Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4360: Take her home and see in-laws 3

Shen Ting's mother didn't know, but when she was about to eat longevity noodles at noon, her son came back, opened the car door and got out of the car with Yihuan, she knew they were together.

It seems that Yi Huan hasn't come for ten years! Shen Ting's mother also saw her growing up from magazines, and now she looks better in real people.

However, there is always an old lady who doesn't show up, especially in the presence of so many guests, she is still very calm, pulling one hand into the hall, and Father Shen is naturally happy too.

They have always been afraid that the Shen family will be the queen.

And in the main hall of the villa, there are probably 20 elders and juniors in the family, and the scene is not small. At this time, seeing Shen Ting come back with joy, all with a look of interest.

Yi Huan wanted to cover her face, and she thought it was just his family members, how did she know that there were so many relatives.

But she couldn't do this, she was no longer a child, and she would be rude and lose Shen Ting's face.

Shen Ting took her hand naturally, and then took a box to Mother Shen, "Mom, this is the birthday gift that Yihuan picked for you."

Mother Shen closed her mouth from ear to ear and opened it in front of her relatives. Inside was a white jade Guanyin, about fifteen centimeters in length. The rare piece of suet jade is a large piece of suet. It is a rare treasure.

Shen's mother has face, and moved slightly.

In fact, she knew in her heart that this was picked by her son, and Yi Huan's face was a little stunned. It was probably pulled over temporarily, but it didn't matter, it was good that the child was willing to come back with Shen Ting.

Shen Ting now has everything, but when she sent him to the Qin's house, who knew how many people were scolding her behind her back, saying that she was snobbish and said she was greedy for money... She never defended it.

Back then, Shen Ting made most of his own choices. Although his parents hoped that their children would become prosperous, he did not want her and would never force it.

And now, Shen Ting is still a child of the Shen family, who will come back during the Chinese New Year, and now he has brought back the pampered daughter of the Qin family. Who would dare to say that their Shen Ting is a slave of another family?

Mother Shen thought of all the past, her eyes were a little wet.

She cast her eyes down at the gift to cover up her gaffe, "I like it, good."

There was silence all around.

They were holding their breath, they still had some doubts, Qin Yihuan would follow Shen Ting?

At this moment, Shen Ting gave a light push, "Not calling someone?"

Yi Huan was originally a thick-skinned skin, but at this moment, her face suddenly became thinner. Qiqi Ai Ai... with her mouth open, she wanted to call her aunt, but she felt like auntie, she and Shen Ting were both like that, and the eyes around her Are you watching a good show?

She suddenly realized that it might not be easy for Shen Ting to walk this way. He was not a child of the Qin family, and he was under a lot of pressure while enjoying the convenience.

So she yelled cheeky, "Happy birthday mom."

Shen Ting's mother cried with joy, she looked at her husband silently.

At the beginning, Shen's father strongly opposed Shen Ting's visit to Qin's house. Shen Ting's excellence made him believe that in the future, his son will be a phoenix in the dragon, and there is no need to go to someone else's house.

But now, the son has really gotten everyone's daughters into his hands. What else is there to say, life is Y family!

Father Shen smiled and glanced at Shen Ting.

Mother Shen had Mo Mo Yihuan's hair again, and then she went upstairs on the ground, and took down one of her jewelry boxes, which contained everything Shen Ting had bought for her over the years, which was very valuable.

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