Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4303: Qin Yihuan, think about it 2

Shen Ting smiled deeper, and didn't say anything, just took his coat and changed shoes and sat on the sofa waiting for her.

He has a lot of things to deal with, and he waits for joy while contacting Secretary Wang with his mobile phone.

Yi Huan was still in shock, and Shen Ting's light and fluttering words made her... restless.

How to put it, reminded her that the night when she was 18, she also pestered Shen Ting shamelessly. At that time, Shen Ting had no girlfriend, and now he has Bai An'an.

She said she wouldn't say it, but is there a difference? Like what Shen Ting said, is she really just afraid?

Still in her heart, she had always felt that Shen Ting was her possession, whether she was with Ye Xiangnan or not, Shen Ting should be hers.

Therefore, she did that that year.

Yihuan was in a mess, and she suddenly realized that she might have been wrong before.

Now, it was wrong again, but it seemed not wrong again.

The vague and ready-to-see feeling drives her crazy.

His gaze fell on Shen Ting. He sat on the sofa and the sunlight came in through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

A beautiful room.

And he is pretty good.

She looked at him, feeling like she had missed something.

Over the years, maybe she missed...Shen Ting.

And what she did back then was how hateful she was in Shen Ting's eyes, and last night... She was nothing more than his care and his living in the Qin family, but now what is she fighting again? , Shen Ting wanted to leave the Qin family for minutes, and even control everything in the company.

On the other hand, he has Bai An'an.

Her fight seemed ridiculous.

Yi Huan had never been so ashamed before, she lowered her eyes and bit her lip, not speaking for a long time.

Shen Ting put the phone away, looked at her, and then smiled faintly: ‘You don’t look like such a vulnerable person! ’

He got up and walked beside her, with a slender and beautiful palm lying in her hair, "Take care of the matter. As for other things, you can think about it. No one will force you. But think about it. Don't be as stupid as a pig anymore!"

"I'm not a pig." Yi Huan bit her lip: "Have you ever seen me such a beautiful pig?"

"The commonality is stupid!" He said unceremoniously: "There has been no unclear thing for more than ten years. You want to figure it out all at once. It's not possible. Take care of the things you have!

The subtext is, if you have a clean relationship with your ex-boyfriend, come to me again.

How could Yi Huan hear that she was sad now.

Lifted his eyes again and looked at Shen Ting.

Shen Ting looked calm, at least much calmer than her, she couldn't see his thoughts.

She felt that he meant something, and she felt that she was passionate, plus... Ye Xiangnan and Bai Anan.

So the pig was lazy, didn't want to think about it, and got big after thinking about it.

When he got into his car, Shen Ting patted her on the head: "Qin Yihuan, don't you think about it for two years?"

what? What two years?

Shen Ting buckled his seat belt, and said in a calm voice: "You have been in Italy for two years. You should be able to think and decide something, right?"

This is an obvious hint.

It should be clearly stated.

Her heart beat faster, her lip was biting, and she was at a loss.

The world is very fantasy. At this time yesterday, she was still Ye Xiangnan's fiancée, but less than a day later, Shen Ting asked her for results.

"No." She remembered: "Where is Bai An'an?"

Shen Ting started the car with a faint expression, "She is not a pig, and she won't find a man."

He called her a pig again! {The toothache is dead, I will fix it tomorrow~~ It should be updated at noon}

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