Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4301: I sleep alone, afraid of the dark 12

Shen Ting was very embarrassed. He stretched out his hand to hold the little girl in his arms and sighed: "I'll be here soon after I take a shower, eh?"

"No." She still scratched him like that, and refused to let it go.

Shen Ting closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his fingers touched her hair lightly, then moved slowly to her ears, and gently tugged: "Observe."

Yihuan refused, not only refused, but also put his little face on his heart, and held it tighter.

Shen Ting was a little broken, he was always a man.

But now he couldn't leave her alone no matter what, he hesitated for a moment, and he reached out and hugged her.

Lie down together, hug her with people and comfort her.

At this moment, not only she, but also Shen Ting himself thought of the black night.

He sighed and maintained this posture, holding her all the time.

Probably he could feel his body temperature. After a long time, Yi Huan relaxed and stuck to his arms.

Shen Ting asked her softly, "What should I do if there was a power outage at home before?"

"I will have a backup power supply." She whispered, and the exhaled heat sprayed on his shirt and seeped into his skin, feeling that hugging and speaking like this was particularly intimate.

Although she used to be like this when she was a child, after all, they were very small back then, and there was nothing wrong with it, but now she is a girl, and Shen Ting is even more of a mature man.

In this way, it is wrong.

At least, it shouldn't be.

He also knew that she was afraid, but it was his fault that he let her do this.

Shen Ting closed his eyes slightly, and for a moment, he gave up the struggle.

On such a night, holding her as if she was a child.

Outside, violent storms, and inside the house, there was also a hint of coolness.

But Yihuan was warm, she curled up in his arms like a small animal, feeling very comfortable and comfortable.

In the middle of the night, she woke up in a daze, opened her eyes and saw Shen Ting.

In the darkness, his eyes were open, and Yihuan said in a daze, "You don't sleep!"

"How to sleep?" he said helplessly.

Yi Huan arched and arched, and finally the quilt covered him.

She lay back again, with a sigh in her voice: "You are wearing clothes."

This logic is really good!

Shen Ting let out a long breath, grasped her little head, and stroked it gently.

Yi Huan said vaguely: "I won't say it."

He was funny and angry: she really thought he would be like Bai An'an?

Although he does not deny that he has such a plan, at this stage, he and Bai An'an are indeed nothing.

Shen Ting lowered his head, and finally kissed her on the forehead with a slightly hoarse voice: "Okay, I'm asleep."

She uttered, obediently.

She fell asleep quickly, and Shen Ting was left, how could she easily fall asleep.

The girl he had been longing for for more than ten years was in his arms, and his mood alone was exciting enough.

Holding her like this, until the rain stopped outside, the whole world regained its light...

But he held her, but carefully turned off all the lights in the bedroom, lowered his head, and carefully pressed her in his arms.

This night, the storm seemed to be calm again.

Early in the morning, Yi Huan woke up, and Shen Ting was no longer beside her pillow.

She sat up and realized that this was Shen Ting's bed.

The gray bed sheet and the pillow with his body reminded her of last night.

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