Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4339: You are really shameless! 9

Qin Xuan hung up his cell phone and went downstairs angrily.

Sitting on the sofa downstairs, I couldn't understand why Bai An'an would stick to him.

Rubbing his chin gently with his thumb, he finally fell asleep on the sofa.

I woke up because Bai An'an's secretary came over, and this woman really planned to work in his home! ! !

Bai An'an's secretary-general was so sweet that he was two or three different from Ye Wei. Qin Xuan took a second look, and then asked her to wait downstairs. He himself went upstairs and called Bai An'an.

Bai An'an can sleep in his bedroom and climb onto his bed, but it doesn't mean that Qin Xuan likes to let others look around in his bedroom.

He walked upstairs slowly, and when he reached the corner of the stairs, he paused.

But he knocked on the door of the master bedroom from behind, and the door opened. Bai Anan was still wearing his bathrobe. He went back to the sofa and played with his mobile phone. He bowed his head and covered his eyes with black hair: "What's the matter?"

"Lawyer Bai, I am not yours." Qin Xuan put his hands in front of him.

Bai An'an said: "I know, what's wrong?"

"Your secretary is downstairs." Qin Xuan said coldly, "Go downstairs immediately. I don't like strangers at home."

Bai An'an finally put down the phone in his hand, "You said Yaren, I thought you would be very happy, she is the best-looking girl in my lawyer's office."

"Really?" Qin Xuan looked unmoved.

Bai An'an hooked her lower lip: "I thought you would prefer a girl like night fennel, so I specially asked Yaren to come over to give something."

After she finished speaking, Qin Xuan's face didn't look good, because it was said that it was the central issue.

Although he was not particularly tempted, he still had a little idea how to say it. He didn't expect Bai An'an to see it. After all, everyone was in the same scene once or twice, and she still said it.

"I don't think so." Qin Xuan's voice was cold, "Go downstairs."

Bai Anan glanced at him and felt that he was inexplicable. Shi Shiran walked out. While wearing a belt, she said kindly: "By the way, Mr. Qin, you should find a girlfriend when you are old, otherwise you will be angry. Too big will look a little...yin and yang weird."

Qin Xuan's face turned black again.

Bai Anan smiled and finally went downstairs.

Her posture is real, assuming this is her home, slowly going downstairs, her secretary Yaren looks straight at her boss and boss, her voice is stammering, "Lawyer Bai, this... ...Your boyfriend?"

Before she could speak, Secretary Ya whispered: "It's so handsome." And it looks really super rich. The decoration here is very tasteful, and the smell of money is everywhere.

"A little white face. The temper is very big." Bai An'an said dismissively.

She sat on the sofa and checked her belongings.

Secretary Ya looked at the man's yukata on her body, God, Lawyer Bai is really good-looking, and it looks like his wife is wearing her husband's pajamas. How to say it, it feels very matching.

Lawyer Bai has always been very good-looking, and he is an elite in the industry. He has a very high vision. Now I finally have a man who looks good. Secretary Ya thinks this... this little white face is more suitable for Lawyer Bai than Mr. Shen.

Mr. Shen saw that he was an elite and the same person as Lawyer Bai. Wouldn't it be particularly boring if two people of the same type live together?

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