Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4364: Take her home and see her in-laws 7

Bai Anan refused: "I'll just drive by myself."

Her mouth was stiff, but after a while she remembered that her car had been driven away by the driver for maintenance, and she didn't want to take a taxi, so she stopped Qin Xuan, "Hey, take a ride."

Qin Xuan smiled, leaning at the door and looking at her.

Bai Anan ran back to her bedroom, and when she came out, she put on a casual outfit.

A white sweater with a pair of black pants underneath and a windbreaker.

Qin Xuan was a little stunned for the first time to see her so casual.

Bai An'an hurriedly walked out, and when he got outside, he pressed the elevator and turned his head: "Go to my house for dinner."

Qin Xuan smiled: "Don't you have a blind date?"

Bai An'an did not speak.

About two seconds later, Qin Xuan gritted his teeth: "So you didn't drive me away this afternoon?"

I just want to take him home and let the other side retreat. This woman really makes the best use of everything.

Bai An'an got into his car and fastened his seat belt: "Anyway, you have nothing to do at night, let alone where to go, don't you? Help me."

"Vampire!" Qin Xuan started the car and hummed indisputably.

Bai Anan leaned on the back of the chair and turned his head for a while: "Don't have any thoughts. I am not interested in the growth of my little hair."

Qin Xuan hummed, "Sister, don't worry, I have no interest in you at all."

Big sister! ! ?

For the sake of his usefulness, Bai An's tolerance.

The car drove for about an hour and arrived at the night house at six o'clock.

Ye Mulin was already half-hearted, but he was still one of the most powerful in City B, and it wasn't anyone who was able to climb high and who could afford it.

Of course, the blind date with Bai An'an is naturally not bad, and it is indispensable for good friends.

Before getting off the car, Bai An'an spoke to Qin Xuan: "Speak less for a while, just say it's a normal friend."

She still can't embarrass the other party, after all, two families can get together.

Qin Xuan just smiled, got out of the car and walked around to the car and took the gifts from the trunk and went in with Bai An'an.

As soon as they entered, Ye Mulin in the hall felt that his old face couldn't hold back.

The child of the acquaintance of the generation is still there. Why did the child from the Qin family be brought here?

Bai Xueli's eyes shone, this one looks better than that one, she always looks at her face.

She always liked Qin Xuan, a good child, genius, or Shen Ting, but it is not uncommon for her to see a purebred businessman like Shen Ting so much, and Qin Xuan looks so much as Bai Xueli’s. Heart, can't wait to be aesthetic for Bai Anan.

Half-happy and half-worried, the scene was a bit subtle. Fortunately, Ye Mulin introduced that this was also a child from the old Qin family, which meant that these two people were the same, and there was no partiality.

But the other one is not a fool. Bai An An Neng and Qin Xuan's car have been coming back. It must be related to a certain degree. There is nothing to say, I can only say that it is a step too late.

Bai An'an is a model of a high-class daughter-in-law, of course, the most important thing is that she has a good father.

However, young men may not like such a workaholic wife. Think about it, most men still hope to find a beautiful and beautiful wife.

The atmosphere passed the dinner time delicately. The young talent wisely left first. Ye Mulin was very sorry, but there were some things that could not be said clearly, so he sent people away.

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