Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4306: Qin Yihuan, think about it 5

Secretary Lin knew of her decision and immediately said with a serious face: "I will have someone write the draft immediately, and let President Qin look through it."

After all, it's a former lover, so it shouldn't be too ugly.

But Yi Huan raised his hand, "No, you can figure it out."

Secretary Lin was surprised. Does this mean to let them do it?

However, this is also unexpected, this is the style of Qin always.

Secretary Lin quickly withdrew, but Yi Huan still sat quietly, reading Shen Ting's message again.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, she took the driver's car and went to a famous western restaurant. People went, and Ye Xiangnan was already waiting for her.

Yi Huan walked over and sat down opposite him, Ye Xiangnan glanced at the waiter, who immediately poured a glass of pre-dinner wine with wintry.

Yi Huan took off his coat and put it on the back of the chair, and smiled lightly: "I'm not very well recently and can't drink alcohol."

Ye Xiangnan took a deep look at her, moved her pre-dinner wine to her side, held her slender fingers, took a sip, and said softly, "Are you okay?"

Yihuan let out a long breath: ‘Very good, how about you? ’

He put down the slender goblet in his hand, and smiled faintly, "Do you think I will be fine?"

Yi Huan looked down: "Sorry! I touched your sad thing."

Ye Xiangnan stretched out his hand and caught her hand, Yihuan jumped in shock, trying to pull his hand away, but Ye Xiangnan's strength was great.

He held her hand almost stubbornly, his voice was low and hoarse.

His voice was low, "Do you know why we didn't make it to the end?"

Yihuan looked into his eyes.

Ye Xiangnan ignored the eyes of others and shook her hand in a low voice: "I am not making excuses, but we were different many years ago."

Yi Huan blinked slightly, Ye Xiangnan laughed a little self-deprecatingly: "Yi Huan, how am I inferior to him?"

Does he... mean Shen Ting?

Yi Huan didn't ask, but she knew in her heart that he was talking about Shen Ting.

Her lips moved lightly, and Ye Xiangnan stopped her: "Don't tell me no, Yihuan, you can fool others, you can't fool yourself!"

Ye Xiangnan finally let go of her, leaning against the back of the chair behind her, sighing: "I don't know when you talked to me. How about Shen Ting... Yihuan, you Yes, you are just too slow."

And Shen Ting should have known it too.

He just waited patiently, perhaps with the same pride as him, and kept waiting.

He too.

Therefore, the three of them have wasted so many years, and now they are finally free.

The most sad thing about this injury was not Yihuan, but that he missed south all night. No one could know what he was thinking or understand his feelings.

He is about to marry a woman who doesn't like or understand or know, otherwise his child will be an illegitimate child, which is not allowed in Yejia.

But he really likes Yihuan. He used to like it very much. Later, he didn't dare to love it anymore.

Because he knew that she would be someone else's sooner or later.

Ye Xiangnan said so much, Yihuan just smiled, and then she looked at him straight: "Ye Xiangnan, if you think I like others, but I have been with you all the time, you didn’t think of a way. Make me like you!"

She stared at him with a mist in her eyes.

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