Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4312: It has always been Shen Ting, giving her a blood transfusion 3

Because she was afraid that she would not be able to wake up when she fell asleep, she would feel this way every time she had a blood transfusion.

Shen Ting's voice was lighter and gentler: "I will stay here forever. Good, close your eyes."

At this moment, his expression was very pampering, just like she did when she was a child, coaxing her to sleep every night.

Yi Huan's eyes were a little straight, and then she leaned her head gently in his arms, like a cute little animal, her voice was light and shallow, "I can't bear it."

For Shen Ting, these four words were very ecstatic.

He knew what she meant, but he had restraint.

It should not be so fast, at least not at this time.

Two years, if she doesn't change her mind, they will get married immediately.

Perhaps, in his heart, he was also afraid that she would regret it and that she would leave again.

He couldn't bear it. At that time, he would really hate her and would not give up, but he would use all kinds of methods to make her belong to him from now on. She would not like it in that way.

Shen Ting's fingers gently stroked her fluffy hair, soothing her little by little, and with his soothing, Yihuan fell asleep.

She slept soundly and deeply, and her whole body seemed to be filled with new vitality.

The whole body is very warm.

Unspeakable comfort.

Shen Ting's eyes were very warm, and he couldn't help but bow his head and kiss the little girl... kissed, and couldn't help kissing his forehead again.

The doctor just came in and coughed slightly: "Mr. Shen, there is not enough blood in the blood bank, do you want to..."

"Pick me!" Shen Ting said quietly.

The doctor nodded.

Shen Ting drew 300 this time, and only used 100. The rest is still in the blood bank for use.

In the middle of the night, Shen Ting was also tired, and finally slept with her.

He was lying down, a little unable to sleep because the light was on.

But Yi Huan was afraid of the dark, so he accommodated her and hugged her like this. He didn't feel a little sleepy until four o'clock in the morning. This sleep turned out to be a bit heavy.

When Yi Huan woke up, it was eight o'clock in the morning. The nurse came to clean up and saw that she was awake, so she said hello with a smile: "Miss Qin is awake?"

Yi Huan grabbed her hair and sat up. She looked at Shen Ting who was aside, a little uncomfortable, "Mr. Shen, sleep here all night?"

The nurse smiled: "No, Mr. Shen has been watching the night before, and he took another blood draw in the middle. By the way, Mrs. Shen Qin is really good. He draws blood and puts it in the blood bank almost once a month. Almost all the blood used by Ms. Qin was from Mr. Shen."

Yi Huan was stunned.

Is it all Shen Ting's blood?

Over the years, she has used so much blood!

She just wanted to ask, and the nurse said: "Even if Mr. Shen has been abroad for a few years, he will fly back once every two months, just to prepare blood for Miss Qin."

Yi Huan was completely stunned.

She knew how busy Shen Ting was during her overseas life in those few years. It was a devil-style training, but he flew back and forth for a few days every two months to draw her blood, obviously he didn't need to do this.

She didn't know what to say, at this moment, Shen Ting just woke up.

The little nurse glanced at him, and immediately took the things and left.

The door was closed, but the atmosphere in the ward was quite subtle. Yihuan opened her mouth first and asked in a low voice, "Is she true?"

In fact, she also knew that she had asked too much, and it must be true.

Shen Ting did not answer this question directly, but asked her softly: ‘Is you hungry? ’

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