Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4444: After marriage, we will have children 3

She ate her breakfast silently, and when Ye Xiangnan was about to leave, she said: "I can go by myself. Can Auntie take care of Ye Xun?"

Ye Xiangnan wiped her lower lip, "You are the hostess, you can just order directly if you have things, and these little things don't need to go through me."

In fact, Ye Xiangnan knew that Aunt Wang and Aunt Chen could not neglect Ye Xun, after all, they were the future little masters, but they might not have a good face to Su Mu.

He doesn't care about this, Su Mu is an adult, and what kind of treatment she is in this family depends on her, and he doesn't have the feeling of pitying and cherishing jade.

He got up and left after speaking. He was too busy to deal with her.

Ye Xiu also took care of the marriage. He probably didn't know Su Mu as well as Ye Xiu.

When Ye Xiangnan got in the car, he secretly thought that it would be good for Ye Wei to contact Su Muduo. After all, there will always be occasions Su Mu will attend in the future, so he has to go to the table.

He was a little upset thinking about it, and drove away quickly.

Su Mu silently finished the not-so-good breakfast, but Aunt Wang took the initiative to take it away. Su Mu went to the kitchen, "Aunt Wang, I'm going out at nine o'clock, so please take care of Ye Xun."

Aunt Wang was washing the dishes while the old **** was there: "We will take care of the young master, Miss Su, don't worry."

Su Mu smiled reluctantly: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"No trouble." Aunt Wang said lukewarmly: "Miss Su, it will grow in the future."

Su Mu's brows twitched, feeling indescribable.

Aunt Wang spoke lightly again: "Ms. Su will also take care of where we are not in place in the future, and be considerate to each other."

Su Mu knew it, it was a distraction.

She didn't say anything, just smiled: "Aunt Wang, you are right."

Aunt Wang was a little disgusted, she had no character at all, and she really had no future.

She is not optimistic about Su Mu, because she has a bad and shabby background, and because she doesn't look good, her husband probably can't bear to develop outwards sooner or later, and sooner or later he will get a divorce.

Aunt Wang just thinks about it, but she doesn't look good, and hums: "Miss Su is busy with herself, Ye Xun will leave it to me."

Su Mu smiled faintly, went upstairs to see Ye Xun, who woke up and sat on the bed in a daze.

The child forgets his great nature. At this time, he has forgotten how he got here, and although it is very luxurious, it is not the place where he often stays after all, and he is a little disturbed.

"Mom, where are we?" Ye Xun asked in a low voice.

Su Mu smiled: "It's my father's house."

Ye Xun said, "Then will we all live here in the future? Mommy is so beautiful here."

Ye Xun looked around and couldn't bear to look away a little bit. Su Mu's heart was a little sour. She gave birth to Ye Xun and treated him too badly. Although she gave him the best thing, although she worked hard, her past life is really incomparable with this place.

She smiled, "Yes, I will live here from now on."

"What about father?" Ye Xun asked again immediately.

Su Mu still smiled: "Of course so, but my dad may be busy on business trips, but my dad will come back often."

Su Mu is not a fool. She knew in her heart that they couldn't sleep together every night like a normal couple, and he couldn't come back every night. He expressed it very clearly that he would still have a home outside.

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