Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4342: You are really shameless! 12

Qin Xuan sighed, "My aunt is not stupid, she is just joking, not serious."

Are you kidding me?

Bai An'an raised an emperor green pendant in his hand: "Young Master Qin, this is improper, kidding?"

Qin Xuan just smiled, but did not speak any more.

It's not serious, joking is his inner thoughts, he really is not serious.

He didn't resist marriage so much, but he never thought about marrying a girl like Bai An'an.

How should I say, too strong, like Shen Ting's whole body elite taste, and he is more casual...

He was surprised that he was really thinking about whether they were together and their personalities did not match.

Startled for a while, then smiled slightly.

Bai An'an stared at him, saw him smile, and burst into his heart.

Although Xiao Bai Lian is very hateful, he is really good-looking. He doesn't usually laugh, but he laughs pretty well.

Probably noticing her gaze, Qin Xuan looked at it, still with a slight smile: "Don't worry, Bai An'an, I don't think much of you."

"Thank you." She snorted, and then took a cup of coffee under the guise, without noticing that Qin Xuan had drunk it.

She hung her head, quietly, but Qin Xuan's eyes fell on her.

After watching for a while, he said softly: "I'll take you back in a while!"

Just kidding, he didn't want to get involved with her either.

Bai An'an didn't refuse, but he felt a little uncomfortable when he left.

She seems to be rejected by others.

She has always been excellent since she was a child, and she has never been dismissed like this before. Shen Ting didn't call, and respected each other, but Qin Xuan's attitude was that she clearly didn't like to look down on her, and dislike her!

Bai Anan sat in the car and waited for the car to reach the apartment where she lived. When she got off the car, she turned her head and said, "Qin Xuan, am I particularly nasty? I'm old and workaholic?"

Qin Xuan did not speak.

Bai Anan knew it. She bit her lower lip lightly and did not ask any more. She reached out and opened the door to get out of the car, but when she got out of the car, she paused and bent down: "Thank you, I don't seem to be so uncomfortable anymore."

Qin Xuan moved his fingers, "It's not uncomfortable."

When she closed the door, his car drove away.

Bai Anan stood there and watched his car drive away. Suddenly she felt that Qin Xuan was an emotionally isolated animal. She had discovered that he had a little thought about night fennel, and she thought he would chase night fennel, but she didn’t. , After two or three years, none.

Ye Hui is very beautiful. If such Qin Xuan is not tempted, Bai Anan thinks that Qin Xuan doesn't like women anymore, so He Huan is so anxious?

She smiled again, and told her instinctively that no, Qin Xuan just didn't like having someone share his inner world.

Thinking of this, Bai Anan shook his head: "Occupational disease!"

She quickly stepped into the elevator. Of course, she stayed with Qin Xuan for the meeting ceremony. Qin Xuan would explain to He Huan...

Bai Anan thought that she would not easily see Qin Xuan after this time. After all, she did not work in the KING Group, and she would not be able to see it, but she only came back from London and accidentally ran into Qin Xuan.

It was Qin Xuan's blind date.

Bai Anan was wearing a suit before entering his box, when he saw Qin Xuan coming from the other side, there were several elders beside him.

This battle couldn't be more obvious, except for a blind date.

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