."

Ye Xiang Nan Dan smiled: "She is not here."

He paused: "She is sick?"

Then he nodded: "I know, I will go to the company to find her in a moment."

Qin Yihuan was not there, and the master was going to declare sovereignty, and Shen Ting couldn't stay.

He said goodbye decently. At the door, Ye Xiangnan suddenly stopped him: "Shen Ting."

Shen Ting turned his head.

Ye Xiangnan walked over slowly and looked at Shen Ting, "Do you still like her?"

Shen Ting said nothing.

Ye Xiangnan smiled, with a very weak smile, suddenly he stretched out his hand and said, "You stayed here last night, didn't you?"

This punch was very heavy, and Chen Ting fell unpreparedly to the wall across the hall, with a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

He reached out his hand and wiped it off gently, then squinted his eyes.

Ye Xiangnan took a step forward, "You won't admit it, I saw the smoke in the guest room, it's still damp, you should have left it yesterday."

Shen Ting smiled: "Knowing that I sleep in the guest room, I am still so angry?"

Ye Xiangnan also smiled: "Mr. Shen is still hypocritical as always, and only the fool Yi Huan leads the wolf into the room and can't see clearly."

Shen Ting is definitely a wolf, if he is willing, he can definitely swallow the Qin family in one bite, and then Qin Mo He Huan and Qin Yi Huan can only go to Qin Xuan.

"But you are really amazing. Qin Xuan was moved by you. The company is under the name of the KING Group, and you can squeeze it." Ye Xiangnan sneered.

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