Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4348: Do you like Qin Xuan? 2

Thus, there is the following plot.

"It's really bloody. It makes people wonder!" Bai An'an pursed his lips and smiled.

Secretary Ya whispered from the side: "The nightclub will be very unhappy from now on!"

Bai An'an folded the newspaper and glanced at her, "Su Mu is the only one who is unhappy. Ye Xiangnan will only live a happy life."

She was a little worried.

Xiangnan's situation is different from that of Uncle Bai. Aunt Wen's family background is very good, and Uncle Bai always liked Aunt Wen, but Su Mu, she looked at the photos and it was really unremarkable, and the family was so bad.

Thinking about it, it's hard to get his eyes.

When a married man's heart is not on his wife's body, one can imagine what his life will be like, it will be very casual!

Bai An'an is from a good background, and he sees many such grievances in the circle. Later, after becoming a lawyer, he helped the ladies in lawsuits. A gang of big men hated Bai An'an, if she were Ye Mulin's daughter, she would have been killed. Swallow it alive.

Bai An'an sighed and threw the morning paper into the trash can.

Really, let people see these unnutritious things early in the morning, but the more unnutritious things, the better they sell.

The world is getting worse.

Bai Anan finished his coffee and started the day's work. Yaren said to the side: "Last night Mr. Zhang agreed to leave the affairs of the next year to our firm. You are great, lawyer Bai."

Bai An'an put down the pen in his hand and said with some expressionless face: "Unexpectedly! He dared to let me drink and wouldn't dare not give this face."

After all, in City B, no one dared not give her father Yemulin face.

She can be regarded as relying on her father. Although she has the strength, she does not deny it.

Secretary Ya's rainbow fart started again, "That's lawyer Bai worthy of trust."

Bai Anan looked at her, smiled, opened the drawer and took out a bag: "This is for you. Isn't it your birthday today?"

Secretary Ya held her face in surprise and joy: "Thank you, Lawyer Bai."

It’s from Hermes. Although it’s an entry-level model, it’s about 70,000 or 80,000. Yaren’s salary is two months.

"Let's have dinner that night? I'll treat you." Secretary Ya moved here twice.

Bai An snorted: "All colleagues, please?"

Secretary Ya exclaimed: "Hundreds of people, Lawyer Bai, I'm just a handyman, do you want to kill me like this!"

Bai Anan thinks about it, "Forget it, I'll be the only one. Is it your return?"

Yaren is a native of City H. She will not go back to spend with her family when she is 26 years old. Bai An'an has a good relationship with her, so it’s not a big deal to spend a birthday with her. She bowed her head: "Go order a cake and report to the public. In addition, in the afternoon, order a decent afternoon tea for all the staff. It is yours, but it is reported to my public account."

Secretary Ya was very happy: "Thank you, lawyer Bai."

Bai An'an smiled: "Go out and do things."

After Secretary Ya left, she was slightly startled.

It seems that she has never cared about birthdays. She has never had the habit of having birthdays except for her birthdays for the whole year. She was fine when she was a child, especially since she was admitted to a lawyer's license after studying abroad.

So it's okay to have a meal together tonight, then take a walk and digest, just to buy a set of sheets and pajamas.

Thinking about it this way, I feel that the evening is not too boring, and my mood is slightly better.

In the afternoon, Bai Anan got off work on time. Secretary Ya was happily carrying a cake next to her, just like a small attendant. Bai Anan smiled: "Let’s go to dinner for your birthday, don’t make it like us Still at work."

Secretary Ya is still very excited by her side.

Many colleagues in the office have not left yet, of course I am very envious of Secretary Ya.

But this kind of thing is not envious, people are just yellow vests, and the big red man next to Lawyer Bai will not be worse in the future.

What is Lawyer Bai's background? It's either rich or noble. Can ordinary people be the same?

Secretary Ya is also a good method, just a secretary, usually the rainbow fart will be slapped in life, and it is a good idea, and even climbed to the top.

You know, attorney Bai looks peaceful at ordinary times, but in fact he is quite cold and doesn't quite get along with the subordinates of the firm, but attorney Bai is a good person, and rewards and punishments are distinct, so in this matter they will only dislike Yaren, not What is wrong with Lawyer Bai?

Bai Anan drove in the car, got into the car, and looked at Yaren.

Her expression is a bit unpleasant, as if she cares about what others say.

Bai Anan smiled: "It doesn't really matter what other people think. The important thing is to be happy. Today is your birthday."

Yaren smiled reluctantly: "Am I too high-profile?"

"Often colleagues will do these things, and there is nothing high-profile, but they think you get a lot, but the world is inherently unfair, is it? There is nothing to complain about, it is better to do it when you have this time. Some other things." Bai An'an said, starting the car.

She is usually so sensible, even in the face of this unsuccessful relationship with Shen Ting, she also drank a whole afternoon of wine in a daze, and it passed.

Speaking of which, Bai An'an is somewhat desperate.

But she has a **** desire to win and lose, only love, she knows that there is no way to win.

She has never been the one to be loved.

Bai An'an pursed his lips, and said lightly, Yaren agreed: "Yes, why should I care about other people's thoughts, living like that is too tiring."

"That's the right thing to think." Bai Anan smiled, "You always think about what others think, then you live for others."

Yaren hugged the cake and nodded vigorously: "Lawyer Bai, you are really good."

"It's not that I'm great, it's're still young." Bai An'an still smiles, she smiles pretty well.

Yaren looked straight, and then whispered for a long time: "In fact, lawyer Bai, you are really good-looking."

"Does it look good?" Bai An'an said not caringly: "I don't make a debut, it doesn't matter how I look."

Yaren retorted quietly, "A lot of people like it if you look good."

After a pause: "In fact, Xiao Qin is very good, lawyer Bai, have you ever thought about... you thought about being with him?"

"You mean Qin Xuan?" Bai An'an smiled: "I haven't thought... I probably don't have a good temper with him!"

Ya Ren said quietly, and then asked quietly, "What if he chases you?"

Bai An'an turned his head strangely: "What's the case? Why do you always mention him today, Yaren, do you like Qin Xuan? If you like, I can introduce you to him. He should prefer yours!"

Because he likes night fennel a bit!

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