Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4358: Take her home and see in-laws 1

Shen Ting nodded, "Yes."

Yi Huan looked a little lazy, while Shen Ting was busy serving her dishes. After eating for a while, Yi Huan said again: "You said, does Qin Xuan like Bai An'an? Do you think he treats other girls? It will be like this. I have been on blind date more than ten times, and there is no move to send girls home. For fear of being entangled by others, I see him every blind date just like having a meal with my parents. , In fact, why the whole family should have such a big ostentation to eat a meal. Look at my mother for such a grand occasion, without makeup and dressing, and also have to wear the most expensive jewelry... I look tired. "

Shen Ting was laughed at by her, and turned his face sideways, "Auntie said?"

"No, I guess." Yi happily rested his chin. "The three of them are playing like a child playing house. They are not tired."

Shen Ting smiled again: "Perhaps they are enjoying it!"

He paused for a moment: "It's a mutual achievement. Maybe Qin Xuan hopes that auntie can expand the social circle. After all, auntie has some homes these years."

Yi Huan cried out strangely: "In the past two years, my mother has offended everyone in the circle, and only new friends will be willing to have a blind date with her son, and the rest is only willing to play mahjong with her."

Because it's been a dozen times, really, Qin Xuan only had a blind date with the wife, and there was no follow-up.

More than ten times, without exception.

Too many people want to marry their daughters to Qin Xuan. Qin Xuan is a genius and a wealth of hundreds of billions. Who doesn't want to think that money is hot, but Qin Xuan doesn't seem to have much interest in women.

Yi Huan once thought it was, thinking he had some...cough, bad problems.

But today, it seems normal and normal.

After hearing her complaints, Shen Ting just smiled.

He never felt that Qin Xuan was abnormal. He is a man who knows men better. Qin Xuan just didn’t meet a girl who moved his heart. For a time, he thought that person was Yexuan, but Qin Xuan showed a little bit when he first saw it. After being shocked, it seems that there has been no other expression.

So Shen Ting knew that it was not night fennel.

But no matter how I thought about it, I never thought that this person would be Bai An'an. Qin Xuan didn't seem to like Bai An'an.

However, this unthinkable thing also happened.

Shen Ting smiled, did not say anything, just kept serving Qin Yihuan.

Yi Huan was full, and reached out to touch her stomach: "You want to feed me fat, can't you find a boyfriend in Italy?"

"Boyfriend?" Shen Ting's eyes were warm, not at all like the smiling tiger rumored in the business world.

Yi Huan is tight on the skin.

Shen Ting still looked moist and harmless: "I thought we now, I always have a name, eat and sleep together, Qin Yihuan, you still need a boyfriend?"

"Mistaken tongue!" Yihuan said with a smile.

She laughed far-fetched twice!

Shen Ting lowered his eyes: "Should I be punished?"

Yihuan can't wait to bite his tongue off, this person, can this person punish him at every turn!

Thinking of it, I feel extremely tragic!

She said weakly, "By the way, your work is very busy."

Shouldn't you go to Italy to punish me at every turn?

There was a faint smile in Shen Ting's eyes: "What do you mean?"

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