Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4317: All men are king

Secretary Wang came over and whispered: "Mr. Qin, Mr. Shen said that he will not return to the company in the afternoon, and you will continue to chair the morning meeting in the afternoon."

"Guess it!" Qin Xuan's voice was faint: "He, a workaholic, will never let go of his subordinates."

Qin Xuan leaned back in his chair and looked at Secretary Wang: "Is love really so addictive?"

Obviously I am a workaholic, but I can't wait to fall in love.

Secretary Wang pushed his glasses, opened Baidu, and said professionally: "When human beings are in love, they produce a substance called dopamine..."

"Okay, okay, no biology class." Qin Xuan sighed softly when hearing his tooth hurt, "Okay, Secretary Wang, you go out first!"

Secretary Wang was planning to leave, but he paused, "By the way, Lawyer Bai has a very good personality. Doesn't Qin think about it?"

Qin Xuan frowned: "Not bad? She and you, Mr. Shen, carved it out in the same mold. Will it be good?"

Secretary Wang smiled again: "But Mr. Qin likes to get along with Mr. Shen very much. I thought it would be easier to talk to this way."

can you?

Qin Xuanguang just thought about Bai An'an's humiliation, and let it go.

He might still prefer petite and cute girls, just like night fennel.

Ye miss Nan's sister.

However, he was not so excited that he must be dating, so he never acted. Qin Xuan thought he would probably never get married for the rest of his life, and he was not so urged to want to spend his life with a woman.

Secretary Wang sighed when he saw his expression.

Young Master Xiao Qin is 28 years old, and he hasn't had a love experience, and it seems that I haven't found a girl who has been heartbroken. Could it be...there is a problem, so she used Lawyer Bai to test it out, she really doubted Xiao Qin To them Mr. Shen...

Don't dare to think about it anymore, it's guilty to think about it anymore.

Secretary Wang left, Qin Xuan turned on the computer and entered several commands.

But when he took a closer look, it turned out to be Bai An'an's Baidu Encyclopedia, and he raised his brows at once.

What the **** is this!

But when I opened it, he always took a look, and after a glance, all he can remember is a long list of titles, all kinds of excellence, and she is really 30 years old!

Qin Xuan closed the notebook.

He is not interested in the woman who is older than himself.

Those over 25 are called old women.

On the other side, Bai An'an sneezed for no reason. She held the steering wheel and wiped it with a tissue in one hand.

He sighed for a long time, and dialed Ye Hui: "Is there time to come out for a drink at night?"

Ye Ding tongue out: "The house is too messy~ Next time, An An, you can understand."

"This is!" Bai An'an dropped the phone: "There is no one to accompany the broken relationship."

Actually, it wasn't too uncomfortable. After all, she had known that Shen Ting had no intention of her, but she still liked it lightly, waiting if nothing happened.

Sure enough, men are all bastards.

Bai Anan drove the car and went directly to a club bar.

After drinking for an afternoon, not too drunk, but not so sober.

She did a very unconscious and irrational thing, which was to call Shen Ting abusively.

Curse whatever is ugly, in short, let out a nasty breath.

She doesn't cry, she chooses to scold this bastard.

Shen Ting was helpless, but at the same time gentle. He asked her where she was, and then asked her to wait there, and he dialed Qin Xuan's phone, "Go pick up Bai An'an and take her home."

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